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Posts posted by SpadeH

  1. When I came back to SWAT it was under the assumption, I would have a lot more time to dedicate to the Community and give it a good run. I thought with classes ending I'd also have even more time not less. Unfortunately I don't and I have other things irl to take care of so I must submit my notice.


    I just want to thank SWAT for welcoming me back and giving me the opportunity to work with you all once again. I hope SWAT continues to do well and excels in all its endeavors. 

  2. What is your in-game name?:


    What is your steam name?: 


    What is your steam ID?: 


    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)
    Icefuse CWRP 2018-2019, 2022-2022: During this time I handled tickets primarily tickets that lower ranking staff couldn't handle I was also a part of various teams such as trainer, mentor, and gamemaster. These came with various responsibilities such as training new players and staff, creating events, and also leading lower ranked members in each team. By the time I had left that community I achieved the rank of Administrator along with Trainer Officer. 

    Gaminglight PoliceRP Feb 2020 - Nov 2020: My first go around with Police RP I joined the staff team eventually earning the rank of Senior Admin. During this time I primarily handled sits, assisted community members, and helped organize events. A lot of times I had to clarify rules for people or punish people who were flat out being mingy. During the later months of my time on staff I also helped train newer staff members when needed and assigned by the HoS. I also spent a small amount of time assisting with testing for JvS which came out later that year. But I did not become an official member of that server. 


    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly): 

    Sometime in 2017. Started actively playing in 2020

    What date did you make your forums account?

    March 17th 2017

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?


    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)

    1  https://imgur.com/a/IVp9H7C

    What rank are you applying for?

    Trial Moderator

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?


    Have you read the staff guidelines at? You will be tested on it:




    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum):

    I believe I deserve to join the staff team because of my dedication, experience, and professionalism.

    First for my dedication, my current job gives me 3 and 1/2 days off of work during the week which includes Friday and Saturday. This means I will be able to put a lot of time into the server especially during peak hours when there are a lot of people online. Also I've been apart of a couple different communities and Gaminglight is my favorite not only because of the community but also you can tell higher ups truly put a lot of effort into the server so it stays updated and fresh for people. This is unique to Gaminglight and I would like the opportunity to help the vision of the server and its staff. 

    Second is my experience, I have spent a considerable amount of time on this staff team and another large network. This gives me a lot of experience on how to be a good staff member but also how to be a part of this team in specific. I know it has been a few years since I left but looking over the rules they seem mostly the same and I am becoming well adjusted back into the community again. With time and training from current members I know I can pick back up from my time back in 2020 and be an asset to the community and server leadership. 

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?


    The first thing I would do is give them a warning or two to stop cussing and let me speak. If they fail to cease cussing at me I would mute them temporarily just so I can speak. I would explain why they are in a sit. Once I do that I would unmute them to give them a chance to give any form of explanation for the MRDM. If they start cussing again I would mute them and give them one final chance to give their side in chat. If they do not give any form of valid reason I would leave them muted while I call for an Admin to ban the player for MRDM and NCWS. 

    If they give a reason and calm down I would evaluate the reason to determine if and what punishment is needed. Most likely I would need to call a higher rank staff member for punishments unless there was some extreme justification. Based on the scenario though I would assume my first paragraph would be how it went. 


    *Edited to fix formatting issue.*

  3. -1 Could Chipdail have been slightly more professional in the sit sure. But I think what he said is on a lower level then calling someone a r***d. Also you openly admit you didn't know for sure if that was the cop who shot you. There could of been a much better way to deal with this. 


    What you should of done was make a report yourself for ARDM since the Officer ran back in PD. They could of checked logs and staff / PD Command would of disciplined the Officer. 


    Even going against all of that you openly lied to a Moderator in a sit saying you didn't shoot them. 


    Overall with the guess of who shot you, lying in a sit, and being extremely disrespectful I believe your warn is warranted. Again I will admit Chipdail could of been slightly more professional but you took it to a whole knew level. 

  4. Hello All,


    I'm SpadeH and I played back in 2020 on PoliceRP. After some time away I am returning to the community and looking forward to play and meet all of you! 

    See you around,



  5. In-Game Name: SpadeH

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148873827

    Rank: Support I

    Reason for leaving: It really disappoints to me have to do this because I did have other goals staff wise but it is painfully obvious I do not have time to be a good staff member. I apologize for my slacking the past couple weeks I wanted to try and avoid this and I always thought I would do better the next week but then all of sudden Friday was upon me. 


  6. In-Game Name: SpadeH

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:148873827

    Rank: Admin 

    Reason for leaving: It really disappoints to me have to do this because I did have other goals staff wise but it is painfully obvious I do not have time to be a good staff member. I apologize for my slacking the past couple weeks I wanted to try and avoid this and I always thought I would do better the next week but then all of sudden Friday was upon me. 

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes

    Do you agree, that after you put this up, there are no "take backs"? Yes

  7. In-Game Name: SpadeH

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:148873827

    Rank: Senior Admin

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 10/23/2020 - 10/31/2020

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Overwhelmed with IRL stuff just need to free up some time to get caught up and I'll be back. 

  8. In-Game Name: SpadeH

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:148873827

    Rank: Senior Admin

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 10/23/2020 - 10/31/2020

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Overwhelmed with IRL stuff just need to free up some time to get caught up and I'll be back. 

  9. Hey Meowjam!

    Gaminglight always tries to welcome new players with open arms. Staff always tries to be fair when dealing out warns. The best thing I can recommend is when you join the game instead of closing that screen out that pops up is read the rules and try to understand. Staff can also answer questions you have. I hope this helps!

  10. +Support


    I have had multiple run in with Derek and from what I've seen so have many other people. You were player dissing and I may have miss heard but it sounds like some racism in the second video. (Again might of miss heard). But you have well over 20 warns. You at least deserve another warning. 

  11. -Support 

    While Jimmy did give advice on how he believes the situation should be handled the staff member taking the sit has the say. In the first video you mic spammed and were told to stop which for the most part you did. There was a bit a little later in the same video but that may or may not of been a mistake. In the second video you had your name as "UMC Radio" in a moving vehicle. This shows us you either were or had intention of playing music while in a moving vehicle this goes against hobo rules "Hobos may mic-spam music and music only. You must be stationary to play music. You are not allowed to mic-spam outside of buildings to annoy the inhabitants."  That is a very over looked section of the rules but a rule none the less. Therefore I believe you committed a rule violation twice and as player of your time and experience and you were given a verbal warning I believe your warn is valid. 

  12. Name (which you most commonly use):


    First rank/character choice:

    Darth Revan

    Second rank/character choice:

    Darth Thanaton

    Do you have any command experience? If so please explain:

    Yes I have command experience. For the past several months I have been apart of PoliceRP and have been command in SWAT and PD. This has given me experience in hosting meetings, understand how to react and handle several situations, give me a leadership style, and finally expectations on how I went those below me to act. I use to play a couple of Star Wars RP servers in my past. One I was apart for over a year. During that time I became a battalion Command and held that position for a couple months. This gave me more leadership experience while also giving me more relevant experience in a Star Wars RP environment.   

    How active can you be?

    I should be on at least once a day or every other day. I have been able to balance everything so far on PRP so I should be on pretty frequently. 

    Are you familiar with the Star wars universe and have played other Star wars related servers? If so please explain:

    Yes I am. I am a huge star wars fan and am experience with a lot of the lore and seen many of the movies and shows. I have played several Star Wars RP servers in the past. I was also apart of a SeriousRP server for over a year. 

    Why do you want to become command?

    I would like to be command for the following reasons, to broaden my horizon on Gaminglight, to support Gaminglight's new project and help make it successful, and to create a fun and friendly RP environment for all its future players. I have been apart of the Gaminglight staff team for over 7 months now. In that time about 99% of my time has been dedicated to PoliceRP. This means most of the people I know and work with are PoliceRP players. If chosen to help lead the first generation of players I will have the opportunity to work and meet new people and face different challenges. This will make me a better staff member and leader on Gaminglight. This is a new server and some servers maintain themselves and do well while some fail and are removed even in larger communities like Gaminglight. I would like to use my experience and skills to work with the future team of JvS so that we can keep the server going and make it a permeant apart of the Gaminglight community. It would give me great joy if a few months down the line I can look back and say that I was one of the people around from launch that helped the server grow. 

    What qualities can you bring to the position?

    I have a lot of good qualities that I am willing to bring to the position, communication, perseverance, time management, and dedication. With any server a lot of work is going to need to be done. I've played on large well established servers and small start ups. So for the most part I know what is going to need to be done from a regiment side, including doc work, finding members, setting up tryouts etc. I'm ready to work with the rest of the Leaders and Server management to get the regiments well established so that players can find their regiments and stay interested. But there is going to need to be a lot of dedication and communication done so that the set up is done correctly, efficiently, and well. If the work is done poorly then it will cause a lot of problems and headaches at launch and no one wants that. My goal would be to bring up unique ideas that could possibly make Gaminglight special or just really fun so it stays around.

    Why should we pick you over your competitors?

    I believe I should be selected over my competitors because of my experience with Star Wars RP and on Gaminglight. I may not of been apart of ImperialRP but I have been around Gaminglight for a couple years now and I have an idea of the flow of Gaminglight Servers and what is expected of its RP Leaders. I will use this to help create a stable regiment based on our doc work, expectations of new members and how we are going to bring in members. There will be a very set group of rules and people will be brought up to help guide the new regiment based on what is seen after launch. I have a lot of good qualities that will help in this specific situation. You don't just need a good leader you need someone who is going to be good with having little to no ground work laid our for them. The people you choose will have to do a lot of set up for their regiments and I understand what I'm undertaking and what I'm going to need to do. My knowledge of Star Wars, Gaminglight, and what work is going to need to be done is very valuable for a smooth launch. 


    Thank you for taking your time to read my application and consider me for a leadership role. 

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