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Jeff M.

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Everything posted by Jeff M.

  1. +support -active -respectful -Needs to work on maturity a bit
  2. Huge +Support -Great person -Active ts in game and on forums -knows what he is doing -I think he deserves a chance
  3. Jeff M.

    MOTD rule

    @Kiki please use the correct format
  4. +/- support -Most of the people on the server donate so it would be hard to give it to everyone -could be given to like the top 5 donators something maybe 3 - Great suggestion
  5. @Jack Ron have you been mod for 30 days?
  6. + support -great idea -Makes it more interesting -would make people flee more then just shooting at people
  7. its looks like a city of some sort. Honestly great work they look very cool but i dont really think they are needed
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