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Young Savage

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About Young Savage

  • Birthday 07/27/2004

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  1. Steam Name: YoungR8 Ingame Name:Nick Savage(On PRP) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:196592116 Have you donated to the server? No Staff Restriction Length:Perm Staff Member that Staff Restricted you:Valk Reason for Staff Restriction: Violating the handbook Why do you think that your Staff Restriction should be removed? (longer the better): It's been a while and I've changed. I made a stupid mistake that came back and slapped me across the face. I am truly deeply sorry for my mistake. It has been over 8 months since I made this mistake. I should've never did what I did. I have spent over 800 hours on the gaming light Police RP server and enjoyed almost all of them. I loved working with all the other staff and my job being a trail mod and moderator. I never really got into trouble with other staff except the one time I made the mistake to lose my staff rank. Many times I have thought about coming back but I felt unwelcome because of what I did. Yes my res removals have been denied before, but the last time I tried to get it removed was August 22nd,2017 and if you don't believe me here is the link.(http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/15089-nick-savage-staff-restriction-appeal/) Since then I have changed for the better. I have gained better experience with rule following and responsibility. Please give me a second chance. Thanks for the opportunity to have this removed. Thanks, Nick
  3. Seems like a cool car, but i'd rather my dad's viper
  4. Mine is most likely a 2017 Audi R8 or 2017 Nissan GTR(current day cars). My favorite old car is either the Nissan 240sx or 1965 Ford Mustang.
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