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  1. Hello, This post regards something that I think should be added to make the everyday life of a cop easier, enjoy! What you want to see? - A gag option within the R menu of the handcuffs. This is essentially a ULX gag, except it can only be done when one is handcuffed. Why should we add it? - One thing I have noticed VERY commonly is that players tend to become very mingey when they are being arrested / when they are cuffed. For example, I was arresting a thief once and as I started reading his Miranda Rights to him, he LITERALLY swallows his mic and repeats them back to me at an ear raping tone. And believe me, it has happened MANY times before as well. People have said other things too, of course those things cannot be repeated here because of how seriously inappropriate they were. What are the advantages of having this? - As I said, just to make the life of cops easier. If a player wants to scream and throw a fit after they've been cuffed and are being taken in, they can just be gagged. Who is it mainly for? - Law enforcement of any type. Links to any content - None, was hoping there was a way you could edit the handcuffs addon and maybe add the feature? Thank you for reading! If there is something you think should be added to it, like a rule or arg, reply below and we can discuss it. If you don't like it then tell me why! -SGT Cheney
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