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Posts posted by Funkey

  1. What happened to MilitaryRP? I know that probably isn't an easy question to answer but whats the main reason why it closed down? I spent WAY to much time and money on that server just to not know why. Can one of you guys that knows give me a answer? I should also state that I haven't played on the server in like 6 months but back in the day is when I was addicted just to clarify a time set.

  2. On 3/21/2020 at 5:48 PM, Alistair said:

    Unban this kid wtf +Support


    +Good Friend



    +Likes N-Word

    +It's 2020, people are dying due to coronavirus, and well if you guys are actully gonna care that chillies used the N-Word on a  16 year old game than you should re-think what ya doin.

    The World dosen't cater to your feelings.

  3. On 11/2/2019 at 12:56 PM, Archan said:

    NOOOOOOOOT my dood, you probably don't remember me [Levi] at all, but the (t)RUMP squad was the best

    Shhh hes my dad, I comented first.

  4. 11 hours ago, The Dank Noot Noots said:

    Hey GL! I don't know how many people remember me from MilRP a year or so back, but RU Noot is attempting to come back after being gone for a year or two! To the people who know and remember me, I am trying to make a come back! Hey again! To those who I am just meeting, hey I used to be a person that had some control of RU MP until I resigned and took a very long break. Hopefully I will be hanging out in MilRP whenever I am free!


    Your friend and Comrad

    RU Noot


  5. Dang you guys are really going at it, Ryan just take the warn, it's one warn and your not being banned or anything, I have 35( due to the fact sever dupe it and some got tripled) and I should have 14 but nobody from what I've no one judges people over warns and if they do than they should get to your understanding and solve the problem. maybe the forums wasn't the best place for this, you guys should of talked it out first

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