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Everything posted by kari

  1. 1. What is your in-game name?: karii 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:159228283 3. Current Rank in Security: SFC 4. Time on the server: 3 weeks 5. Current level: 66 6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 8 7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: No. 8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: MAJ akrew10 and 1LT ICR 9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes. 10. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes 10. Why do you think you deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job? (125+ WORDS): As a Security Heavy, I've been able to do pretty well and hold D-block alone for a while until assistance arrived, including against Class-D CCs. With the Juggernaut job, I'd be able to last even longer and be a strong last defense line against any problems within LCZ that may occur and leave me as the last one alive and most likely survive until reinforcements arrive. I have a good understanding of which weapons to use in what situations as well as how to use them most effectively, especially with shotguns and weapons with high RPM. In general, the Juggernaut class I may receive would not be used for personal gain, but to ensure the safety of D-block or LCZ in scenarios where it could be lost with 1 small mistake. 11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a D-Class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: In this scenario, the Nova may not be a good choice as they are within a crowd of potentially innocent people. With that said, the guns I would use would be the CZ-75 if it's close range or the M60 while controlling my shots and not spraying. To make sure I'm achieving the highest accuracy, I would crouch while aiming down sites to make sure none of my bullets strayed into the crowd. Although tapping may not seem like a good idea, doing so at a fast but accurate pace is enough to deal with many issues that may come up.
  2. I can't say I interacted with you much, not much at all even. But I can say I did enjoy the times in the meetings when you were there. It was a lot of fun whenever you were there, even if I was slightly afraid to speak for my own safety.
  3. kari

    Ducks LOA

    Name: Ducks Duration: 2 weeks Rank: Master Sergeant Reason: As you (Nu7) may have noticed, I've not be able to do what I've been doing before. I've been slacking on activity, and, in short, not being fit for Master Sergeant. The reason for this is that I've been burnt out completely on SCP-RP and GMod in general. I've been getting into FiveM and other things. I promise I'll be back within 2 weeks.
  4. Name: Ducks Rank: CPL Any questions, comments, or concerns?: A certain person that I'm sure you know.
  5. kari

    Ban appeal

    I can agree with the above.
  6. kari

    Ban appeal

    +Support This is the only time he's ever minged. Sorry if I'm not allowed to +Support, but he's never minged before and I believe you should give him a second chance. He's an amazing MTF soldier, and follows the rules every other time. For whatever reason, he thought that since the server was broken anyway, it didn't matter.
  7. For the people who have +Support, I bet none of you have ever used it once. You are saying that the FUBAR, a weapon which requires immense skill and practice to use, is overpowered? The only people who you die by is people who can suffer through the speed debuff, as well as aim for the head, as well as deal with your movements. Most of you who have said this doesn't realize that very few people actually use the FUBAR, and even fewer people can use it correctly. You all die by pure skill, and that's only because you probably can't strafe. Now, no one is able to escape as Class-D, because the second we kill the guards, the MTF swarm LCZ and we can't leave. Even if we get passed it, the MTF is most likely camping the HCZ. Because of this nerf, almost no one can leave the facility alive. Sure, maybe it could one-shot, but that's probably because you can't strafe. Maybe nerf real problems next time, and don't nerf the FUBAR just because someone with pure skill is able to use it. -Support
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