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Everything posted by kari

  1. +Support Definitely the strongest candidate for this position in my opinion. A great leader and person in general.
  2. 1.Name: Kari 2. Current and former RP ranks: Currently CI Sergeant Major and formerly Nu7 2Lt, Security 2Lt. I have been in almost every branch at least once until I felt like I didn't want to be a part of it anymore. 3. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:159228283 4. DiscordID: kari#6969 5. Why do you want to be an Officer?: One of the biggest reasons I would like to be an officer in Alpha-1 is that it's a unique and fun opportunity for me. I personally have not had the pleasure of being in Alpha-1 before but because of what I have seen of it and what I know of the people that were previously in it, I would very much enjoy the opportunity to have a part in leading and commanding this new branch. I have had off-server SF-like experience before and, using that as a base along with what I know about Alpha-1 lore, I feel like it would be an opportunity and a position I would gladly enjoy both being in and being a part of. I enjoy leading in all forms as well as improving a branch once I find myself in any possible position to do so. I have always enjoyed the role of a commanding officer position more than a normal soldier, not for the 'telling people what to do' aspect but more for making a branch the best it could possibly be. 6. What makes you competent enough to be an Officer?: Within my time with games, I've been given the privilege to hold multiple different command and managerial positions with the task of ensuring people are doing what they should be, improving the overall environment, and finding new and exciting ways to get people to enjoy what they are doing. I've dealt with all manner of people, from the arrogant to the sweet and job-excited, and have learned a variety of ways to deal with all sorts of people due to this experience. This experience is not solely roleplay-based, but I feel they are similar and I have a great amount of roleplay-based command experience as well. With all that in mind, I feel I am ready for any possible task or situation, even if it may become a learning experience. 7. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?: One thing I had to learn was proper communication with separate branches or departments, however you wish to call them. In those cases, I always tried to find compromises or agreeable circumstances that they would be happy with as the happiness of people that are not specifically in your branch is much more important than some may think. If a branch had an issue with anything happening, someone inside Alpha-1, or any other circumstance, I would talk to them and find the source of the issue and find an agreeable solution to the issue. In many cases, it could be as easy as talking to someone and ensuring they understand the boundaries with other branches or what they did wrong. In any case, I feel I would be more than willing to maintain and even improve relationships with other branches with as much as my position would let me do and as much as I would be allowed to do.
  3. What are you suggesting? - Do not show all player's money. This will encourage people who don't have much to PM people randomly and beg for money, causing a negative experience for people with more money. How would this change better the server? - Prevents people with more money from being begged for money. I don't even see a normal purpose for this anyway. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - You can't see people's money. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Rich people! Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -
  4. What are you suggesting? - Keep the current medkit and add two new ones with one only having the ability to heal yourself, while another would only be able to heal others. This addition is as easy as copy-and-pasting the current medkit code twice (or use base, but i've not gotten that to work) and removing specific parts. How would this change better the server? - Instead of going off of SOP and some people not knowing, having it hard-coded so you either can or cannot heal others is a much easier way to enforce this. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Requires more job updates if these rules get changed in the future. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anyone that doesn't abuse that it's not hard-coded. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A. NOTE: I am not saying to remove the current medkit, but certain classes that shouldn't heal others do so constantly. This would make any rules like this easy to enforce.
  5. What are you suggesting? - Remove/disable the 610 SWEP and 610 itself until the random turning and dying minutes after you were turned are fixed. Similar to how Z6 was disabled until it was fixed. How would this change better the server? - Fixes the terrible issues where multiple random people are being turned. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - 610 would be disabled. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - Multiple people were randomly turned today for 0 reason, it was probably over 6. Might be the elixir swep but whatever.
  6. I never said to deny the ability to pick up weapons. I said to deny the ability to pick up weapons you CANNOT buy (not every weapon you can't buy in shop, but weapons you do not have access to on your job) The work is literally like 5 lines. This would completely prevent picking up medkits on classes you shouldn't, among other weapons.
  7. - Support This boils down to balancing. Not only are you suggesting it to be a cloaker, but you are also suggesting it to be a BioEngineer-type class. In all circumstances, this is a horribly overpowered idea with an ungodly amount of issues that would arise, from abusing self-heal while cloaked to most of them likely becoming combat-focused rather than healing their teammates which I assume to be most of Bio's job. If we move past that, even giving 125/100 is way too much for someone who can both cloak and heal themself. In my opinion, any class such as this should never be considered due to being utterly impossible to balance. If this became a precedent, we would have cloaking self-healers who likely wouldn't abide by combat heal timer in every branch. Even with the thought that there might just be one of these utterly OP classes is enough for me to instantly -support this.
  8. The ungodly amount of workshop content alone (10GB+ btw) could be a contributor, but I'm contributing it more to specific addons doing unoptimized things with players, memory leak, or something else of the sort. Addons alone being on the server are unlikely to be the major cause, the contents of which and how they are used are more likely to be the case than anything else. As I'm sure we all have seen, it is most common that when the server hits 110+, it begins dying later rather than instantly. I'm not sure if it's a CPU, memory, or any other issue, but I'm positive there's more than a few addons that are doing unoptimized things with players or a massive amount of unnecessary networking.
  9. What are you suggesting? - Remove the ability for players to pick up How would this change better the server? - There are likely more cases where people simply pick up items they shouldn't have access to by switching jobs. In these cases, this would no longer be possible and is a very, very easy thing to add. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - I do not think so. Who would this change mostly benefit? - The larger half of the server that do not drop an item and pick it up for use later. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - None. Explanation on why I say easy to implement: This post assumes that the shop system GL uses has a very easy-to-access API for the weapons that are in the shop and an easy-to-access API for the weapons a team and/or category should not have access to. In the event of a player using a dropped item, these APIs would then be used to check if said item is not available to them, thus not allowing them to swap jobs and use an item they don't have access to. This would nearly entirely fix the issue in this report. While this is a niche issue, it is, in my opinion, easy enough to add that it should be considered.
  10. Name - Kari Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:159228283 Discord Name - kari#6969 Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security) - Nu7 PVT List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - Warn for RDM from 2 years ago, maybe a couple strikes from around the same time? Why do you want to join Delta-5? In my opinion, I am far more suited to player-on-player combat than SCP combat when equipped with the right resources. I have reasons to believe that Delta-5 has these resources and I would like to commit mass amounts of CI murder. Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) As I said above, I am very suited to player-on-player combat and I've been able to do really good in fights both where I both didn't and did have better gear simply based on the tactics I use in those scenarios. In situations where I am overwhelmed, I mostly try to pick off as many as I can while also trying not to die before backup arrives. In most of these cases I'm able to delay them long enough for some sort of reinforcement to arrive to aid me but I'm not satisfied with that. The main reason I would like to join D-5 is so I can use both tactics and better weaponry to gain an advantage over the enemy, no matter the numbers. Being a branch suited for PvP, I feel I am more than capable of taking on any sort of situation that might come at me given my skills and experience. Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes.
  11. 1. What is your in-game name?: karii 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:159228283 3. Current Rank in Security: CPL 4. Time on the server: 6 weeks 5. On a scale from 1 (the minimum 30 min per day) - 10 (6+ hours Daily), how active are you?: 5-6 as I'm trying not to burn out as fast 6. Do you have any active strikes on the roster? (This includes other branches): I do not have any active strikes. 7. Which Juggernaut members recommended you to apply?: None, re-applying from previous times. 8. What is your current level in game?: My current level is 104. 9. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: I completely understand and respect any consequences that would get me removed from the job. 10. Why do you think you deserve to join the Security Juggernaut Sub-Branch? (100+ WORDS): One of my biggest issues as a Light Weight and any other Security class I have access is my lack of HP. In my personal opinion, I'm someone more fit towards taking the majority of damage and controlling large crowds. Security Light Weight is the closest to this ability, but the inability for long range hinders my capability against Class-D custom classes. With the ability that a Juggernaut gives me, I would be able to far more effectively control riots and any other threats that the situation may require me to deal with. The KAC PDW in particular is a weapon I've always liked for most ranges and, when used correctly, can easily quell most issues that might pop up. Finally, I think being a Juggernaut would give me more entertainment on Security and allow me to play for longer. 11. As a member of the Juggernaut Sub-Branch, do you have the right to give orders to people above your standard Security Rank? Why or why not?: No, since ranks are there for a reason. Just because I became a Juggernaut and have more HP and armor doesn't mean I'm suddenly all-knowing and can do more than an NCO.
  12. kari

    Karii's Resignation

    usually you don't respond to resignations of people you don't know lmao
  13. kari

    Karii's Resignation

    Glad to have worked with you, hope you go far i hope you get 1lt been nice to work with you as well, i hope you go far.
  14. Well, this is the 4th resignation since my first time joining Gaminglight. This one is pretty much the same as all the others, however in this case I'm very proud to have gotten where I did. I'm not going to make a list of people I've met, just know if I've talked to you and laughed at something you said, I probably like you. So as some might know, my motivation is completely interest-based. As of right now, I have lost all motivation to even go on Gaminglight and I currently have a few other things I'm enjoying more than the server. To reiterate, it's not the branch nor the people in it; I had a blast and loved every moment of being in Security and I hope everything goes well for everyone in the branch. It's just my lack of motivation to even go on the server right now and I don't want to take up a command spot when there's people who would be a lot more active than me. I hope you all have a great day and I'll see you around whenever I join again.
  15. Really sad to see you go as you're one the closest friends I have on here. Hope things go well for you in the future but this doesn't mean we'll stop playing games together.
  16. +Support maybe also add a cooldown built-in if possible so people don't abuse it.
  17. Name: karii Rank: RCT SteamID: STEAM_0:0:159228283 Discord ID (Ex. Deez #5564): kari !#0001 Are you a FTO?: No Timezone: AST Would you like to remain in Military?: Yes.
  18. +Support I don't see a reason why they shouldn't be able to use a pistol at the very least.
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