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Posts posted by Marsgaming

  1. On ‎7‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 8:54 AM, Rhenic said:

    I’ll pull over unless I’m wanted or in a stolen car. What confuses me is why some officers stop their car, stare at me accidentally ram into a light post or something, then just drive off. If you’re a cop, do your job and pull people over!

    Agreed if I have a warrant or stolen car I'm gone most of the time.

  2. On ‎7‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 6:41 PM, Finch said:

    I still think we should add police helicopters and also a crane helicopter for moving impounded cars.

    Yea and have a new pilot or minge kill the whole map. Much better if it was a tow truck bud but you keep on dreaming.

    30 minutes ago, Friendly Steve said:

    Sounds like a big success! Definitely going to watch out for that next time I am on PD lol

    Agreed lol.

  3. 12 hours ago, Kim Yo Suk said:

    This is debatable. Even though warn are over 3 months old but however at that time appeal for your warn can get you blacklisted if Valkyrie was in a "bad mood". I seen people challenge him then they get ban or blacklisted. 

    Very True fear gets you.

  4. Sup everyone, 

         Im Mars or Marsgaming. Im from United States Louisiana I've been with GL since 2016 and have loved every second on it. I've been staff a few times on here I've been staff on Police RP and Military RP but due to lose in family and other issues I had to leave without notice and for that I am sorry to those who wanted to see me advance the issues have been on and off so I never bothered to bring it up as to why I kept leaving. Enough apologizing though cause I'm back hopefully for a long time throughout my 2 years with Gaminglight I've met so many people I can't keep track. I hope this server of amazing people keeps thriving and growing and I can't wait to see what occurs next. Nice to meet you all I'm Mars.

  5. IG Name: Marsgaming / Krampus / FBI PA Mars / Trooper Mars IT / SM Marsgaming 1C61

    Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198290984011/

    How many warnings do you have: I have 8 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1453009523 (However they are all Old)

    What departments are you in and what rank: State Trooper- Trooper , Police Department- Sergeant Major , FBI- Prob. Agent

    Why do you want to be EMS(150 Words Minimum): I want to be a part of the Emergency Medical Service so that I can bring role play as EMS a bit further and I want to help others when they are in need. I see myself fit for this job as IRL I have real medical experience (as patient not doctor) and with this I hoped to bring a variety of new things to EMS role play. Another reason I wished to be EMS is I wanted to help EMS with all the shootings and etc. that occur and in Rockford I also wanted to be able to help the PD and  other departments when they are in need of medical assistants such as in raids, hostages etc. Finally I won't to be EMS so I can expand my experience and bound with different parts of this server to better see how different departments operate as one. I hope that I can join the EMS and help the citizens of Rockford but if not I understand your reasoning and respect your decisions. 

  6. +/- Support

    +So Training depends on the Officer I do 10 codes etc. I agree officer who train should cover more in-depth.

    +Me and other officers teach OFC's to drive when doing ride along's as well as VcMod so it could be more of a OFC training graduation thing so when there trained to drive and taught basics they can graduate to SNR.

    - Some officers may not follow it and if they don't those OFC's won't know what codes are.

  7. 17 hours ago, Just Johnathen said:

    Thanks mars for the heads up, even tho your a probationary agent you don’t have to fully stress about a Loa. 

    ~ FBI Director Johnathen

    Better Safe than sorry. (It will officially begin 7/11/18)

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