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Posts posted by Marsgaming

  1. 14 hours ago, Jason Tucker said:


    I personally don't see the need for lower ranks to use the Charger or Tahoe. The reason that lower ranks only have the Vic and the Taurus is to have you get something for getting promoted. And SNR-CPL should be in the slower not so liked cars to want to work up. I just don't think it is needed for lower ranks personally to have more cars. A lot of IRL Depts. have the newbies drive the old Vics and stuff a lot, then they move up. I see it in my local and neighbouring towns depts.


  2. On ‎7‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 3:35 PM, Shark6758 said:

    Personally I think combat medics would bring a goal for members within EMS to work towards.

    Opening EMS Medical Cadet would be a great idea. Training? Not sure. When a department official observed a cadet doing well, they would promote them to paramedic with a callsign and on the roster.

    My goal is LT to get a better unit to go in. I also believe combat medic as Shark said would bring a goal and help motivate people.

    Something else that would help is Command being a tad bit more active so people see that ya'll are active to because some people believe if Command isn't active then it's a "dead department" which pushes people away, now I understand you are staff Kade and probably have other stuff you need to do as well as other command but I feel yall just hoping on for a hour or two would give EMS motivation to get on.

    Also there's been countless times when I've gotten on and there's no FTO's to train recruits which doesn't allow the department to grow.

    Besides these thing's I overall love EMS and cant way to see it's future.

  3. 7 hours ago, [THc] Nand said:

    I just think instead of it happening to everyone, and us reporting them , i think that they should be trained to use it in a proper way. The swat does not seem to abuse the taser, just mainly the pd.

    Your Issue is probably with OFC-CPL I've seen it countless times myself.

  4. On Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 9:52 PM, Roleplaygod said:

    - Support

    As it is right now we lag a lot and I mean A LOT. Adding a fire script will only make it worst.

    Also, this is an "RP server" but let's be real... people don't RP to that extent. EMS has a hard time as it is let alone Fire.

    Could be nice if the server get's revamped with fewer mods (less lag) and stricter rules on RP. 

    Apart from that, that's a - 1


  5. 9 hours ago, Felix said:

    Guys just add this to a google doc instead of navigation your way here everytime

    Yea that way yall don't have to keep asking.

  6. 1 hour ago, Dane said:


    • Active in-game, in TeamSpeak and on the forums
    • Mature, and is always professional
    • Currently a staff member, doubt that he will abuse his powers
    • Actively trains cadets and helps officers when they are in need
    • Kinda low amount of warns, but he has definitely improved
    • Has been a Sergeant Major for a while
    • Knows what he is doing as a SM, and seems to know what he is doing when he becomes a LT
    • Application is well made with a decent amount of effort

    Overall, Tom Brown deserves a chance on being part of PD Low Command. Good luck!


    • Like 1
  7. Your In-game: EMS Para Mars P23/Marsgaming/ Trooper SNR Mars 1T80/ SM Mars 1C61

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:165359141
    The admin's name in-game: Donta
    The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A
    What warning did you receive: [AWarn] You have been warned by DONTA: mars player diss
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1460067497   (OOC) FallenAngel: yeah he did lock him in here and i was trying to let him out
    Why do you think this warn was false: I believe it was false as I said Fu"" off out of anger because I was trapped in Vibez base and he wouldn't let me out after I asked. I was EMS at time and people kept calling me and I was panicing to get out off the base to help the other people. Vibez had a maze in back that he forced me to go through it and get the guy in back of it. 
    Any extra information: I spoke to SA Felix in Support and he said this  "Felix": you were trapped in his base
    <01:34:31> "Felix": if anything he should've told him to not trap people in his base
  8.                                                                                            Name: EMS Para Mars P23

    Rank: Paramedic

    Are you active(If not honest you will be removed): Yes I am active as I can be on EMS and other Departments.

    Why should we still keep you in EMS?: I feel I should be kept on EMS cause I am on most of the time and very active considering I just got in EMS + I try to RP scenes out when I can.

    11 hours ago, Hooplaa said:

    Name: Hooplaa

    Rank: Lieutenant

    Are you active(If not honest you will be removed): Yes

    Why should we still keep you in EMS?: I'm a active member of Low Command. I'm appreciative to the department for all the lessons it has taught me, and I want to continue to progress within it. EMS is a valuable Department to the server and personally, I enjoy playing as the role.

    I love u my BB frog (The gamer tag lol).

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Friendly Steve said:

    Follow your dreams my man! Get higher education if you haven't already, take extra courses on mental health, addictions etc and get ahead of the rest of the candidates. You mentioned you had a few surgeries and medical history which depending on the extent of it might put you behind. But with a bunch more credentials under your belt and if you are still able to preform the job you will be just as competitive as the rest. 

    Great thing about healthcare is there are so many different sectors you can get into, you don't necessarily HAVE to be in the front line to start. In Canada at least you can start as a nurse for a few years then receive some extra training and move into paramedics and you will have a way higher chance of getting in. 

    Just don't give up bro

    Sure thing my dude. DONT STOP BELIEVEN!!!!!!! Lol (If you get this reference I love u).

  10. 2 minutes ago, Friendly Steve said:

    Not sure where you're from but if you are in Canada all you really need to do to be Security is pass a 40hr course then write a written exam (super easy, a lot of common sense). 

    It is the perfect entry level job to get healthier and get valuable experience. However if its medical issues preventing you from going into law enforcement I would probably look into Dispatch or branch into another part of your service such as Human resource or something a long those lines. All depends what you want though.


    Nice to meet you as well @Marsgaming!

    I'm in United States they have very strict medical stuff as they don't want to endanger officers I have looked in to dispatcher but I'm more interested in EMS at the moment as I have a lot of medical experience.

  11. 1 hour ago, olivercrowe said:

    I agree, the officer arresting could have an option to determine whether bail is allowed, they could have a set list of rules to follow regarding that.


    13 hours ago, Cole Phelps said:


    -Yes it will add roleplay, but then actions will no longer have consequences If the arrested person is in a family 




    On ‎7‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 8:24 AM, calcraw23 said:

    +/- support

    +would add more rp

    -Families have millions of dollars so even if the person gets arrested they'll just be let out immediately and crimes won't have any consequences

    however a way to counter this is to have an option to enable bail and what to price it at or maybe even let a judge decide so it actually gives a reason for someone to have a court case and for ppl to actually rp as the judge  


  12. +Support

    -They should also have access to PD Chat so they can contact them without having to blow there cover.

    -This would be really helpful and I would love to be able to use this.

    - This would make it easier for FBI to set up bust and inform PD of areas where things may occur.

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