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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. Agreed. But we can add one in bunks. So when they are on nlr they can do something.
  2. The Osborn with enforcing it is that. Unless they have video proof. We can't do anything. Because in the logs. Or debt show props. So doors and such. Also it is a still picture. United we are watching it happen. we can't do anything.
  3. We are also working on a video.
  4. Also. I don't know if skela just forgot to mention this. But to weaponize Euclid scp's and higher. You need to contact staff. Also there is a cooldown
  5. +/- Smt said no. Due to the new plates just get shot when they leave their cell. We can already add back the magnetic lockdown. But not a full one. The difference is that a full lockdown. Ask d-class are kos outside of cell. But magnetic lockdown is just licking the cells then gensec move into lower d-block. We could as the special keycard scanner. Only let lvl 3 and higher clearance.
  6. The reason why the last d-class discord didn't work. Was because someone made a announcement to riot. Then there was a 5 hour long riot. And the way they says they would control them is by of they didn't listen. They would kick them out of the brotherhood. Which most of the d-class went in the discord. There isn't easy a way to control them. That's why.
  7. When Jeffe chased me and jump sitting the site. God mode. With the fire swep.
  8. Chief_

    Are they real?

    They are real tho
  9. What I say about that. Is that it is ok to demote if staff is on and your a cmd rank that can demote them.
  10. Chief_

    Bonk's Behaviour

    This found me taken up to his cmd members
  11. Hmmm. When did I give perm for this? When was it conducted. Also why's it rp name
  12. In-Game Name: chief  SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105726197 Rank: snr admin | dors | panzer lt col |  Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): till Monday 6/3 Reason for LOA (If private that is fine):  going out of town. No computer
  13. Just did it. They all have access now.
  14. I will work on these when I get home. Will post when fixed.
  15. This is a fact. I did accidentally. Plz remove it smt Also I was trying to warn the dude but the dude ltaped before I clicked enter.
  16. Name: Chief Identification (SteamID): Current Rank: Snr Member Do you wish to stay on the Team: N/A Can you stay active throughout the summer season: I do have other responsibilities. But its mostly a yes
  17. Uhhhh. I agree with this but. The 5 minute wait ring is only for 1048
  18. Now with the thing about going into d-block as mtf. I'm going to talk to due administration about going into it.
  19. Your in game name: DOC Chief Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:105726197 The player's in game name: Darwin G Addison The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:211875415 What did the player do: Minge on 343 noclippign around and physgunning d-class to upper d-block by having them sit on props. Goign inside of players Evidence (required): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1731714326 | https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1731711642 What do you believe should happen to the player: Blacklist from 343 and possibly 106 Any extra information:
  20. Chief_

    Old Warns

    Questions Your In-game: Chiefy Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105726197 The admin's name in-game: You will see in picture The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/a What warning did you receive: Many things Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: I will be going donw the list 1 by 1. 1. RDM by cubb. a. This one is just a old warn. I think it was because I thought that someone shot me but the person I killed didn’t shoot me. 2. Failrp by Lucher a. This one is also just a old warn. I think it was for failrping as a cop. 3. Failrp by Dep Com Alec a. Same as above, 4. Calling hit as gov by Valk a. I think I was placing hit as gov to see if he would take it so I could arrest him. I was FBI. 5. Kill box by hoovy a. I built my base badly so it was a killbox by accident. 6. RDM by Ryand K a. Just a old warn. 7. Breach of family rules by guard a. This is when it was first changed and I didn’t know about it. 8. Ltap by Jack Liam a. I crashed and tried to get back in ASAP. I told him I crashed but he couldn’t remove it. I forgot about this one for a logn time. 9. RDM| False Counter| Failrp by th3 a. This is because I played on a different server for a while where you could counter against anything even if not in the family. By bad. 10. ARDM by JMS a. N/A. Just a old warn 11. Ltap/Failrp by bambob a. Don’t remember this one but I don’t remember Ltap. I think its because I changed my name as I broke cover. But I was FBI and killed a dude undercover to save some cops. Then came out of cover.
  21. 1. What is your in-game name?: Chief 2. What is your steam name?: [GL] Chief 3. What is your steam id?: STEAM_0:0:105726197 4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I have been staff on GL Military RP Got rank of MOD. Staffed on GL Police RP got rank of Mod: Staffed on Elite Lupus Gaming got rank of mod. I have staffed on GL Clone wars RP and got the rank of mod. Currently staffing on GL SCP RP have rank of admin. It is fun. 5. What date did you start playing on the community?: (Roughly) November 11, 2016 6. What date did you make your forums account?: November 11, 2016 7. Current rank on the server?: Admin/Event Team 8. Have you donated?: Yes, around 692.5 Bucks US. 9. What rank are you applying for?: Senior Admin 10. Are you staff on another community (Be Honest)?: No, Why should I not staff on the best Gmod community. If someone says I am it might be because I joined a friends RP server that died. But maybe came back to life. But I am not going to be staffing on there as it would be breaking the Staff Handbook. 11. Have you read the Staff guidelines?: Yes, I have. I will not break them. No matter the circumstances. 12. Time zone?: Pacific Standard Time (I am a PST boi) 13. Permission: I have: Igneous | Eman | Jeffe | TH3 | Felix | Myan | Gamik Total: 1 manager 6 SA+ 14. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 words minimum) I have been a part of the gaminglight for a long time. I have played and staffed on all current servers. I have seen a lot of things and been a part of things. I have made some great friends over the years I have played on the community. I will never forget the times I had with people. I remember all the great SA+ that have been with the community over the years. I have been in many staff sits and before. Both by me causing the sit to happen or me calling it. Also, me dealing with the sits. I know how to be a good staff member and I know how to do sits well. I have dealt with many people that have been RDMING/RDAING/Being racist. I want to be able to help the server even more. It will help me be a better staff and person on the server. I can go RP on my DORS job which requires me to be in serious RP for most of the time. Then, if I get Snr Admin I can deal with sits on the server and continue to RP. I have been dreaming of doing this, so I don’t have to constantly switch between staff and RP. I know that even though people are my good friends I will still have to uphold my duty as a staff member. Just because I know them doesn’t mean I won’t warn and minge them. Also, as a SNR Admin I can spawn certain things that can help players, like some sweps that people need for a job and I can bring people back to certain places off duty that get RDMed, so they don’t have to walk back to the place for around 5-10 minutes. (Which can suck) I can also dedicate a lot of time to the server which is what I am trying to do. I will be more active after my robotics is over in 4 ish weeks. The staff team is great. I want to also open a new slot in the admin section of the staff team. As there is some great SNR Mods on the server which deserve admins but can’t get admin because there can’t be too much of them. I want the best for the staff team. That’s why I want/thing I deserve the rank. (Although some other people also deserve SNR Admin over me.) Also, I know how to deal with stuff on the forums. Aka reports/false warns/ban appeals. I know not to get angry cause they are appealing with false reasons and/or false information. I have been loyal to GamingLight and a loyal staff member of GL. I hope I can be one of the best SNR Admins on SCP-RP and GamingLight. Thank you for considering my SNR Admin Application. 15. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to a admin sit all they do is curse at you?: I will go from the start with me first bringing them to the sit. So, I would bring them to a sit and freeze them. I would ask them why you are Mass RDMING. Then when they start to swear and curse at me I would first go and gag them. Then if they are swearing in chat Mute them also. Then, I would say Hey. Can you please stop. As staff we work on the server to make it fun for people. We don’t appreciate it when people like you come onto the server to minge and cause a ruckus making the server not fun for players. Then I would Minge him for 10,000 seconds and give him a warning for Staff diss/MRDM/NITRP. Then see how it goes on from there. I would continue to go staff and make the server fun for people. PS: If you vote on the application please leave a reason. I will be responding to questions people ask me. Pm me on discord: [GL] Chief#0449. I will respond to you ASAP. Please also read the other SNR Admin apps as the people who wrote those ones also deserver a shot. (If any are up.) Also, I know that everyone out there can be a great staff member. Just follow the rules and be a nice person. Also, apply for staff. We need staff and maybe you could reach the rank of admin someday. P.S. I got the permission from the SA+ a long time ago. If any of the SA+ would like to take away their permission. Let me know in your response. I will take it away and try to find a new SA+ to give me permission to apply. I won’t have any regrets against your decision. Also, thank you for reading my application and taking some time to give me an answer. Have a good day.
  22. I already inform people of that rule. But it still happens. I understand. But all in trying to do is make it so we don't have to end up searching who started a demotion each time.
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