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Jake Croft

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Posts posted by Jake Croft

  1. On 3/11/2019 at 2:56 PM, [659][GL]Bambob01 said:

    What you want to see? - The AWS Nerfed

    Why should we add it? -  Because it is to op and it literally makes my Armor seem like a cotton jumper

    What are the advantages of having this? - makes gameplay more fair our guns are always nerfed why isn't there's

    Who is it mainly for? - Gov/Anyone on the wrong side of the gun

    Proof Of AWS to OP -  http://prntscr.com/mqja7y



    EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-60qXFOc4A&feature=youtu.be Crouched (THAT ACCURACY)

    https://youtu.be/k0SU6KZFGnU Stood up no aim

    if the aws is nerf the Negev will need to be nerf the Negev is more op


  2. In-Game Name:Jake Croft


    Rank:Sen Mod

    Reason for leaving:I Been here for 3 years almost 4 and I just warn out of this sever and I want to move on in my life im in the process of Police Classes To be come police officer 

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post?yes

    Do you agree to contact your manager once your 48 hour notice is up?yes

     This will be for VC as Well

    @gamikzone you have been So supportive of me And helping me

    @jeffe I known you science day one when you where A SFC In The US Army and we where getting yelled at 

    @SMT Thanks For letting me be staff 

    @Science Thank for Letting me be VC

    @Stormzz You Egg

    @Omega Thank For Supporting ME 

    @borith I remember the time you arrest me while cloaked

    Thank You all I have Move On And Jeffe and Gamik I Believe That you will take good Care of FR and Don't remove me 

    Big Cwoft Out



  3. Classified Information



    Clearance Level 3



    Access Granted 


    Personnel Scanned 


    Welcome "██████████████"


    Command Center 

    Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 Captain: REDACTED [OPEN]  

    Mobile Task Force Beta-1 Captain: To Be Decided [OPEN] 

    Mobile Task Force Lambda-5 Captain: To Be Decided [OPEN] 

    Mobile Task Force NU-7 Captain: To Be Decided [OPEN] 


     MTF Captain Application 

    Must be Experienced to Apply!



  4. 13 hours ago, Drill Instructor said:


    If you do not follow the format your report will be deleted.


    Topic Title

    AdminName - False Warn Report



    Your In-game: MTF A9 MAJ Instructor A901

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:162566523
    The admin's name in-game: Jake Croft
    The admin's steam name (If you know it): Jake Croft
    What warning did you receive: "   using nukes   "
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): I did not know of this warning until today 12/20/2018
    Why do you think this warn was false:  I was defending the Warhead room from CI trying to nuke it then jake nocliped into my firing path & interfering with RP of me defending the room.
    Any extra information: He has falsely warned me before for "Disrespecting Commander" When I was making a joke about him nocliping into a Tesla but Krimson removed that warning because he knew it was a false warning.

    I Never Noclip in to a tesla and that strike was for you back talking but im not going to worry about that any more 


    10 minutes ago, th3 said:

    I think this was a misunderstanding between people on the server at the time. I made a suggestion that will probably help prevent this from happening again.


  5. I was On Duty Look Back the nuke sound went off then a explosion went off and he was in there and said a event team gave him perm to use it

    But there was a explosion That happen while I was dealing with  another sit  And I talk to Krimson about it and he said I should warn him 

    Then The Event Team Slayed All To rp it went off with the explosion 

  6. 2 hours ago, th3 said:


    Just get the people who abuse it to be punished. It would be easier to punish the few who do instead of everyone. 

    This post Has came up many times gas is the only thing that we have to 100% kill you 

  7. Ingame Name:Jake Croft 

    From a scale of 1-10 how is your knowledge of lore? (Explain):6 or 7 I new A little about Scp Before I play this sever not much and I have been learning more and become more known about it 

     Why should we allow you to have the  position? (At least 300 words):I Should be This Position Cause I know how to be a leader I follow rules Well. I Do have a little mess Ups Here and there I know how to role play and I do it Where it not over Roleplay. I know when it is to much and when it not. I am loyal I Do not lie do not keep secrets that are bad and need to be dealt with. I am Very active if I get mad I cool off and come back when I'm not mad. If I get Deputy Head Admin or Admin I will not let you do. I should be in the position cause I can be a good leader and I can be active I know how to handle Situations I been I command of thing before I also have experience With Working in stressful situations and I know how to handle some thing if some one get mad and starts coming at me. I know what I can do and what I cant do If I cant do it I will Report To my Higher up. I know when to stop doing something I'm not spose to or if I take it to far. If I ever get called on for doing some thing I'm not spose to I will own up to it. I'm Only in Foundation and I will spend most of my time as This Position. I know how to get around the faculty I will not be lazy and put some thing off but I know that IRL Comes First. But I will not put things off unless if have to. If Im am Needed to do something I will do it and not put off. I Will not let you down if you make me This role I will not let you down . I know my past has been bad just please give me a chance . And People say I'm not Fit Then I will show them If it means I will be on a very strict Trial Where I Mess up Once I'm remove I'm Willing to take that I will show people that Am Ready and I Am Fit to be it    

    How would you lead the branches? (At least 100 words):I would Lead Branches By First Asking What are issue in the Faction and then how can we improve them or Stop Them. I would also Make any question Have A Clear Answer. I can also Make Sure that the factions are doing what they spose to do and lead them in a good Look of the faction so more people will join. I will lead them in to success and not let them down I will work with my higher ups and Follow there Order. I Also can Lead them by being active and They have some one To come to .

    1. How active would you say you could be be? (Longer the better): Im very active I Can Be On From 5 to 10 
    1. What is your in-game name?: Jake Croft 

    2. What is your steam name?: Jake Croft 

    3. What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:0:107335689 

    4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)yes was admin on police and many other severs 

    5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)2016 in august 

    6. What date did you make your forums account? 2016 September 

    7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?Bronze

    8. How many warns do you have on the server?0

    9. Have you donated?yes

    10. What rank are you applying for?Mod

    11. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?no

    12. Have you read the staff guidelines at

      ? You will be tested on it:yes

    13. Timezone: est

    14. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):

    15. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)I think I deserve staff cause I used to be admin before on police role play and im very active and I know how to handle most situations and I have a lot of experience I know most of the staff on here pretty well and I have a lot of knowledge about staff, I want to be mod so I can help out cause I see many people have issue and staff is afk or not on so I can help with that. I can on staff when ever I will never refuse to get on staff I know how to role play. I know that I have changed from when I was admin i Know when it time to be serious and when not to be. I can get mad and start doing things i should not but if It comes to that i will get off and cool down. and when im ready i will get back on. 

    16. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?I would Warn them and the jail/minge and they keep I would have them banned

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