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Izy Wolf

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About Izy Wolf

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. thanks for always helping me have fun wherever life takes u
  2. thanks for all the great times. I don't know what to say so bye 1T47 go 10-7
  3. it's been fun but I have to leave gov it just takes too much of my time. Izy Wolf KGB49 going 10-07 I would like to thank @Jim Pickett for helping me in FBI/Hrt I would also like to thank Thomas and Scout for assisting me in ss for ems, I would like to thank @Depression and Billy
  4. First yes the clip dose show me the but when get on crime i almost always go subs excludes when i am do stuff with SL or others. Second not going to lie i was not sober at the time. But I know what ever you do is the right decision and if i get a second chance i will never do it again. also willing to give the player 5mil
  5. It been fun but I think I bit off more than i can chew. I would like to thank Chip&Dail for the training
  6. Fuck you jk going to miss grandpa
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