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About McHaggis2597

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  1. I've been noticing for a while that gear has a issue where a rare piece of gear will spawn, but the gear score will be extremely low, making it effectively worse than other peices with lower rarity. I have received numerous low gear score rares, epics and to top it all of, I have had a 0 gear score Legendary Range, shown by the picture provided: I am unsure whether this is a bug or something intended, but in my opinion, it should be changed to where the rarities of gear have a minimum gear score that they can be, to avoid these sort of things happening in the future. Examples of the new system: Commons have a range of 0 to 35 Uncommons have a range of 25 to 60 Rares have a range of 40 to 100 Epic have a range of 80 to 150 Legendaries have a 100 to 200 For Weapon attachments, it could be: Commons 0 to 20 Uncommons 5 - 30 Rares 15-40 Epics 35 - 75 Legendaries 50 - 100 These would (hopefully) be quick adjustments that could be made to give people more motivation to grind gear without impacting the balance of this very good unique system. Thank you for your time
  2. One way of people being able to utilize the GC that they attain instead of/after attaining all Beckett Crate items would be a Gear crate within the !unbox menu. The pricing for the standard crate could be around 500,000GC, and the Odds could be quite reasonable (Approx 65% Common, 25% Uncommon, 5% Rare, 2.5% Epic, 1% Legendary, Whichever decimal for any higher ranks (Mythic?)). Additionally, there could be a/multiple better crate(s) with higher chances of Rarer Items, but for significantly higher GC cost (5 million, 15% Common, 30% Uncommon, 30% Rare, 20% Epic, 4% Legendary, etc). I think this would be a good addition for people who AFK mine or play the server a lot who would rather not collect the permanent weapons from Beckett Crates/Already completed, and it would provide people with more incentive to participate for GC in Events and Simulations. Thank you for your time and consideration - McHaggis
  3. 1. Don't know why this happened but appealing because Nevada informed me of this 2. Your In-game: Tank 2LT McHaggis TT2597 3. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:125282522 4. The admin's name in-game: TGM Mod Oddity 5. The admin's steam name (If you know it): Oddity [GL] 6. What warning did you receive: RDM2x NLR x3 7. Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): See Attachment 8. Why do you think this warn was false: Because I haven't done and RDM or NLR, I was AFK and just come back with warns 9. Any extra information: Don't sweat it Oddity, no harm done
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