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Everything posted by Elevate

  1. General Suggestion - Player specific Elixir Fridge Inventory. What are you suggesting? - I am suggesting instead of 1 Elixir inventory in CI base for R&D and 1 research bunks (and 1 in LCZ temp cell). I suggesting making each player have there own inventory in the fridge for the Elixirs. Meaning only the player can access there own Elixirs and etc. (I don't know if this has ever been suggested or discussed before.) How would this change better the server? - 1. Less people asking/suggesting for more Elixir fridges (hopefully freeing more space for the server) 2. People will not steal your Elixir/Elixir making items. 3. Ghost Unit/R&D can go onto site and use/mix Elixirs without having to worry about losing all the Elixir/Elixir items when exfilling. 4. Causes more interest in mixing and messing around with Elixirs, resulting more players joining Research and R&D. (5.) (FYI) Wont erase the capabilities of giving people Elixirs, as you can just drop one for them anytime it's in your inventory. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - 1. I am not a programmer and honestly am unsure if this would be difficult to implement into GL. 2. This could cause one person to make like 100 Elixir #14's (Extra health and armor) causing total Chaos. Alternativity a change like making the Elixirs have 2 expiry dates can fix this. The players inventory would remain the same (having the 800 seconds timer) Then having the Player Fridge Inventory having a 3 day Expiry date (or whatever time should be put.) Who would this change mostly benefit? - R&D, Research, CI raids using Elixirs, and potentially all of site depending on the when using the Elixirs. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -
  2. he does not get, the comical joke. They indeed lack critical information on this subject on questioning.
  3. I am very sorry. i would feel even more bad but its billys whitelist's fault. smh
  4. I think what you meant to say is, You are shadow banned! You can shorten your ban time by playing on the server. Every hour played reduces your ban by 1 hour.
  5. Elevate

    Eevee loa

    get well rested, security will need you when you come back!
  6. Accepted! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Congrats! Please go to me for your Command training!!
  7. +support W mans - very active - nice person - trusted person! <33
  8. NOOOOOOOOOOOO- oh? not medical? we cool
  9. Looking past the warns, i see a upcoming great ET! :3
  10. Elevate

    Spider's OS App

    Accepted! ________________________________________________________________________ Please talk to me for your training!
  11. Accepted! ________________________________________________ Please talk to me for your training!
  12. Elevate was always be here o7 the best D5 member i knew
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