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Posts posted by David1

  1. Saying I had 0 idea is false, I already explained my reasons why I did that.

    A police officer literally shot me, I returned fire and he ran into a building which I followed him into, that already opened up the possibility of every police officer in that building shooting at me because they are a faction. I don't actually understand how can you accuse me of RDM, police essentially opened fire on me and I returned fire, they are literally a group, everytime one shoots the others do the same.

    I was sure at the time that the OFC who shot me ran upstairs as it looked like that on my screen thats why I went upstairs and I shot the only OFC who appeared not to be AFK. My reasons for what I did were entirely logical from my perspective.

    The fault of this entire situation is on the OFC who opened fire on me and then ran into the PD.


  2. You called me "Soft" because I didn't like that you said a rude/offensive word in a staff sit and then warned me for saying a rude/offensive word. In this context, calling me soft was an insult - so there is a double standard here coming from you apparently.

    Moderator to player: "If you can't handle the word fucking then you are too soft"

    Moderator to player: proceeds to warn player for saying "fucking retard"

    I acted to the best of my knowledge to return fire at the police officer who shot me, I was sure at the time that the officer who shot me ran upstairs as it looked like that on my screen. In this circumstance it was a genuine mistake.  But you swearing annoyed me and then you applied a double standard by warning me for an insult and then you insulted me yourself

  3. I feel that intention matters, and the video proves I had no intention of breaking the rules and I shot who I thought shot me. I think I could've handled things better but its not fair to classify this as ARDM and warn me for it because it's different if someone breaks a rule on purpose vs accidently breaking a rule with an explanation for that.

    When Chipdail saw me shooting, instead of asking me why I was shooting, he froze me and accused me of RDM and then swore at me which made me frustrated. He said "you shot him for NO REASON" "I F*cking saw it" which is why I responded saying "No I didn't f*king r*tard", because I had a reason, it was not random.

    Later when I called him up on swearing at me and then warning me, Chipdail called me "Soft", which is disrespectful. Will the same standard be applied to staff as players?

    I didn't Attempt RDM, it was a mistake, and you literally disrespected me by calling me soft. So if you are saying you wouldn't have warned me if I didn't call you a retard for accusing me and swearing in a sit then why do you call me soft?


  4. Your In-game: Johnny Silverhand

    The admin's name in-game: Chipdail


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): dont know


    What warning did you receive: ARDM


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 



    Why do you think this warn was false:

    I got warned for shooting at the police after they shot at me. I shot the guy who I thought shot at me, the guy who actually shot me was a different cop. I got frustrated that I got shot at and when I try to shoot back the guy who shot me then I got frozen by admin and started swearing in my ear which is why I swore back at him.

    I feel that I shouldn't have been warned because I accidently shot the wrong person but I thought it was the same person who shot me and they were both cops and they usually work together and fight like a family. I used appearance to determine that; i.e. same player model, he was holding gravity gun (Which was the last thing the guy who shot me was holding when he ran away) and was the only who appeared not to be AFK. It was too far away to see the name of the guy when he shot me so I just went off of the others factors I just mentioned. I was not attempting random death match I just made a genuine mistake and I feel like warning me was harsh.

    As for the "f*king r*tard" part that was said in response to the admin saying "I F*cking saw it" so it was just a kneejerk reaction to getting sworn at and I didn't intend to be disrespectful, I just tend to swear back when im frustrated.

    Any extra information:

  5. So spawning a prop is now propminging?

    I literally spawned some props. I didn't even push the car lol, but I admit I was trying to see if I can move a car with a prop because they get stuck sometimes

    and nobody was even inside the car so nobody was even affected

    I'd like to add that I've recently just seen people doing the exact same thing infront of admins and they didn't get warned for it

  6. Your In-game: Grillz

    The admin's name in-game: Matilda

    The admin's steam name (If you know it): Matilda

    What warning did you receive:  "Mass Propminging"

    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 


    Why do you think this warn was false:

    Because I didn't propminge. I was not affecting the experience of any player on the server, Matilda just warned me for spawning keypads on a wardrobe. I was just seeing if there is some way I can push a car because the prop goes invisible so I can't unstuck cars sometimes. 

    The server allow me to spawn keypads, they cannot do any harm I don't understand why does matilda just warned me for this I checked the rules and it doesnt say anything about spawning keypads or pushing cars

    Any extra information:

  7. 1 hour ago, [GL]MyanDaBeast said:


    In the first video, it does look like you were driving recklessly and then backed into the officer and continued to do so. Then you teleported back to car dealer. I can understand from your viewpoint, however, you told me in the sit that you lagged and how can I tell you are lagging or not. When I brought you to the sit, you were afk so I made a decision based on the first video. It's up to SMT to remove the warn or not, but this is my viewpoint.

    I was not intentionally crashing the car. I was trying to drive it quickly yes and I lagged which caused me to hit the lamppost/sidewalk. The Cop asked me to "pull over", then I proceeded to push his car back to make a getaway. I suppose you can call it "driving recklessly" but it was not cop bait as I did not Cop Bait. Copbaiting is defined by the MOTD as: "Cop baiting is intentionally breaking the law or annoying a police officer in an attempt to have them arrest/confront you." I did not intentionally break the law, which I think it shows in the second video where I drove past normally shortly after I was returned to the car dealer

    It's really a shame that you warned me when I was AFK which prevented me from being able to explain my side.

  8. Your In-game Name: Mick

    Your SteamID: 76561198847428435

    The admin's name in-game: Myandabeast

    What warning did you receive: Cop bait

    When did you receive this warning: 25/06/2022

    Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: 

    I've been saving up my in-game cash to purchase a car and I was specifically interested in the dodge series. I wanted to test a couple of cars and so I did the test drive. You can only get 30 seconds on the test drive so you really have to be fast. I was driving down a long street at a high speed to see how high it was and I crashed into a lamppost and span out and hit a cop car, as I began to reverse the cop told me to pull over and to avoid being pulled over I made an attempt to push the cop car away and drive off when he said "Pull over".  At this time my test drive time had run out. 

    Why do you think this warn was false:

    I did not cop bait as I did not intend to crash into him, it was a complete accident and I was not looking to cause trouble. In the Video 2, I drive straight past the cop because I genuinely am trying to test the cars before I purchase them, I was not trying to annoy the cop or get arrested or cop bait. I was a genuine accident that I crashed into him.  

    Evidence the warning is false:
    Video 1 (cop perspective) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/pQwcV-J4aHJJk/d1337c5uT0mA?invite=cr-MSw3S3osNTE2OTAzNjIs

    Video 2 (cop perspective) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/pQwIr4MYOnwiw/d1337zFNPD0S?invite=cr-MSxabTIsNTE2OTAzNjIs

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