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Posts posted by oofbonk

  1. 11 hours ago, Crunch said:


    This has been a change that has been long needed for some time. Often times it felt as if someone was promoted into a Senior Commander position for the wrong reasons (A vice commander was deserving, they were rank locked and couldn’t be chosen for HC, etc.) this alleviates those issues and put more of an emphasis on the rank of Senior Commander, what their role is, and fits with the “senior command” title much better.


  2. On 7/17/2022 at 10:45 PM, Goat said:

    + Support

    While I myself have never actively played Police-RP or interacted with Bartholomew here, I have never once heard a bad or negative thing about him. He constantly excels as a Forum Diplomat, and as such he is always looking out to help others and to better himself. Overall I think Bartholomew has the complete capabilities and is fully qualified to be a valuable member of the Support team.


  3. On 7/18/2022 at 9:11 AM, Fizz said:

    -Very Patient
    -Application was well done
    -Incredibly Helpful!

    Ever since I've met Iceberkk.. I've thought of them as very mature, patient, kind.. Good sense of humor. Has helped me more times than I can count. I think he would do perfectly in this role.

    For these reasons, you have my support! Good luck!



  4. 2 hours ago, Theta said:

    (Can’t make it look fancy due to being on mobile)



    501st has been thriving as of late and I want to get us something cool added. What else better than a long deserved update for our premier sub battalion? Our current models are lackluster, looking like clones and their color scheme doesn’t match the rest of the unit at all. This update will not only accompany a rework to the unit but also give them the sleek new look they deserve and bring even more allure to them.


    • Like 1
  5. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :


    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    I am applying for the Inquisitorius Ninth Sister.

    3. Why do you want to be a vice commander of this branch?

    I have wanted to become a vice commander of the Inquisitorius since I joined the Purge and IQ regiments on my first days of playing on the server. As someone who has spent their time with both Purge and Inquisitorius, getting to know as many individuals as I can, I want to amplify the experience for everyone in these regiments. I want to lead my soldiers into battle and be a role model for all members of the regiment. I want to be able to answer questions as they are needed and make sure everyone has a person to seek help through. I would run simulations to keep our soldiers stimulated, and talk to fellow command members about how we can make improvements to the regiments in order to improve the experience for everyone. I want to be someone that is looked up to by everyone, even my superiors. Finally, my experience in Purge and IQ has only been how amazing it is because of the command team. I want to have a better connection with the people that made my experience better, and hopefully make theirs better as well.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    I have around 368 hours on the server.

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a vice commander for a branch?

    The main purpose of a vice commander for a branch is to oversee a regiment and make sure everything is under control. Vice commanders are role models and superiors, so it is their duty to make sure that all of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and enlisted follow the rules of the server and the regiment. Communication is key for this. As an IQ vice commander, it is imperative to show superiority over all enemies in order to boost the morale of the troops during the battle. The Ninth Sister is a formidable force, and anyone standing in her way will feel her wrath set upon them. A vice commander is someone who is active on the server, on discord, on teamspeak, and in filling out documents. This, in my opinion, is essential for any command team member. Finally, another main purpose of a vice commander is to run simulations with prizes in order to keep their soldiers active and happy, and to prevent them from getting bored. 

    6. Why should we trust you to be a vice commander? :

    As someone who has experience in low command already, I believe that I can be trusted with making sure people follow the rules and do what is needed or told of them. I feel that I have proven myself to not only command, but my fellow soldiers alike, that I can be a great Ninth Sister. I already have the experience of keeping people in check and making sure everything runs smoothly in certain parts of my regiment, and I feel this would reflect on my vice commander position and the regiment as a whole if I am accepted for this position. My communication with the command team would be improved as well. I have shown quality leadership and morals, and I have not been a nuisance on the server. I believe my experience as a moderator on the server also shows that I am trustworthy of being in a vice commander position. I understand that being a vice commander is a great responsibility, and I genuinely believe I am fit for it.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    I can be online just about everyday, if not everyday at some point. I am already staff and low command in Purge, so I am pretty active.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    I have no warnings.

  6. 14 hours ago, Jimmy N00Btron said:

    + Super Support!
    This is a very important addition to add to Medical. Many in my regiment have been very upset about the downgrade in their healing abilities and some have even quit over it. I feel at this point Medical urgently needs either an improvement in their general healing ability or a new healing function to perform. Many in Medical were very excited when we presented this idea to them as a new function they could perform that no other regiment or CC could take from them, making them a force of additional use and convenience to other troopers on the field, as the current aids Medical provides currently serve as a slight annoyance sometimes with both Medics and their beneficiary needing to stand still for 30 seconds or more. This new change means that even should that result in the death of the trooper being healed (and it very often will), they can be saved a respawn wait time and transport wait by that nearby medic.

    As for the couple of concerns I've seen that some have, I shall address those here in an FAQ below:

    Q: What about the Premium Tac Inserts? Won't those be devalued?
    A: No. This change requires you to die around a medic to get the same effect guaranteed by the Tac Insert, meaning if you have not died in Medbay, Medical's Defcon locations on ship, or near one of the scattered Medics off-ship, the Tac Insert will be a more reliable tool to have as it guarantees a nearby respawn no matter where you die. A guaranteed close respawn is still worthy of being paid for if the alternative in practice relies on a moderate degree of luck to achieve the same result. Also, there may be some Black-Ops regiments like DT who may add regulations to their SOP that forbid them from being revived if they wish to restrict that due to lore reasons. Tacs will still be very important.

    Q: Wouldn't this cause lag or be otherwise troublesome if implemented?
    A: To my knowledge, a similar (if not exact) mod is currently in use on GamingLight's PoliceRP server, so if it works fine for them, it should work well enough here. 

    Q: Wouldn't this hurt the importance of SF's Cobra Squadron mission transport duties?
    A: Not too significantly. In practice some people on off-ship missions will inevitably die away from Medics, run out the timer or not feel like waiting, or be missed by a nearby Medic on accident. Even though reduced, There will still be enough people needing respawn transport to make Cobra Squadron's duties important.

    Each of these above concerns have been closely considered in bringing this idea forward as a suggestion, though any other concerns are important to put forward and address so that we can ensure that this is a smooth addition to our regiment. 


  7. 20 hours ago, CollectiveWorld said:

    - Really good answered and well detailed
    - Answered the last two perfectly
    - Easily can tell that they have read staff guidelines
    - Well Formated 
    - Goodluck!

    Best of luck!

    • Thanks 1
  8. On 7/11/2022 at 2:31 PM, Joint said:

    For only having one per life, it has a fairly long fuse time (easy to avoid), definitely needs slightly more range. needs some sort of buff for sure whether that be slightly longer shock time, range, grenade count, it just needs to be better than it is to be considered worth the money it costs


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