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  1. 1. What is your in-game name?: November 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63175930 3. Current Rank in Security: Sergeant First Class 4. Time on the server: 1 week of playtime, 18 days since first joining 5. On a scale from 1 (the minimum 30 min per day) - 10 (6+ hours Daily), how active are you?: 7-8 6. Do you have any active strikes on the roster? (This includes other branches): No. 7. Which Juggernaut members recommended you to apply?: Killaz (during meeting) and Turners 8. What is your current level in game?: 47 9. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes. 10. Why do you think you deserve to join the Security Juggernaut Sub-Branch? (100+ WORDS): I feel that as an active member of SEC, I have a lot I can bring to the Juggernauts during both on hours, and off hours. I usually clock 2-4 active hours on the server on days that I play, and I typically play 5-6 days per week. Other than activity, I feel that I contribute my fair share to security as both a leader to the lower enlisted ranks, and a subordinate who readily follows orders from Sr. NCOs and command efficiently and effectively. All of this being considered, I feel that I can be a good fit for Security Juggernaut, and other sub branches of Security. 11. As a member of the Juggernaut Sub-Branch, do you have the right to give orders to people above your standard Security Rank? Why or why not?: No. Being a Juggernaut does not afford me any special permissions allowing me to command those higher rank than me.
  2. Lore Rank/Name: Associate Researcher Fye SCP #(s): SCP-1025 and SCP-330 Test Idea: To see if candies retrieved from SCP-330 can cure disease. SCP-1025 will be used to inflict disease upon subjects for testing purposes. Background Research: SCP-1025: An encyclopedia containing an article for every disease known to man. Reading an article will inflict the disease of which the article is about upon the user. SCP-330: A circular metal bowl containing many candies, on the side is a note reading, "Take no more than two." Taking none, one, or two candies will not have any adverse effect in and of itself. Those who take a third candy will have their hands severed at the wrist. Candies taken from SCP-330, when eaten, may provide beneficial effects to the user, such as wounds healing, or feeling refreshed. (Source from Adv. Researcher "Pathos") Hypothesis: Red candies and Rainbow candies will be able to heal diseases. Observations: Test 1: Class-D subject (after a medical exam to ensure there were no pre-existing conditions) opened SCP-1025, onto an article titled, "Appendicitis." Class-D immediately felt a severe abdominal pain. Subject was instructed to remove a red candy from the bowl, and to eat it. Subject complied and began chewing, and collapsed. After approximately two minutes, the subject said he "felt better" and declined to participate in a second test. Subject was taken to med-bay for an exam and was deemed healthy by medical personnel. Amnestics were administered, and subject was returned to general population. Test 2: A new Class-D subject (after a medical exam to ensure there were no pre-existing conditions) opened SCP-1025, onto an article titled, "Stroke." Subject immediately showed signs of cognitive impairment, and collapsed. Subject was rushed to the med-bay and pronounced deceased. Test 3: As there was a risk of death while using SCP-1025, a Class-D with a pre-existing medical condition (Early stage cancer of the brain) was located. Subject was instructed to remove a rainbow candy from the bowl, and to chew it. Subject complied, and stated he felt no difference in his well-being. Subject was taken to the med-bay for an MRI scan, which turned up no signs of the previously diagnosed malady. Subject was administered amnestics and returned to general population. Conclusion: No following tests were conducted, but it would appear that SCP-330 candies do have an ability to treat disease, both artificially inflicted by SCP-1025 and of natural causes.
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