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Posts posted by Pathos

  1. before yall instantly deny this, read it.

    Steam Name: bone bleen / Nova Bova


    SteamID: 76561199069652698

    Ingame Name: Nova

    Ban Length: perma

    Admin that Banned you: colt

    Reason for Ban: community blacklist / givin everyone a proton cannon

    Dispute: honestly, just wanted to say, it wasnt harmful. per et guidelines, it says removal and 'OR' blacklist. honestly if you can just strip, then slay everyone it isnt harmful and should result in a staff and event team blacklist. yea yea stupidness leads to bans in this server but proton cannons, seriously lmao.  i just wanted to say that and honestly i dont expect any unbans or anything, just wanted you guys to hear that out.

    oh yea, in the ban thingy whatever the hell its called, it says appeal on gaminglight.com so yea yea, this isnt really even an appeal, just wanted to tell yall a little something 😏

    Appeal your ban at Gaminglight.com

    but yea i would rather play on this server than these other servers where ya gotta play for 15 days to get on a job

    • Dislike 6
    • Skull 1
  2. 5 hours ago, APE said:


    I don't think any DCLASS would try their luck here. I'm confident that it would be possible to get enough D-class organized and able to hide and fight, but this kind of Cache thing won't be a real frequent occurrence. A cache raid will be once in a blue moon imo.

    The JUGG branch seems empty and devoid of originality and purpose. I enjoy initiative being taken in security, but not when a sub-branch with as much capability and promise as Wardens is being actively slept on. Rather than working with and promoting struggling facets of what jobs and duties already exist, what I see here is an addition of multiple new jobs and facets. Chiefly, this will cause even more issues for the Wardens sub-branch. Now if Wardens want anything new, it will be "But security already has Juggernauts and a HULK", quite possibly crushing future Warden's potential for growth.

    As much as I want to see something big like this happen within security, and as much as I want to support my old peers, I don't like what I see. Not because of what is being added specifically, but because of the effects that adding such things will cause for other parts of security (wardens if you haven't guessed lol). This addition will most likely be accepted, and I'm aware of that. However, I actively dislike the current state and lack of attention the Wardens sub-branch receives. Name changes and roleplay additions to the sop only go so far. Could have just made the HULK an aspect of wardens, no? It's supposed to be securities greatest asset into the wider foundation, don't see why a new sub-branch needs created for it, Sinnik laid a fine foundation.


    Anyways! Good luck HCMD, hope your hard work pays off. But think amongst yourselves if you will, and perhaps ponder the idea that maybe not all of securities issues stem from a lack of content, but a mishandling of content from within. 🤨 Thats my wise wizard quote for the day lmao. Much love. 


    I'm the Lorax and I speak for the Wardens.


    whatever this dude said

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