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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. Hey everyone! As I've already announced in the latest State Meeting, my time has unfortunately come to resign as Colonel. This is due to recent changes in my studies, which takes more time than what I've expected. I've also unfortunately lost a bit of motiviation to play Gmod in general, and therefore would like to spend my freetime elsewhere. This is not a total goodbye as I'll still get on an play on crim (west gang best gang) and gov frome time to time, but probably not as often. Even though my time as Colonel has been rather short, it has been truly amazing. I never thought I would sit here as Colonel when I decided to join State last year. Hopefully I'll get my motivation back sometime in the future, when I have more time, and might consider joining a department or two again, as it has been really fun. For some personal mentions: Matilda - Hi bestie, of course I have to mention you. Even though we'll obviously still keep in touch, I've had such a fun time with you on gmod. You have taught me a lot and were always there when I had questions. You are the best, lysm Ganta - I'd never be here without your guidance, I had such a fun time working alongside you as your Lieutenant Colonel and later when I became Colonel myself. Nicc - Nicc will probably not see this as he doesn't play anymore, but I want to thank you for everything. All the help, the guidance, being an amazing friend, hearing you scream on overwatch T-T hahha Snappy - You've done such a good job as Low Command and now as Lieutenant Colonel! You are always there when needed and offer to help. I'm sad that I'll leave so close after your LT Col promotion but I'm sure you'll continue to do an amazing job as High Command. Jim Picket - You are such a funny guy pickle. Thank you for making the last couple of months really fun period uh RussTime - Hi Russy, you've been such a good help to State and to me when I were in EMS. You are a really funny dude and a great friend!! I also want to leave a special thanks to all of State Command who I've worked alongside! I decided to keep the personal mentions rather short as I'll most likely talk to you all again in the future, so I just decided to mention a few. I could have made this list really long but I fear I have to get back to my studies. To anyone who I have interacted/worked alongside, thank you a bunch, you have probably taught me a thing or two and given me many laughs!! See you all around
  2. Hello everyone! I've sadly come to the conclusion to leave my position in EMS. I've had such an amazing, little over half a year here. However, due to changes in my life and how much time I have to dedicate to my Command Positions, I've decided to finally make this decision rather than being an inactive command member. I really wish I could have done more for EMS before leaving and unfortunately wasn't as active as I hoped for when getting promoted to my position. @RussTimecontinue doing a great job with EMS, you are so amazing and we are lucky to have u as Medical Chief o7 To the rest of EMS command - keep up the good work.
  3. Thanks for everything Tako! You have been such a great command member in State, and I've been so happy to work alongside you! Feel free to keep in touch and visit whenever! U are always welcomed back
  4. Owh Thanks for everything Nicc, I'll really miss having you around the community! :c We better keep in touch buddy.
  5. Thank you for your time in State, you are always welcomed back if you would like to in the future. o7
  6. +/- Support - You are a nice person, however as already mentioned, you need to pick the activity up imo.
  7. + Support - Professional and experienced - Easy to work with Good luck!
  8. + Support Very active Easy to work with Has a lot of experience/knowledge Good luck!
  9. Even though I know we still we be in contact it's so sad to see you go. I've had such an amazing time with you around the server and a special thanks to all the work you put into helping State, thank you
  10. Really sad to see you go Dak, thanks for all the hard work you've put into State! It's been amazing working alongside you in the command team o7 Wish you the best of luck with everything, and hope to see you back in State in the future!
  11. +Support Active, friendly, professional
  12. + Support active, friendly, he has a lot of experience and does an amazing job
  13. Big -1 Personally I think an indefinite ban is very reasonable here, you have to learn that some "jokes" as you call them, shouldn't be said publicly and I also think it should be pretty obvious that this is not a topic to joke about in the first place. I also don't really know what her punishment history has to do with it all, this case doesn't get affected at all by it and what she got punished for in the past is not even close to something like this, I'm also fairly sure that every competent staff member would have given you the same punishment. Now when to the part where you mention that she was "harassing" your friend, that's completely untrue, I was there myself and heard everything and the only thing she said was that it was a disgusting "joke" to make and explained to your friend that you could appeal it on the forums, I don't see how that's "harassment", and also him being warned for LTARP is completely correct as he was being for a just reason. (I was doing pt and were on the scene when he killed a gov official). To me it doesn't really seem like you understand what you did wrong and just mention it to try to justify what you said.
  14. Your In-game: Kasper The admin's name in-game: Jim Jackson The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Jim Jackson What warning did you receive: Prop minge Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: Well basically, I reported someone for prop minging (they were prop blocking the road), and then the moderator took the reported person away to a roof but accidentally warned me instead of them. So basically it was just a mistake from the staff members side, then they told me to make a report here to get the warn removed. Any extra information: N/A
  15. Hey! I have been rather inactive lately and will sadly be leaving EMS. My garry's mod is currently broken and have been for a while, and I'm currently pretty busy with other stuff in my life. I do also not really have an interest in playing that much gmod in my spare time anymore. I still hope I'll see you all online in the future, have a good time
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