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Posts posted by Dry

  1. You will be missed andrew. Hope things go well. Tbh you were a good friend to me and always a good second in charge. We did well together holding down our departments. I always believed in you and you never disappointed. I will never forget our memories on state.


  2. What do you want to see?: more buyable houses in Blaine and LS

    Why should we add it?: adds more of a selection of housing and also good drug houses in Blaine 

    What are the advantages of having this?: more selection

    Who would it benefit?: all of server

    Links to any content: N/A

  3. In Game Name [ex. John Doe]: Jennifer Bailey

    Discord Username [ex. JohnDoe#4731]: Dry#4779

    Time zone [ex. EST, GMT]: EST

    Are you apart of any other department in another life? [ex. LSPD , BCSO]: LSPD and BCSO

    Why do you want to be apart of EMS? [50 words minimum]: Im looking to join EMS to increase my level of roleplay. EMS has always been an enjoyable job when I played on Garrys mod. I also want to join another department to make me apart of all 3 government departments. Overall I feel like my activity will be a solid plus to the server.

    What services can you bring to the department? [50 words minimum]: Well I can bring different things like my prior EMS knowledge through my time on PoliceRP, I also have leadership experience as the former Colonel of State Police and Current SRU Commander. I can also bring my activity as I will be able to enjoy everything the server has to offer at this point. 

    Do you have any prior experience in emergency medical services? (If so, please explain): Yes EMS on PoliceRP and arma3,  combat medic role on a militaryRP server for gmod and Arma 3

  4. Trooper Colonel Dry Resignation

    Date: 21/01/23


    Well ladies and gents my time as your Colonel has come to an end, As of 21/01/23 at 6:30pm est I will no longer be Colonel of State Police. I will start by saying I will miss you all and cherish the memories I have made with you all. I joined State Police early last year as a trooper just like all you have. This would be my first time meeting Cammy, Honestly I had zero idea that he was the Colonel at the time and I got the great idea of PM him on teamspeak to ask him to train me for state. Lets just say he was very merciful in his response. Quickly gaining friends with Recs, Bosco(State), and eventually Andrew. I got to the rank of Master Trooper, I immediately put in my applications for FTO, SPMU, and CERT. I was determined to be a valued member of state. I got accepted into all three, I think the weirdest one I joined was SPMU as I was not allowed to ride the bike as a Prob Patrolman at the time, Let me tell ya when people go down the road and ask "Why are you driving a car and not the bike" 10 million times. It gets annoying. Anyways I got through the rank faze of it and was able to drive the bike, the only issue is that the bike was invisible or error for people so then you got "what are you driving?" constantly. Anyways even with all that I enjoyed being a Patrolman and stuck to making the Sub Department better. I eventually got to the rank of Head Patrolman with Cammys Guidance, I felt like I did an amazing job and honestly it helped that I picked a good Dep Head Patrolman, Andrew did an amazing job running the department alongside me. He made the job a bit easier and helped out a bit. Couldn't have done it without him. I also was focused on help CERT too, I was always enjoying the trainings we did as a team, My very first cert training I attended was with Mr. Res Lt Col Maddog, man did he scare the shit out of me both during the cert training and the state trooper training. His talking was like my yelling, The man sound intimating. Tactical was a great CERT Commander and it was difficult to see him leave when he got Chief of Police. Overall CERT hit a rocky part till we got a new Commander Kevin. He worked day in and day out to try and help the department. I eventually got promoted to CERT Co Commander as time went on. Helping Kevin as we worked to get CERT back to were it was when Tactical left. Overall my time leading CERT was fun and I enjoyed the memories that came with it. Between accidently throwing a grenade and it not going were I wanted it to go. Anyways the story ends when Cammy resigned and Billy got put up to Colonel and eventually I would get put as Lt Col. Billy was a great person to work with. Him and I worked hard together to keep state running perfect and honestly I think we did a good job. Nothing burned down. Then I got blindsided one day with the news of Billys retirement and I was shocked. I was only Lt Col for One Month so It was very nerve racking to become the Colonel of State Police, but then I realized I didn't have much to worry about as I had a great command team behind me. Let me tell you, Leading State was so fun and I had a blast working with every one of you. Between our InmateRP that were ran, to the State Space Program, to all the laughs and memories. You all made it enjoyable, but with every story; it eventually had an ending and well my story as State Colonel ends today. 

    Cammy: Well let me at first, I really disliked you but I eventually learned to understand why you are how you are. I wont forget all the yelling and outburst you had. I wont forget all the stupid shit you had to put up with when it came to dealing we me. Thank you for giving me chances when it came to SPMU and CERT. Also cant forget about my period after every sentence no matter if it was one word of a sentence. 

    Billy: I have missed running state with ya. I think we did a good job. I also learned when I couldn't understand ya that you were mad. Let me tell ya those days of you getting angry made me laugh.

    Recs: You became a great friend of mine, You did wonderful things for state both times you were there. Wish you stayed longer but you did well as my Lt Col and Im glad we are still in contact. 

    To my Majors: You guys do an amazing job day in and day out. I couldn't have asked for a better team. Idk who will eventually be the next Colonel but I wish you all the best. Andrew you did an amazing job helping me with SPMU no surprise that your were you are now. Ganta, you went through the ranks and proved yourself a good member of the team, I wish you the best with CERT. Kevin you've done an amazing job with CERT and with State as a whole. I wish you the best in your future.

    To my Command team: You guys are the back bones of state and wouldn't be running without you guys. I just want to thank you all for your hard work and you dedication to state police. Keep working hard and good things will come out of it.

    To State: You guys are all great troopers and its been a privilage to be your colonel. Work hard an always keep at it.

    To Trumpo: Wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you training me at like 11pm at night. You were only a Lt in pd at the time. We have both gone far in our time in PoliceRP. Thank you for you hard work. 

    Honorable mentions (Just getting tired of typing): Nicc, Spoon, Kale, Spart, Slasher, and Clarkie. Y'all were amazing friends.

    Here are some great moments that I have captured: Great State Checkpoints:
    https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/gwt9a_Timd0Ak/d1337fdAhD0s?invite=cr-MSxIMk8sMTc4ODMyNjgs Great work of the interceptor: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/gZmdZERKJP2lf/d1337KfI1NIO?invite=cr-MSxxc28sMTc4ODMyNjgs Parking Police: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/yDH2E6ReQSCX0/d1337QubJ7OU?invite=cr-MSwycUssMTc4ODMyNjgs I don't even know: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/GTLJ2D1kpoL2n/d1337gResW5l?invite=cr-MSxTcWgsMTc4ODMyNjgs

  5. Blaine County Special Response Team Informational

    The Mission of the Special Response Team is to seek and eliminate any and all threats to the livelihoods of the citizens of Blaine County. Our  job is to protect life and property, to provide a safe living environment to citizens and reduce the fear of crime in the community.

    "Morior Invictus"

    Must be Senior Deputy+ to apply

    S.R.U. SOP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aeMNFH_8fLkp4Xh-wuKh-fQhuOMMsdb-FTiIjr3quXg/edit?usp=sharing
    S.R.U. Application: https://forms.gle/yKjkvMnC3xm2ky1B8

  6. 2 hours ago, Solomon said:

    -Not needed
    -The reason jobs have two grenades is so they aren't stuck without one after one situation because resetting isn't allowed. If they decided to use two grenades themselves on one situation then they will be without any grenades until they die and respawn. If you meant when multiple people throw a grenade at once then good on them for thinking of a plan and working together.
    - Similar suggestions have already been denied: 



  7. Put a limit on how many people can be in one gang. Say like 6 to 10 somewhere in that range or whatever smt would see fit. Its the wisest option to go for as the server is new and there is a low amount of gov. Limiting the amount in one gang will make it so there are more different groups in the server. Most like lower the amount of mass gov deaths and make things more enjoyable for the server. This is to eliminate the one gang rule that is plaguing the server and forcing roleplay around that one gang.

  8. In-Game Name: Caitlyn Fields (CFX name [GL] Dry)

    Discord Name: Dry#4779

    Why do you wanna join the LSPD [50 Words Minimum]: Im looking to join LSPD to add another level or RP on Gaminglights server.  I'm also eventually looking to get into SWAT and become a valuable officer for the city of los santos. Joining swat is my main goal of this character as I feel like I will be able to make a difference and help stop robberys.

    What can you bring to the LSPD [50 Words Minimum]: I feel like I can bring plenty of different things to LSPD. I feel like I'm well trained when it comes to government units with my multiple different roles not only within Fivem but with gmod. I feel like I can bring more RP to the department with the way I roleplay. Im also dedicated to what I enjoy and I feel like LSPD will be a great place to be.

    Do you have any prior law enforcement experience: Currently BCSO Investigator on my other life. Also Colonel of State on Gmod PRP. 


  9. Accepted State Trooper Applications: 21/12/22

    Ponik - STEAM_0:1:165374345

    Hagrid - STEAM_0:0:556556459

    Please speak with an FTO+ to receive your training.
    You have 2 weeks.

    Congratulations and welcome!

    Lowerguy - Not fit for state / Failure to answer a question

    Jay - Not fit for state

    Reapply in 2 weeks 

    Accepted Troopers!
    Make sure to request State Police tags in the main PoliceRP Discord! 


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