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Posts posted by LukeNuke7

  1. + support

    I have been gone from gaminglight for a while and when I decided to rejoin RG I first noticed Weebee and his abilities though both combat and communications, he seems like the perfect fit for an Officer and I would love to work alongside him if he gets the position. All respect towards him and I wish him good luck on getting accepted by RG HICOMM and that he has the right traits on passing his trial period.

  2. Name- LukeNuke7
    Steam ID- STEAM_0:0:207252579
    Discord Name- LukeNuke7

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)- Security

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, ect)- N/A (only warn I have is in Imperial RP)

    Why do you want to join Delta-5?- I wish to join due to it being one of the coolest ranks to join among the whole MTF team together. They seem better and much more powerful in everying and I have a sense for combat and wish to join a team like this one. There are many other reasons that I can't really think of at the moment but I really do want to join.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5?- I will show respect to everyone and would no break any rules, I will listen at all times, I will do my best to be active daily and I have 50/50 combat (maybe more).

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values?- Yes.

    If accepted be sure to contact an FTO or command in-game or on discord for training!

  3. What is your in game name?:

    What is your in game rank?:
    Shadow Guard VI

    Are you in shadow guard?:
    Yes, I am.

    How long have you been in Royal Guard?:
    2 Months+

    Why do you want to become a Trial Senior? [150+ words]:
    I wish to become a Trial Senior guard so I can lead Royal Guard and other Shadow Guards by example and even host things that normal NCO's cannot, such as hosting checkups which are mainly a lot of fun. Also I would be able to respond to people on behalf of Royal Guard. There are a few things actual but the main is just to lead Royal Guard on behalf of my timezone and for those that cannot do that, meaning all non EST will be my main target to host things for such as tryouts, SIM's, promotions and checkups. This not only makes Royal/Shadow Guard look good when EST leaders are gone or other officers gone on LOA, as I only wish to lead this regiment and would take up 2 of my lives to dedicate myself to this regiment. I would do anything for the best regiment on the game.

    How could you assist Royal Guard command with this rank? [100+ words]:
    I could help them in hosting tryouts, SIM's, handing out promotions, doing /demote when no-other person can and even lead all Non-EST Royal Guards when normal Officers+ can't. I would help them in any I can, if they need me to do a roster update for them I would do it no questions asked, if they want me to leave my position I would resign. I just want to do my best to make the life of the command team a lot easier and less stressful on themselves. I would help out in training new cadets as that is my main objective as to hiring new people to our regiment, and maybe help people find out more about Royal Guard and hopefully they would join. Not only that but I would be able to enforce activity when nobody can such as NCO's when protecting Palpatine.

    How many strikes do you have?:
    1 Strike due to not being able to host 1 more SIM.

    Do you have any prior experience in being an Officer? (If yes, explain):
    No, but I do have Leadership experience and training.

    What Qualifications could you bring too the Royal Guard Officer Team?:
    I will 100% wouldn't displease anyone and do my best to give the best of the best of my activity, loyalty, hardworking and just overall dedicated to Royal Guard just to show that I will do my best to train, lead and improve all cadets/NCO's to their best potentials that they can reach. I will show my dedication to my rank.

    Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period? :
    Yes I do and I accept this term.

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