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Posts posted by Cammin

  1. What is your in-game name?: Cammin (IC SSE/DME CSM 6784 Cammin)

    What is your steam name?: Redfoo - Let's Get Ridiculous

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:222245861

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes. GGS.SX DarkRP Moderator. I quit because the community turned really toxic and every sit i was taking turned into people swearing at me. Icefuse Military RP. Trial moderator. I got removed from this roll due to me being inactive on the server. These were about 1 year ago however.

    What date did you start playing on the community?: 01/11/2022 / 11/01/2022

    What date did you make your forums account?: 01/12/2022 / 12/01/2022

    Current rank on server?: Darth

    How many warns do you have on the server?: 2

    Have you donated?: Yes. 121 USD

    What rank are you applying for?: Trial Moderator

    Have you read the staff guidelines?: Yes i have

    Timezone: NZT / EST +12

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I have a history with staffing and being in positions like it. IRL my job deals with customer service alot so I am good at talking with people and helping to the best of my ability. I understand that when i join I will be the lowest of the table. And I will not overset the mark or do anything that I am not 100% sure is the right thing to do. I have natural leadership skills, I love helping people. I am good at listening to both sides of an argument and understanding different points of views. I believe that I am liked by my peers and people I have met. I am able to be active at a time where most people aren't. And most importantly. I want this rank to help people and make this community better. 

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit  all they do is curse at you? I would first ask them nicely to stop doing so.(I have thick skin so this doesn't really get to me) If they continue I would Gag the person. If they continue to curse me in chat I would mute them and give them their punishment without them arguing it. If they want to curse me out and insult staff then they won't get there right to explain them selfs 

  2. Steam Name: Dirty Bong Water

    Ingame Name: Cammin

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:150434647

    Ban Length: 4 Days

    Admin that Banned you: King ( On behalf of Billy S

    Reason for Ban: MRDM - Fail RP - NITRP

    Dispute: I Admit to the Mass RDM. I killed like 7 people in spawn. I don't know why i did this. Maybe i got bored or something like this. But i am sorry for my actions. It was childish and unfair to the people that i killed. However i don't understand the NITRP. I was Roleplaying before the MRDM for a hour with my friends from Imperil RP. Im generally interested in playing this server and somthing like this will not happen again. This was my first offence on the server and will be my last.

    Thanks for reading

  3.  Cammins Officer App


    What is your name?  Cammin


    What is your rank?  SF EP GSO Cammin 6784


    How long have you been a NCO?  8 Days 


    What rank are you applying for?  Officer/Flight Lieutenant


    How many strikes do you have? And if you do why? 0 Strikes


    Why should we trust you with an Officer rank? I believe that i am a mature person when i need to be. I can be strict however i do think that everyone makes mistakes and that sometimes you dont need to be strict to make sure everyone understands. I am a good listener and love helping people with any problems they have. As i have shown during my time on sf and as a NCO that i am capable of hitting targets and doing my best to complete any task i have been given. I also have a good relationship with everyone is SF so i believe that they trust me. If i get this rank i will do everything to a high standard and will represent SF in a good way


    What can you do to assist command with this rank? I can help with admin such as roster. I can do alot of sims and tryouts. ( 9 tryouts and 4 sims last week) I can help my fellow SF with everything they need. I can raise morale and make sure everyone has fun. While being respectful and following all the rules


    What is the point of been a officer?  The point of being a officer is to represent SF, to make sure everyone is doing the right things and to make sure everyone in SF and outside of SF can come to us for help and to sort things out


    What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him?  I would talk to them and make sure they stop doing that. And report the incident to someone higher up depend on the severity 


    Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the NCO rank?  I agree

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