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Posts posted by Cammin

  1. 3 hours ago, Kio said:


    I have only one warning, this warning was for racism, I said some not good things almost a year ago. 

    - Support

    When Kio was appointed Nova Commander. I noticed a very big drop in activity that nova is still suffering from. He also hasn't done anything notable as nova commander. 

    Kio is a decent game master but I do not think he is the best option for Marshall Commander at the moment. There is other people that would excel in this position.



  2. I Am Posting On The Fourms. This Is In The General Section Of The Gaming Light Imperal RP Fourms.















    Thank You For Reading My Fourms Post

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Theta said:

    + Support

    It is a well known fact that RobertoManjini has blackmailed and backstabbed his way through GamingLight. It is truly astoundingly appalling that he has just now been reported. While Mingini, RDM'r of STs has not tried to blackmail myself before (thank god) I can say that I have heard scores of stories of how he narced on others to keep himself from being punished and reporting others to further himself or retain power. The wave of relief I felt when he "resigned" was immeasurable and euphoric. 

    The evidence Brand has submitted seems very in-character for ol' RobertoManjini. Cannot say I am shocked.

    Furthermore, I can say that Brand has always been a great member of the community and an asset to SF and the server as a whole.

    My time serving under manjini in sf was nothing but negative. Extremely toxic person and does not deserve to be apart of the gaming light community. This man left the entirety of SF on 2 officers backs while he was marshal. Treats his officer core like slaves and is all around a bad person to be arround.



    Vice Commander Application




    Cammins 501st Vice Commander Application








    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :


     Cammin. I also go by blitz on my ARC job due to ARC Lead having a lore name.


    2. What Regiment are you applying for?


     501st Legion.


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?


    These are the 3 main reasons that I want to become a vice commander.


    The battalion Itself.


    I love the 501st. I have been in every single battalion on the server except for purge. 501st is the one that I have stuck with for a reason. The people inside this battalion are both my good friends and good people. The main reason I want to become the vice commander is because I want to make sure every single person inside the 501st leaves with a good picture of us. I would do this by constantly asking people and listening to people's ideas and what they want. I would help with every single thing I could do to make their experience in the 501st the best it can be. I believe that caring about the people inside your battalion is an important quality for a leader to have.




    I will put this point bluntly. I believe that I am a strong leader. Leadership is still unknown. What makes a good leader? I'm not sure. But I have been told by many people that I have good leadership qualities. I am also confident in my ability to lead. But I am not arrogant. I have seen how a person in a command position can lose the trust and respect of their battalion. This will not happen to me. Whether it is the ARC sub division, Or other servers that i have held command positions on, I have always lead with respect and care. I am also very excited to take this next step in my command career. I believe that i am ready to take on this challenge and i will prove myself as a great vice commander for the 501st.


    Knowledge and ability.


    I have been in the 501st for a long time. About 2 months. I started at a NCO rank due to a rank transfer. I Am a Colonel. I was the Assistant Lead and am now the Lead for ARC. My time being a ARC Lead has prepared me and shown me what someone in a command position in the 501st must do. I understand this. I know exactly what a vice commander must do and how they should do it. I am the most active Officer on the roster. I have the most Sim/Training/Tryouts. I regularly hit my quota and go above and beyond. With this promotion I will continue to go above and beyond your expectations.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?


     I have 1480 hours of playtime on the Gaming Light Imperial RP Server.


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?


    The things you should be doing.


    The Main Purpose of a commander is to lead their branch. They must promote activity in the battalion. Make updates to the Battalion/Documents. Keep High Command Aware of what is happening in the battalion. Do roster updates/Any other admin work that needs to be handled. Making sure NCOs and Officers are keeping up with their quotas. Helping with any issues that I can handle. Keeping in touch with the battalion. Making sure that you are doing the things you are requested to do. 


    The things NOT to do.


    Be power hungry. The worst thing a Vice Commander can do is focus on themselves. This promotion doesn't just affect me. It affects the battalion. I have seen Commanders focus too much on themselves. They then lose touch with the battalion they are leading. They become urgent. They let the power get to their head. This will not happen to me. I understand my role and will never step out of line.


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :


     You should trust me in this battalion because I have shown that I can be trusted. In my time on this server I have only received 1 strike in a battalion/staff. That was on nova a very long time ago. I am a current member of staff and a former GM. I have shown time and time again that I can be trusted to complete my task and not mess up. I also understand my position and my rank. And I never will. Or ever have abused my power or rank to harm other peoples experiences. I Promise that I will continue to show this respect and will not abuse my power.


    7. How often can you be Online? :


    I average 5+ Hours on the server daily. Please check my battlemetrics for a more detailed view.

    Link to my battlemetrics -  https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/412897401


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :


    I do. I have 2 warnings on the server. 1 for RDM and 1 for Fail RP. Both of these warnings are from January of this year. I have no strikes in the 501st. Or any other battalion I am a part of.

  5. What is your In Game Name?  Cammin


    What is your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:222245861


    How Long Have You Been In 501st? Joined on 03/02/2022


    Why Do You Want to Become an Officer?  I would like to be a officer because in my short but sweet time with 501st i have come to really enjoy this battalion. And i would like to help the battalion grow into something bigger than it already is. 501st has so much potential and i would love to help make that potential a reality. I have experience and too much time on my hands to be active. I have seen that when i can be online there isint a single 501st Officer on half the time. That leave the enlisted we have kind of lost and without anything to do. So i could be that person to help out and keep them in check when others cant.


    How could you assist the 501st Command with this rank?  Activity, Engagement and Admin. I can be very active and fill spots that other people cant based on timezones. I like doing sims and tryouts. So meeting my quotas wouldn't be a problem for me. I don't mind doing admin at all and would help out with whatever i can.


    How many strikes do you have? 0


    What Qualifications could you bring to the 501st Officer Team? I have been a officer in different battalions and know my way around pretty well. Plus i have been in every regiment on the server so i am well versed in everything there is to know. Im also respectful and i try everything i can to help people out and make sure there having a good time.


    Have you had any previous experience has an Officer? IC Officer (2LT) SF Officer (1LT)


    What is the purpose/duty of an Officer? The purpose of an officer is to keep up engagement inside the battalion. Make sure NCOs are doing their quota. ( This includes helping them if they are struggling) Leading by example and giving the NCOs something to strive for.



    Big + support.


    Ground armor needs to be buffed. Now we can be effective on the ground


    Engineers Will defently give SF more passive RP. Plus all star fighters are engineers in lore so makes sence


    Shadow squad sounds amazing. Gives SF something to aim for. Also cool special SF stuff.


    Well written app. SF defently deserve this. After all they transport us everywhere. And i think the server will grow from this. More people will join SF and the ATC roleplay could grow from this

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