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Everything posted by guyt2030

  1. I fully support this application. SF have a long standing positive relationship with Steeley who was a fair but firm CAO. I can see him fully supporting SF & they're a great Naval personnel - his dedication was noted & it was a sad day for SF when he left. I would like nothing more to see Steeley's return to branch where he excelled & i think he shall do again.
  2. This event was a lot of fun. Fun an SF perspective we not only ran transports but engaged a lot of fighters, always fun to do a defcon 1. PC's events just lkeep getting better as their really well staged & thought out! Keep it up PC!
  3. This is a sad day for the server - there are people that just care about promotions & their standing on the server but you were a great personality who brought a lot of lols, lulz & laughs to my time here. I remember when I was drinking bourbon one early morning & you and your crew ran past saying "BOURBON EH? A REAL MAN HERE" then killed me hahaha also the interrogations 'Wait this guy is British? why do we let the British in here?' I wish you all the best in your future! It was also a pleasure to fly you aboard my VTOL *salute*
  4. Hey, I fully support this application, below are my reasons... Great application! They take SF seriously & they have great potential within the battalion Great pilot, follows orders well during missions Kiar is one of our best 'sleeper pilots' by that I mean they keep their head down & gets on with what's expected & causes 0 drama I've only seen 3 others take off and land as smoothly as they do! I believe they're ready for more responsibilities within the battalion
  5. Here's why i liked this event....which doesn't happen often... I love the fact we had fighters in AS while on ship combat was active...the pivot to planet had us to re-strat our approach. SF engaged and properly supported ground troops to and from the planet - we had HOT LZz which challaneged our pilots. When Defcon 1 happened - great comms were deployed during this phase is my fave...the Imperial Forces focused on the PANDORA PANDORA forces RULED
  6. I would like to fully support this application, below are my reasons.... He took orders from me to concentrate on formations & fulfilled them...He tooke it upon himself to do formation training... Energetic but followed COC during Events never stepped out of line as NCO Communicates well to other SF & Troopers during transports - He entertains He's active when I am - Fellow BRITZ He's a great moral support to the battalion Great pilot - shot me down many times - Wanted to join Gladius it's his natural calling He's ready for more responsibility due to the fact he's been a great NCO Did I mention his enthusiasm??? if i didn't I'm saying it again I will say this i dont care if 'Officers are needed' this one deserves it
  7. I fully support this application, below are my reasons... Shows great leadership, maturity & is respected within the battalion Follows orders & is a good pilot that has exceeded in the events we have done together He's proved to me that he can lead Events & Public Missions as I've had to delegate that task a number of times to him Active & communicative member of the battalion His track record as an NCO has proved he's an asset to the battalion & the server in general
  8. WAs a honour and a privilege to serve with you!
  9. I've not replied cos I haven't been able to find the words. but I'll give it go... You hosted my tryout, you've been a great battle buddy & you wer always there for assistance... You'll be fukkin missed...
  10. I fully endorse this application, they shown dedication & good communication skills. They've taken the lead on events which has been successful - also was noted by command. They've also improved they're dogfighting skills & have the skills to train other SF - his tryout log is amazing they also host great SIMS...
  11. I support this application. He's very active & he's dedicated - fair but firm Naval Officer. When I joined Naval he took time to show me the ropes, they do great SIMS & always raises morale. He's a good leader & takes the responsibilities seriously.
  12. I whole heartedly support this application... Great application - His words are backed up by continual dedication to the battalion I can attest to that. I've done many an event with this SF & delegated decisions to MR PC of which he has rose to the occasion. MR PC also gives a voice to the others & has always been honest with me of which I have always appreciated. He's an asset to the team & raises morale - if theyre accepted it would be a good day for SF & the server in general.
  13. I whole heartedly support this. Elias is continually dedicated & brings an air of professionalism to SF. He gives clear directions & is an asset to the team.
  14. Hey I'm relatively new here & I don't want to speak out of turn. I have two lives plus my IQ - I would love to see my name in a hud as not only does it make it easier for me to know my name but when capping vids n screenshots it's good to know who they came from
  15. This is my first whole month on the server. I've risen through the ranks to an SF Officer & I've enjoyed every day of it - I've met some amazing people & had some great experiences! I went from being the worst Transport Pilot in the history of SF to (arguably) on of the best, training a new wave of Cadets - I want to continue building a good reputation here as this has been the best 'community' I've ever had the pleasure to be a part of! I want to give a quick shoutout to some of the great people I've met who have really made it gold...If you're not mentioned it's probably because I've forgotten your name but not who you are! Star Fighters Kuria / Brand / Jabronie / Darby / Josef / Donovan / Manjini - also to anyone I trained! all you guys in SF are honestly a great bunch! TOO MANY TO NAME Medical Bubb / Hex - Whenever i go to medical I always leave with a giggle... Naval Steeley / Nunni / Joe D / Zilla / Joe 1 / Visaan IJB GAAAAAAAAZZZZZZ - keep it up mah dude! Shock Ya'll get a bad rep but honestly you've all been great to me Death Troopers I can't say your names...but you've caused many a lol for various reasons Inferno Squadron Rice - never a dull day when you're around... High Command Seaman - thanks for all your support it's been greatly appreciated - for someone who never even played an RP server till i joined here you showed me the ropes & gave me many an opportunity to either crash & burn or rise to the challenge THANK YOU. Odin - Thanks for all the interrogations they keep me on my toes
  16. Hey all, As this month draws to a close I want to start a trend highlighting others than SF that I've enjoyed serving alongside... I want to give out a massive shout out to the IJB Crew they've all been a great group of people who I've had the pleasure to do events & sims with. I want to personally thank IJB Gaz / NotTheFire for continually running great sims! and his group are a great help during events aiding SF. Enjoy New Years Eve! May 2022 be the year that we realise our potential!
  17. Fukk - Glad to hear you're better now... Been there I'm allergic to Penicillin - was given a dose that caused everything to inflame and was unable to breath unaided for a month...my thoughts are with ya...
  18. Officer Application Format What is your name? Guy What is your rank? Elite Pilot How long have you been a NCO? 8 Days What rank are you applying for? Officer How many strikes do you have? 0 Why should we trust you with an Officer rank? Since my first day on the ISD I have taken my role in SF seriously being active every day. Even though I have been accepted into Gladius Squadron I have overcome issues with my transport flying by practicing hours over days to achieve smooth event & non-event performance to a point where I was made MVP by Versio for my Transport flying. This shows I am not blind to my flaws when pointed out by my peers, I have dedicated myself to overcome them. I have followed orders to the letter from any commanding officers during events & aboard the ISD, bonding with my fellow SF & shown that I am first to raise my hand to undertake special missions from Naval / High Command. I have dedicated myself to expanding the SF Battalion by recruiting, nurturing & bonding with the recruits not only that but successfully leading events to victory with my juniors while I was the only Highest-Ranking Pilot onboard. I have performed PBDs & also provided brief but appropriate battle reports to my Seniors where I have also raised my fellow SF to seniors if I believe they should be considered for promotion when warranted. I believe my role here at the ISD as an SF Officer is threefold – Grow the battalion numbers, increase the positive reputation of SF & lead by example. What can you do to assist command with this rank? I will continue to dedicate myself by following orders from my seniors but also taking ther lead during events within SF if no other Senior SF are onboard & nurturing my relationships with others on the ISD by continuing my positive attitude & commitment to SF taking it’s reputation seriously. I will continue to dedicate myself to hosting tryouts at least once a day, training new cadets not just on technical piloting but the culture of the Imperial Way & holding sims that create bonds between the battalion that will create a great working atmosphere so that every day on the ISD is a great working environment. As I said during my time at the Academy’s Systems Dept - a good environment breeds moral which in turn brings activity & productivity up Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the NCO rank? yes
  19. Hey everyone needs a passion right?
  20. Speaking as a Goth & a massive David Bowie fan I feel that a person wearing makeup is more than acceptable - I do everyday you just don't know because I'm always wearing my SF Helmet...
  21. I would love this feature - it's painfully slow having to remove any ship with shields with a blaster
  22. -Support This would make SF obsolete I thought IF could fly if no SF are on anyways?
  23. I belong in the the skies...SF 4 EVAH
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