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Everything posted by Vuitheirt

  1. I won't say much as others have explained it better. Use this as a learning experience and improve on what everyone has said to the best of your ability. -RRH Guardian Uniform 81
  2. I think you are a good candidate in my eyes, I do believe you should work on getting your ranks up. You do a good job in Nu7 and your activity is great. +Support
  3. I think the idea of having donor jobs is good but with these weapons. No. -Support
  4. I don't believe I've ever talked to you or seen you in game, so I cannot really comment on interactions. Other than that, your application looks good, and I read over your test log, and I was very intrigued by it, I really enjoyed reading it. +Support - RRH Guardian Uniform 81
  5. I think you are a good candidate, but I do have some issues. For starters I feel like there was not a lot of effort put into this application, it's pretty short and the way you answered the questions doesn't provide me with the information I want to see. Your forums activity is also low. However, I do think if you put the work in and address the issues that myself and others have raised you could make it in. +/- Support - RRH Guardian Uniform 81
  6. If anything were to get changed please let it be so he doesn't blind you
  7. +Support I think giving it a 10 second cool down would help but not overly hinder the SCP's ability.
  8. Very active in Nu7, chill guy, does the job well. +Support - RRH Guardian Uniform 81
  9. -Support - RRH Guardian Uniform 81
  10. +Support Perfect fit for RRH Trusted with Command Great at RP Fun person to be around
  11. -Support Based on what I've seen, I feel that you are not mature enough to handle the job or clearance level given. The way I saw you acting is about the complete opposite from someone who would want to join RRH. - RRH Guardian Uniform 81
  12. +Support Pretty clear FailRP
  13. I wanted to think about this for a while before replying, I know you've been around a while and your activity is good and the main problem that I've been thinking over is that I have not seen you have not been in a lot combatant jobs and your rank is fairly low. So far I've seen you take Nu7 pretty seriously but when we were in medical together, I know you joked around quite a bit, which I don't have a problem with having fun and messing around. My biggest concern with you is taking RRH seriously. So, I'm really on the fence here. On one hand I think it would be good to have active people in it and I do believe that can be you, on the other is your prior history and low ranks. Going from a LCPL in Nu7 to being tasked with protecting the most valued foundation members is big step-up in, not only responsibility in appearance too. With all that in mind I am going to give this a +/- Support I am leaning more towards the support though and I can see good things coming your way if you put in the work and I recommend working on ranks but that is the least of all my concerns.
  14. +Support More than qualified for the job, also does a good job in Nu7
  15. +Support My time with you in Nu7 was limited so I don't have the best firsthand experience, but you're a chill guy who was trusted in Nu7 and I know you're a good combatant. So I think it's safe to say you're a good choice for RRH not to mention you were already in it. Overall, I think you're a great choice for RRH and I hope you're chosen. - Uniform 81
  16. -Support I personally do not believe you are ready for this, while I do think you are promising could make a good member in the future, I believe you need to work on your ranking and overall establishment with server. Don't take this as a sign of failure, work on your ranks and get to know people within. Your activity is good though. I do hope to see you Re apply again in the future. - Uniform 81
  17. He starts out with 375 health and I believe 275 armor, I could live with banning the usage of Med kits
  18. I like the idea, but would adding this mean 079 could not self breach anymore?
  19. What are you suggesting? - The cool down for 035's swep be shortened How would this change better the server? - People who play 035 Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - The only real downside I think it, would be more difficult to recontain 035 but only slightly, but he is probably one of the easiest to RC, IMO. Who would this change mostly benefit? - I think it would benefit people who play 035, currently 035's cooldown I believe is 5 minutes. I am suggesting it be made 2 minutes. Or at least have the 2-minute cooldown for turning people into 035-1. With the way it is right I feel that it is too long and leaves 035 completely defenseless. Recently when playing 035 I've had many encounters that could have been easily won if the SWEP cooldown was shorter. If something happens to your 035-1 or snapping someone's neck, you're left completely defenseless, I know 5 minutes may not seem like a lot of time but in that time an MTF unit can come and kill you like nothing or a D class and all you can do is run. I believe shortening at least the M1 part would be extremely helpful to the SCP. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  20. +Support for some kind of NLR for them
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