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Posts posted by Faltion

  1. 3 minutes ago, Maaaaarrliiiinn said:


    - ACTIVE

    - Very cool guy to talk to

    - Great At his current position im sure he will be even better if he gets Allegiant General

    Can't really say much because everyone has already done it.

    -Shock CPT Faltion

  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 


    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Shock Vice Commander 

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    The main reason I want to become a Vice Commander is because I have seen many quit, leave or become inactive on the server within the first week of being on the job. I feel and know that I can take on the heavy workload that comes with this position whether that be roster updates or general stuff like making sure the SOP is up to date. With the help of CMDR Carson and VC Gallen I know that we can push shock to be even greater than it is right now.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    4 days sever time (Been on the server for 1 month+ playing as shock)

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    To help lighten the load on the Commander and keep all of the officers in check so that they can in turn keep the rest of the battalion running smoothly. VC's inspire leadership out of others and are there to be a friend and a colleague that any trooper can rely on when they are in need of assistance whether that be on the ship or IRL. While they do have to be someone that others can rely on they also have to stay strict with troopers so that they can learn and be excellent troopers.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    I’ve shown that I can be trusted as an officer to be given the position of Captain so early on and believe that I have shown what It takes to be a shock trooper.  I have been in shock for almost a month now and never once have I falsely arrested someone, or lost a sit in regards to an arrest I've made. If you have seen me around the ship you know that I take the laws very seriously, the law is the law and no one is above it. 

    From my officer application

    “Well, I've been a cash management expert at a fairly large financial institution for the past few years, I've earned the respect and trust of my current colleagues at work, and I'm trying my hardest to do the same in this community.”

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    Monday         =     5 PM EST >< 12 AM EST    

    Tuesday        =     4 PM EST >< 12 AM EST    

    Wednesday   =     4 PM EST >< 12 AM EST    

    Thursday      =     4 PM EST >< 12 AM EST

    Friday            =     4 PM EST >< 12 AM EST   

    Saturday       =     4 PM EST >< 12 AM EST    

    Sunday          =    4 PM EST >< 11 AM EST   


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    None because I’m a good shock trooper boy.


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  3. What is your in-game name?

    Shock EJTO SFC Faltion 1784

    What is your current rank?

    TRN (Trainee)

    PVT (Private)

    PFC (Private First Class)

    LCPL (Lance Corporal)

    CPL (Corporal)

    SGT (Sergeant)


    SFC (Sergeant First Class)     <-- This one is me

    MSGT (Master Sergeant)

    1SG (1 Sergeant)

    SGM (Sergeant Major)

    CSM (Command Sergeant Major)

    2LT (2 Lieutenant)

    1LT (1 Lieutenant)

    CPT (Captain)

    MAJ (Major)

    LTCOL (Lieutenant Colonel)

    COL (Colonel)

    VCMDR (Vice Commander)

    CMD (Commander)


    How much time do you have on the server ?

    2 Days+ at the time of this application

    Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer?

    I have dedicated a lot of time to shock and believe I can mentor the other NCO's/Enlisted best from this position. From my view shock is one of the best battalions on the server at this time and should always stay that way. When it comes to enforcing the laws of the ship I'm probably one of the strictest people in this battalion and I believe many people will vouch for me. That is the reason I know I deserve this position.    - Kind of sound like a dick here

    Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position?

    Well, I'm a cash management expert at a fairly large financial institution for the past few years, I've earned the respect and trust of my current colleagues at work, and I'm trying my hardest to do the same in this community.

    If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't?

    I can add a very strong presence to the battalion where ever I go. I have the respect of most of the troopers in our great company and think any of my fellow troopers would follow me into battle any day and help me enforce the law to its highest standard. 


    How active can you be?

    Monday         =     5 PM EST >< 12 AM EST    

    Tuesday        =     4 PM EST >< 12 AM EST    

    Wednesday   =     4 PM EST >< 12 AM EST    

    Thursday      =     4 PM EST >< 12 AM EST

    Friday            =     4 PM EST >< 12 AM EST   

    Saturday       =     4 PM EST >< 12 AM EST    

    Sunday          =    4 PM EST >< 11 AM EST   



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