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Maaaaarrliiiinn last won the day on April 18

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About Maaaaarrliiiinn

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  1. + Support Dedicated Been in shock a long time Great Application
  2. MASSIVE +Support - Helps Shock NCO's & Enlisted with day to day duties and questions - Very Active - Cool guy - Performs his role with Shock perfectly
  3. Accepted! Contact a Major+ for your officer training
  4. Accepted! Contact a Major+ for your Officer training
  5. As ERU Lead I support this suggestion 100% we have filled our SubBattalion to 12/12 and have shock troopers who still want to join eru so we keep the roster very active and this limit 100% causes my troops to not be able to use their class when aboard the ISD.
  6. +Support - Great Trooper - Respectful - Shown great Initiative as an NCO - Cool guy - Active
  7. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Shock ERUL Major Marlin SK174 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Shock 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? There are many reasons why I am seeking the position of Vice commander in shock to start the #1 Reason why is because Shock was the first battalion I ever joined and I have loved everything about it from day #1 (even guard duty) this is why its the only battalion I've ever worked for. I Strive to make Shock be the best it can be and I think with this position I would be able to help build Shock and fill in our ranks like i have done with my Sub battalion (ERU). I am very dedicated to Shock spending hours on end guarding our stations aiding the enlisted/nco's and in general keeping the ISD clear of all the bad eggs that cross our path. I want to help Lead Shock to the best of my ability whether it be filling out roster updates, LOA’s/ROA’s, Hosting Sub battalion certifications as an Overseer, tryouts or editing Sops/Tryout docs to keep them up to date with the current shock equipment, rules etc. I also want to be helping the rest of the Shock command in discussing and solving any and all issues that come our way. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 2+ Weeks (my time count was reset but can check my prior applications etc for reference) 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of the vice commander is to be the Commander 's Right hand, as well as setting the Standard for all Officers. In General the job of the vice commander is to lighten the load of the Commander by doing roster updates, ensuring the Officers and Nco's are meeting their Sim/Tryout quotas weekly And making sure all of Shock are at guard/battle ‎stations or on patrol. The Vice commander also should make sure the SOP and other documents are up to date with the current information within the battalion. Vice commanders Should always keep their ear to the ground and listen to the enlisted+ complaints and suggestions for the battalion. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I believe you should trust me with this position because I have proven myself with my commanding experience as a Shock Officer not once but twice. I have had many other leadership roles other than this server, with these experiences that I had, I can transfer it here making sure that I am the best that I can be, but still adapting and changing, making myself the best that I can possibly be for shock! I always help enlisted and officers with problems they have and I am always there to aid them any way possible. My only goal when I become the next Shock Vice Commander is to push us to the next Level no matter what that will entail. I have made a handful of suggestions to my Previous Shock command (2021) and I believe that I can continue to think of and implement ideas to improve shock as a whole. This is my second time climbing to the rank of Major in Shock once back in 2021 and Now during my 2024 return so i think i bring a lot of Shock experience to the Battalion. 7. How often can you be Online? : Monday = 4 PM EST >< 11 AM EST Tuesday = 5 PM EST >< 11 AM EST Wednesday = 5 PM EST >< 11 AM EST Thursday = 5 PM EST >< 11 AM EST Friday = 4 PM EST >< 11 AM EST Saturday = 11 am EST >< 12 AM EST Sunday = 11 AM EST >< 12 AM EST 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : No And i plan to keep it that way.
  8. + Major Support - Previous Shock Commander - Commands Respect - Great understanding of the imperial Law - Leads by example
  9. +Support -Active -past experience -Shows Great Leadership within the Shock Battalion
  10. +Support -Only 501st TRULY allowed in Brig -Active -cool guy
  11. +Support Very Active Takes his Responsibility's within Shock very seriously. Leads by example. Cool guy
  12. + Support very active and we need to see more command From ST i think Turris would be a great fit!
  13. + Support Very active and i have heard nothing but good things from the 501st About CSM Coman!
  14. What is your in-game name? Shock ERUO MSGT Marlin SK174 What is your current rank? ERUO MSGT How long have you been in Shock? Over a week now this time around. Last time i was in shock was for a couple of months. How much time do you have on the server? 2 days. My time reset i used to have 2 weeks+ Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer? I think I deserve the position of Officer because I am on everyday while making sure the Enlisted are doing their jobs properly. I always follow the Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the battalion. I also believe my previous experience as a Shock Major shows that i am a capable fit for the position. Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position? I have been in managerial positions in my real life so i understand the role of a leader very well. I have experience in this position before and climbed the ranks very fast due to my determination on making Shock a better Battalion for everyone. If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't? I bring the experience of a Shock Major from a previous time at very high pop. I am very dedicated to shock i have over 1000 hours of SWRP and all of it being in shock or shock equivalent battalions it is the only battalion i play and i have a load of experience in the role that i can apply to The Current Shock Battalion. I hope to keep building the population of Shock and starting to run more Patrols around the ship in proper formations. How active can you be? 2-3 hours a day 3-4 on weekends Who Are the 2 Maj+ That Gave Permission? Commander Cans Colonel Hatchet
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