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Biggus Diggus FR01

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Posts posted by Biggus Diggus FR01



    And yeah the state that the server is in is actually so depressing especially considering the fact that the amount of content and stuff to do and RP opportunities are like 10000x better than in our day

    Still remember when everyone used to complain over lack of updates and now there's so many updates but there's nobody to actually experience them

    Wish the way the server is now was like it back in our day


    I remember the top 5 days and all, when Inquisitorious had like 150 members and all, when the server was packed full 

    Kashak, Gronk, Dank, Joint, Dimitiri, Jaeger, Valoons, Freedom, Fennec/Dragon, Vertigo, Azrael, Lucifer, you and so many more I miss

    U probably won't see this but my god the good old days wish I could have em back

    • Like 1
  2. On 12/27/2021 at 8:25 PM, Jimmy N00Btron said:

    +Big Support

    + I've never seen anybody as active

    + Insane tryout numbers for regiment and Rescue alike

    + Just an all around lovable guy
    + Professionalism and leadership in spades

    Bub has always been a great friend and a bit of an inspiration for myself as well. I know he'd be an amazing Vice Commander and he's worked super hard for the position! Bub is a kind soul and a big reason for the increase in members for the regiment. As many many people's first impression of the regiment, he does a great job at being an initial hook for their interest! Good luck buddy!

    "Medentes sustendo postestas de nostra Imperium!"        - MC DPD COL Hex 0084

    +Massive Support

  3. +Support
    Outshines other officers in terms of sims and missions
    Great Support as an officer and a member of the battalion as a whole
    Known Fennec for a damn while and he is a great genuine dude that deserves this position
    Long since dedicated to Purge&IQ
    Highly reliable
    Very Trustworthy

    Never had a bad moment with Fennec
    Been in Purge and IQ For a while
    Also Funny


  4. +Support
    He didn't say the N-word nor is he racist, he is a great NCO and I fully believe that, who would've known I would've had to say this, but playing Face off by Dwayne The Rock Johnson isn't racist....

    He only mic spammed and should be dealt with as such, though I do believe he should've been pulled aside and asked to play a version of the song that had the N-words edited out next time not banned for 7 days

  5. 14 hours ago, ShafowKnight said:

    *Has definitely done a lot and has put a lot of effort into 501st, dedicated to the battalion.
    *Clearly understands the job and has been in the position before, would be very easy to work with.
    *Approachable, was a Great JTL before we implemented the Certs and is now a great ARCAL alongside Deadly.
    *Awesome application.

    Good luck Theta!

    Fun fact; Theta was originally the one to train me for 501st back in 5/26/21 : P


    • Thanks 1
  6. +Massive Humongous Support
    Absolute tank of an application
    Generally a great help to the battalion as a whole
    Knows the SOP's, rules, regulations, and restrictions like the back of his hand
    Clearly plans to change the battalions: RG, IQ, and Purge for the better
    Prepared, calm, and collected
    Has a good history of Command and High Command Experience
    Highly mature
    Has 0 warns
    Would greatly benefit himself and the battalion as a whole by receiving the position of Grand IQ
    The only reason I don't plan to apply is because I know for a fact that you would be better suited

  7. +Support
    Has command experience not only as a Vice Commander but a fully fledged commander also
    Very lengthy application that clearly shows dedication put into it
    " thank you for reading this application and kindly ask you to give me any and all feedback so I know how I may improve my position as a command element." at the end shows that he is open minded to any and all criticism
    Even if he transferred recently considering he has been a DT Commander he is pretty trustworthy to fill in any gaps in knowledge he has speedily
    Is a genuine and caring individual that can be trusted in this position from what I've personally seen



    • Like 1
  8. +Support
    Very Mature
    Good with passive RP
    Great at leading on purge&IQ to passive RP in interrogations I host
    Offers advice whenever asked

    Genuinely cares about the battalion
    Good Size application
    Extensive Knowledge of the rules and regulations of IQ and has the capacity to enforce them
    Great dude
    Easy to talk to
    Does Initiate trainings whenever the time arises
    Is a current IQ Overseer
    Knows what he's talking about
    Great help to Apprentices and Lords etc

  9. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    Biggus Diggus


    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Vice Commander/Seventh Sister


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    I want to be a Seventh Sister for this branch as I very much understand the concepts of rewarding good behaviour and punishing bad behaviour,  I have extensive knowledge of what needs to be punished and certain behaviours that need to be expelled to grow regiments. I have the ability to set a proper, educated and mature example for my battalion to look up to as a lore IQ. As a current Purge COL and Inquisitorius Overseer I have proper knowledge and experience to beneficially lead the regiment into a far more positive and greater direction. Making sure my battalion remain active and also engaged within not only the battalion and sever but also whilst also being a proper, conforming and good member of the community is an absolute top priority.

    From this position I can benefit the battalion by leaps and miles that I had previously not been able to. Informing and shaping IQ into a better direction is what has, and always will be my goal as The Seventh Sister. I intend to properly lead Inquisitorius with, as my main life, as it always has been I'm sure I'm more than qualified to take lead of the battalion as a Vice Commander.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    As of the filling out of this application I currently have approximately 803:38 hours on the server, approximately 5 weeks of game-time


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    The main purpose of a commander in a branch is to lead and set and example for the whole battalion to look up to, to show the way around the battalion and to properly lead the way for newcomers and even the higher ranks if truly needed. Also to enforce and regulate the SOP upon everyone no matter what rank or affiliation is a top-priority goal for someone in the position of Seventh Sister. Aiming to improve and expand a battalion is not only what someone in the position of Vice Commander/Seventh Sister should do, but also to properly cater to each and everybody's individual needs such as answering questions give and aiding in whatever may be needed is required.


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    From the very beginning, me being a Purge PVT to an Inquisitorius Overseer I have shown great dedication and attachment to the battalion as a whole, ontop of that I can quite easily recognize the rights and wrongs with those around me and fixing them accordingly. Either via helping them, verbally warning, Striking, PT, even up to a removal or a DNT. As it is I hold the battalion very close, as the only battalion that I am in and also plan to be the only battalion I will ever be in I hold it in high regard. Never once have I filled out an ROA/LOA and definitely don't plan to, my activity is unparalleled and if I am needed I am always free to hop on help as I always have been since I first Joined!

    I am ALWAYS free to be DM'd via discord, I couldn't care if I got asked 1000 questions, as an Overseer and hopefully soon to be Seventh Sister I would gladly answer them down to the 1000th question without hesitation.


    7. How often can you be Online? :

    I can be online from 5 hours on weekdays  to 15 hours on weekend (https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/984862410)


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    None at all, and I definitely don't wish to get any currently, nor in the far future.

  10. +support
    Does plenty of trainings with rewards
    Very chilled out and mature
    Keeps everyone in line
    Does an insane quantity of Lord Trials whenever need arises
    Upholds duty of a Lore IQ
    Does roster and roll-call additions and removals actively
    Helps all IQ regardless of rank whenever needed
    Easy to talk to
    Good sized application
    Generally a great help to the battalion



    • Thanks 1
  11. What is your In-Game Name: BIGGUS DIGGUS


    What is your In-Game Rank: CPT


    What is your STEAMID: STEAM_0:1:229129107


    Are you Purge or IQ: PURGE


    What SIM's or Mission's do you want see in the future: Holocron reconnaissance


    Any Improvement's or suggestion you wish to see the Executive command Team's do: Nothing in particular no

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