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Adams the research one

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Everything posted by Adams the research one

  1. In-Game Name: Adams SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) : STEAM_0:1:119986069 What is your ULX Rank?(Donator/Staff): Platnum What is your time played on the SCPRP server?: 45 days as of writing What is your RP Rank (MTF,SEC,CI, Etc)?: LR research PVT gensec and mtf What is your timezone?: GMT-5 How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 9 I have been into it since 2014 Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): I have helped host events on SCPSL. I did this for around 2 months. I also recently had some experience on another gmod SCPRP server for a while, but the server went under recently (Yes i joined that position to get gmod event team experience). I also have some time on a very old TTT server, but i had more staff duties, and held less events How Active are you? (1/10): 8. My activity right now is pretty good. I'm usually on once a day for a long time brobably 4-5 hours. How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers.Put the date/reason/server, then explain each one.): 0 Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I have made an event team application in the past which got denied. I looked at the responses to that application and tried to fix some of the problems. I have reworked my main event and came up with a few others. Overall I am very creative and can use this to come up with new event ideas with very little time. I also am what some would call a "Rules lawyer" in the sense that I follow rules very well, and on the off chance that I break one I attempt to not do so again. I have a lot of dedication to the server, but with my current RP ranks most of it is spent AFKing. I think if I get ET I can use some of that downtime doing something to help the server. My final reason is that i wish to improve and receive feedback from others to improve and gain skills for my future in not only this server but life Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): I have a few here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-7fMf8oeUqsuYWma23WJ1ClEE9f4L2D9Amq9QcnSK1w/edit?usp=sharing Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes many times What is your favorite SCP? Why?: In my last app I said 432, however I believe that has change to 4885. I have always been a fan on info hazards, and 4885 has to be the scariest, as simply knowing its location will doom you. And the document on the SCP wiki makes it seem very creepy
  2. Lore Name: Adams Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119986069 Rank: LR Activity Level: probs a 5. On a slight break as of right now
  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 07 brother. Enjoy your endeavors And i hope to see you in research chat from time to time
  4. -/+ Support - Would make playing at night extremely annoying. - 079 already has a hard time breaching would be a nice reward
  5. -Support Same reason GL rust doesn't nee these. It just does not belong in this kind of server
  6. -Support - I feel like if a D class breached a keter during off hours it wouldn't really effect anyone, and also its like the only job you can play on off hours and kinda have fun soo
  7. ++++++Support -As someone who does mass test alot YES PLEASE
  8. o7 my man. One of the first people i talked to in research. Enjoy your endeavors, and I hope to bump into you on the server
  9. -Support - Forum activity very low - TS activity is questionable + Activity Logs and test logs are good See this as criticism from my point. Fix some things and i think you would be a great command
  10. -Support -Nice to chat with and has good ideas -Active but not that much, enough to get noticed - Only does trainings, and i dont see any activity logs, and few test logs - TS Activity is a little low Your not that bad doggo, I have chatted with you many times and I enjoyed it Although I don't think you are ready yet, remember these apps are going for awhile and you have some time to fix what i have pointed out. Good luck doggo!
  11. +Support -Fun to chat with -Has been LR for like 8+ months now. -Can be fun to be around without polluting the quality of his work both in staff and research -Little trainings day to day -Activity in research is at a low
  12. +Support -Very Active -Good test logs and activity logs -Good person to talk to and is in TS often -Not many trainings -Low forums activity
  13. +/-Support Fun to be around On all the time Has trained the most trainees I have ever seen by a new person -You have a low ammount of activity logs -You are barley in TS you only show up for meetings
  14. Name: Adams SteamID:STEAM_0:1:119986069 Current Rank:SR Time in Research (Estimate): Month and a week Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): I wish to be research command, because I think I can cater things in the branch to aid the enlisted to have fun. Such as asking them what SCP's they would like mass tests to be on. I also am active in TeamSpeak and like to help lower ranking researchers with tasks they might have questions about. I also like to learn, and in the event I make a mistake I will attempt to learn from it, and attempt to have a good connection with enlisted and other researchers. I also wish to begin grading applications, as most of the test logs go ungraded, and I believe I can help with that by grading logs. I will also take ideas from enlisted and ask high command to see if implementing them could benefit. Even though I am just a senior researcher, I feel as if I get promoted to command it will allow me to dedicate more time to the server, and give me new ways to help enlisted. What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement): My main benefit is my activity, however there are a few other things I can do. I am extremely active in TeamSpeak and like to have casual conversations with members of research and other branches. At the moment Research is my only life, and as such I can dedicate all my time on the server to it. I also am attempting to get RIS unit to aid researchers in escorts when needed, along with having HMR from my test logs. I also will host mass tests whenever possible and like I said before I will ask enlisted and whoever wishes to attend the mass test what SCP they wish to test on. Finally I will make mistakes, and learn from them to better myself by taking loas, and monitoring my mental health and taking care of it whenever needed. What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement): I would start by hosting more mass tests with rewards and restrictions to have Research think quick on their feet and get rewarded, along with giving access to more RP scenarios, such as finding new SCPs, discovering a new ability by an SCP, or a preexisting SCP being damaged in either a containment breach or GOI raid. I also plan to ask other command on ideas, and mix ideas together to make one that would boost activity! (With credit of course). Another thing I could do to boost research is attempting to bring back commissions, or something similar. And ask enlisted personally what they would want in a mass test.
  15. +Support -Active -Know him personally and overall is fun to be around -Does things for the branches he is in -Good app
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QRv6RGlUBq4DClxVcfYmwTM2aM94Zb66IGtZ9cepblc/edit?usp=sharing The LOREEEE
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H6M3qurDqVV3RtwwHLfPmDtkNu2Qtup-TkA7hn46hyA/edit?usp=sharing Another one
  18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tfiswXUs4X4NwTF9p4EJm6WGrldeIfaSjJ3ut5FkksM/edit?usp=sharing More lore Yay. Let me know if the direction im going is good
  19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pD7pYAduHC49jVIqTCPrl_WeEukl8Jrr2-vitKdIOqY/edit?usp=sharing 2/2 in lore
  20. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VnUC8NS6VrDmvSHC_uRZkBWA1Fi3e06IxKUGimJMMpw/edit?usp=sharing 1/2 in lore
  21. In-Game Name: Adams/Lenard SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) : STEAM_0:1:119986069 What is your ULX Rank?(Donator/Staff): Platinum What is your time played on the SCPRP server?: 1 week and 6 days What is your RP Rank (MTF,SEC,CI, Etc)?: Research: EXP, MTF: Recruit, Former SEC LCPL, Medical: MT, Maintenance: JM What is your time zone?: GMT-5 How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 9, I have been into SCP's since 2014, I even started a commentary SCP channel that went no where. But I do know all of the base SCP's and have knowledge on a few others. Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): I used to own an SCPSL server, in which I would make a traveling store. An admin in god mode you could trade with for weapons. We also did your generic nuke escape, and 4 zones, where after 10 minutes I would kill everyone in a randomly chosen zone (LCZ, HCZ, EZ, Surface), another event we did involved upgrading yourself and getting your loadout via trivia questions. And a few smaller ones. How Active are you? (1/10): 8. I am on as much as I can, have notifications from the discord turned on, and am on for at least 5-9 hours a day even on weekdays because school is online so I can complete it quickly. How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers.Put the date/reason/server, then explain each one.): 0 Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I personally would target events that involve different teams working towards different goals (as shown in my event I could create). I would also target some smaller events such as ones involving different jobs that are normally overlooked, along with increasing RP related events such as custom SCP mass tests, puzzle events that require members knowledge of the map and the SCP universe to succeed in, and site wide events, that would affect the whole site and give everyone in it a different role then what they would normally be. I would also like to learn from other members of the staff team/event team to further improve my events, because I don't know everything about this server and getting input from others could help me better understand what the players want and don't want. I would try to make the start of my events based of of an event happening in the server, such as an SCP 610 breach could lead to an event involving SCP 610 attempting to take over the facility while the survivors are given limited recourses and must fight their way and attempt to contain SCP 610 while some areas of the site could serve as safe rooms where the group could resupply heal and get back to fighting the army of 610s (Limited recourses as in limited ammo in guns and low armor) Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): Event Ideas Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes multiple times What is your favorite SCP? Why?: 432. SCP 432 is a very dull SCP especially in the SCPRP server. I like it not because the SCP itself is interesting, but because you can add interesting lore to it, while other SCP's have very established lore and properties, 432 is just a big closet , which leaves much room for interpretation and adding to its lore and giving it backstory
  22. Your Rank and Name: EXP Adams Why do you believe you should be accepted into the Hazardous Materials Research division? (75 word requirement): If I were to get accepted into the HMR division. I would use it to cross test other anomalies with biologically hazardous ones. Potentially finding a way to reverse the effects on these anomalies, or create useful tech for MTF and GENSEC to use on their day to day activates. Along with informing other researchers the safest way to traverse near and handle biologically dangerous anomalies to prevent incidents and raise awareness. Another thing I wish to do is hopefully finding a way to communicate with sentient biohazardous anomolies to get information about the anomaly, and other topics of interest Provide links to the documents you have produced on biologically hazardous SCPs: 049 interview (idk if that counts) 049 and 008
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