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Adams the research one

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Everything posted by Adams the research one

  1. Test log assigned. Please wait 1-3 days for final grade
  2. Test log assigned. Please wait 1-3 days for final grade
  3. Test log assigned. Please wait 1-3 days for final grade
  4. Test log assigned. Please wait 1-3 days for final grade
  5. Test log assigned. Please wait 1-3 days for final grade
  6. Test log assigned. Please wait 1-3 days for final grade
  7. Test log assigned. Please wait 1-3 days for final grade
  8. Test log assigned. Please wait 1-3 days for final grade
  9. Test log assigned. Please wait 1-3 days for final grade
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y9OmSNqSSCi81-C8EoVWXSbagN7A0RoFePgMN314k2w/edit?usp=sharing
  11. Writing (10/11) No one is perfect. But this one comes VERY close. So close in fact that I might as well go to an eleven system. Creativity (9.5/10) Not much needs to be said here. Amazing concept, and execution Design (6.8/10) The only part of the document I believe is lacking. I feel as if more could have been done, mabye more fonts, images, and sections. However design is purley subjective. Overall (8.76/10) The document was beatiful, and just a little of *PAZAAZ* could have brought it to a 9. Dispite that this document was amazing and I would love to see more.
  12. Writing (8.6/10) Good writing. Not much more to say Creativity (9/10) I loved the abstract ideas that reflect foundation nature, and the way they were logged was great Design (8/10) Good looking google doc. Loved the warnings Overall (8.53/10) Was a good doc. The information was well presented, and although there were some imperfections in the layout overall liked it
  13. Writing (8/10) Although grammaticly you were spot on, there were some spots in the document that I was a bit lost Creativity (7/10) I like the idea that you proposed, however I feel as if more could have been done to give it a proper flow. Design (8.4/10) The design was very nice, soft on the eyes, and pleasing to read, however I felt as if I was looking at more of a US government document instead of an SCP foundation one Overall (7.8/10) I did like the document and the testing idea, however I feel as if more could have been done with the test without breaking the laws of the SCP universe
  14. +Support -Has been in research for a very long time -Although he has been inactive in the past I think he has improved on this regard -Seems like someone who adresses feedback as shown in his command app -He is able to get engagment of research very high shown by his previous mass tests -Although his activity has improved his general server activity on research is low. +/- Application is a bit lacking in depth and grammar, but makes up for it in the length and detail
  15. Writing/Grammar (9/10) No ones perfect, but I can say this one is close Creativity (7/10) Although the SCP was covered well I feel as if more elements from the SCP its self could be incorporated. Design (8/10) I think that even though the design of the document is similar to the ones issued by the foundation you could implement your own touch to the design Overall (8/10) I like the theme of the document, especially with the included images and SCP document design. I would love to see more!
  16. -Support -Many player reports on you -Have not seen you on the server in like a week -Overall unfit for command as of this moment
  17. +/-Support From what the clip shows although you did undisguise there was a very small amount of time between the time you looked like a d class and you were not. If you were stating in game that you can not kill him I would make this a + support
  18. Grammar (7/10) Few mistakes and was overall decent Writing (4/10) The document was very good however some parts seem to be disconnected from The Foundation Design (9/10) Design was beatiful and matched the overall tone of a foundation document Overall (6.6/10)
  19. In Game Name: Adams Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) STEAM_0:1:119986069 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Analyst Current RP Ranks Held: Research - RS, Maintenance - MJ If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 0 Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I wish to join the red right hand team because it is somewhat of a link between research and a combatant branch, and as someone who has always wanted to get into combatant branched, but never enjoyed them as a whole I think RRH Analyst will be the perfect fit for me. I also wish to join RRH for when I have completed all my work for the day and end up sitting in bunks doing nothing, I intend to use that time on RRH! Why should we accept you: I am a very dedicated individual when it comes to RP. I can get involved in an RP situation so much that even I sometimes forget its not real. I can write amazing documents, and while I did enter this server with less then great document writing skills (As shown from the logs above) as I stayed longer I adapted and improved, and I can adapt and improve with skills that may be nessacary to be an RRH member. I take feedback very well. If someone points me out on something that I am doing wrong, or something that I can improve on I try my best to fix the thing pointed out as fast as I can to not only please the individual pointing it out, but everyone else around me. (There is not a word requirement, however a one-two sentence application will likely get denied)
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