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Posts posted by SAINTY.

  1. 4 hours ago, Theta said:

    Havoc Company

    If i say anything I would be in an immense amount of trouble. This has been noted little man

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. 13 hours ago, Havoc Wheat said:

    +++ Mega plus support Would provide ST proper models with body groups and the correct ranking structure and generally higher quality overall that and it helps make the stormtrooper core ranks be more identifiable because as it stands no one can tell the difference between a ST command member and a normal one and overall flush out the storm trooper core.


  3. Shock Troopers

    Job Changes:
    Just a small health increase for a job which needs it.

    JOB - Shock Elite Jump Trooper:


    Entities: Jetpack


    Current Health: 450
    Current Armour: 250

    Health: 550
    Armour: 300

    Why? The shock EJT job is meant to be the most elite Shock trooper, however they are very underpowered It only has an additional 50 HP more than the officer job. With these changes, it will allow them to be able to hold down brig better as it is ALWAYS targeted during events and due to the lack of HP that shock jobs have, it makes it very hard for them. They are also always getting attacked from prisoner jobs, so this extra health will give them an extra cushion so they do not get killed as much by prisoners, allowing them to do their job.

  4. Regimental Engineer Changes

    These changes are to add the AT-ST Vehicle and Turret to all engineering jobs. We tried this vehicle out as a trial period on the Shock Engineer job, and it has gone well. So we will be implementing this to each of the engineer jobs.

    Stormtroopers (Havoc)
    Job - Stormtrooper Engineer (Havoc)


















    Additions:  F4 Menu -> Entities -> AT-ST (Same as Shock)


    501st Legion (Besh)
    Job - 501st Engineer (Besh)


    Addition - F4 Menu -> Entities -> AT-ST (Same as shock)


    Starfighter Corps
    Job - Starfighter Engineer


    Addition: F4 Menu -> Entities -> AT-ST (Same as Shock)

    All Vehicles will ONLY be available to SNRENG+. Meaning they are hard workers in the Engineer sub division in their respective battalions and will not be abusing their equipment. They will each have certifications which they will have to complete upon getting promoted and will NOT be allowed to use their equipment before passing these. I have docs with Ideas for each battalion's certifications which could be introduced already which will be made for each respective battalion, should this be accepted.

  5. 14 hours ago, Darby said:



    By closing the MOTD once you join the server means that you agree to follow all rules stated in the MOTD.

    It has been stated time and time again that Racial/Discriminatory Slurs are not permitted on Gaminglight at all.

    Also, the fact that you have been banned for Racial Slurs previously, no matter how long ago it was, you should know it is not tolerated.



  6. What is your in-game name?: General Sainty

    What is your steam name?: [GL] Sainty.

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:417674367

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) 
    Yes, before this staff run to where I am now, I used to be a Senior Moderator before I initially resigned from GL. I have now worked my way back up to Senior Admin, with over 336 Sits total. I have had to deal with a large variety of sits ranging from Store Blacklists, Alt accounts, Mass RDMs, Racism, Homophobia etc. I have had to deal with sits whilst being cursed at etc, so I have a lot of experience dealing with all sorts of people and situations whilst remaining unbiased and calm. 

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)
    Roughly June - July 2021. However, my forums account was made on August 18th, 2021.

    What date did you make your forums account?
    August 18th, 2021.

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

    How many warns do you have on the server?
    2 warns, both from my Lord and Saviour Emperor Palpatine (Bon)

    Have you donated?
    Yes, 1314 USD. (Don't tell my girlfriend)

    What rank are you applying for?

    Have you read the staff guidelines at 
    Yeah, way too many times. I use the guidelines pretty often during sits and when training new staff

    Permission (Admin+ need this):
    Bon, Bear, Name, Spice / Hotshot (Manager)

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length)
    I deserve the rank for many reasons. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time playing the community for almost the past year, and gaining this position will allow me to take one step closer to ensuring the server runs as smoothly as possible and allow me to mentor more staff members with the experience I have gained thus far. I am more interested into the management side of the server too, which I have already began to help with already. The following reasons are why I feel I deserve this position:

    I feel that I am a very trustworthy individual, this has been seen from my time progressing though the RP ranks up to being a General of the Imperial Army. During my time as a member of AHCOM, I have been able to work closer to management, implementing many changes with the servers best interest at heart. This role has also allowed me to build my relationship further with members of SMT and Management which I had not had prior. I feel that I am seen as a trustworthy individual from these actions. And will be able to work the best with SMT / Management out of all candidates.

    I feel I have been a very helpful member of the staff team, always ensuring I go the extra mile to help out. Some instances of these actions would be: 

    A) Helping out apple with the new GM guidelines with ISB roleplay, the rules surrounding it and general formatting. With my experience from High Command, I had a better output as most other people would with these.

    B) Helping out the GM team's interviews multiple times when they have not had enough people to do them. I have done this multiple times (when I am not a GM) as I feel that the strong core to making the server most popular is in fact the GM team.

    C) Hosting the Combat simulation as a Temporary GM when there were no available GM's to do so. This event was one of the key things that helped the server maintain max player count for multiple hours and generated huge hype for the server. 

    Easy to work with:
    I feel I am very easy to work with as I am an openminded individual who does not show biased to anyone regardless of rank. 

    I am also probably one of the candidates who has played on the server the longest. I have seen things which work and do not work on this server, so I will have useful and reliable input when working with management to implement new things on the server and when mentoring staff on the server.

    To Conclude, these are some of the benefits I will bring to the JMT team, with finishing University in a month too, I will have LOTS more time to be very active and the best possible member to the JMT team as possible!

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
    So, I have had to deal with this plenty of times, so here is how I do it every time. I bring them both, when he begins cussing I gag him, as the person who reported him for any sort of evidence (e.g. A clip). After this, I watch the clip (if they have one) then I check logs to see how many people they shot / killed. After I do this, I will have a rough estimate in my head as to their punishment. I will then explain to the individual who I have gagged to make sure they stop cursing and that I am going to ungag them to hear their side of the story. After they have explained their side, and it is either not a reasonable explanation or (they are just outright being rude) I will give them the punishment, starting off with a Warn & 5 day ban, however, this could change with the severity of the action.

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