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Posts posted by SAINTY.

  1. 69th Medical Droid bugs:

    Job name: Medical Droid
    Job name needed: 69th Medical Droid


    Colour on tab menu: Pink - 255, 0, 255
    Colour needed on tab menu: Light Red (like other medical jobs) - 184,75,84

    Reason for changes: On the suggestion accepted, these changes were forgotten about and need to be changed. This is to ensure the Medical job is similar to the other Medical jobs and there is a standard throughout all jobs. Thanks.

  2. -=Section 1=-


    In-game Name: 
    High General Sainty

    Steam Name:
    [GL] Sainty.

    Steam ID: 

    -=Section 2=-


    What is the role of Darth Vader?

    Darth Vader has many roles. To Summarise them, it would be to oversee all aspects of RP. This will be done by overseeing all HCOM (besides palpy) and have a final say on decisions regarding those in HCOM. The main roles are outlined here:

    Overseeing all RP scenarios: I would be assisting Palpy in decisions which other members of High Command do not have permission to do (e.g. reinstating people, some promotions, behavioural issues withing HC and lots more.)

    Work closer with SMT / Management: Vader is also one of the main members who will be working closely with SMT to ensure the server has been running smoothly on the roleplay sides of things.

    Essentially be the face of High Command, and role model for the server: One of the other roles as Vader is to ensure that after all other issues have been dealt with, the server is continuously growing and making sure the High Command members are doing this by pushing out updates. Also ensuring there are no signs of High Command corruption. 

    Why do you want to become the role of Darth Vader?

    I would love to achieve this rank for many reasons. This has been one of my goals ever since I initially joined High Command almost 4 months ago. I enjoy progressing through the ranks and becoming Darth Vader would not only be an achievement for myself on the server, I would also be able to use this as a way to ensure players after me are enjoying the ranking up system and the server as a whole by making sure High Command, as a team, continues to make meaningful changes that allows players to enjoy themselves further in the future. I would also like this position, as it would allow me to interact with more branches than I currently do right now, obviously focusing more on Army rather than IQ and Naval. But, if I do achieve this rank, I will delegate my time equally amongst the three, obviously changing this when one branch needs more help than another. Another reason I would love to become Vader would be to work really closely with 501st. Obviously, with 501st being Vader's battalion, I would love the opportunities that would come up with them and having fun with that. One thing I have not seen many Vader's do in the past is use special force battalion's protocols. I feel like these protocols, if used right would be a fantastic source of RP as well as a great way to advertise each battalion to newer players on the server.

    What experience do you have that would be relevant to the role of Darth Vader?

    I have a wide variety of experience on the server. As listed. Throughout my time on the server, I have witnessed people in higher ranks do plenty of things. Some things I have picked up on and brought on board to help be a better command member, and some things which I have seen and taken that on board to NEVER do. All of these things, with the experience listed below will assist me on being a great next Vader.

    Havoc Command: During my time as a Havoc command member, the battalion had been in a very poor state for a very long time. The first time I was a VCMDR, I had to try to dig the battalion out of the grave. Wheat had experienced a multitude of Vice Commanders who got the role, messed about for a couple of weeks, gave the battalion a bad name and then either got removed or left. When I achieved this rank, we got the battalion back up with some stable activity for the most part with people liking the battalion and remaining in the battalion. We reworked assault team functions on ship to setup defences which made that sub division do good for a while. However, I then resigned for a month or 2 to focus on university, which at the time was taking up a lot of my time. Dealing with a battalion in such a bad state gave me some valuable experience on how to react and improve a battalion like that which is in such bad shape.

    Stormtrooper Command: During my time in ST, I transferred in as a VCMDR due to havoc being removed. I did not know anyone in the battalion really, apart from the other Havoc troopers who transferred with me. However, I had to get to know a bunch of new players who I had little to no interaction with previously. This was a test to my character on the server and adaptability to a new role, which we got ST into a respected, very active battalion. With help from Moby, Lydus and Bear, we managed to not only rework Scout Troopers who had a very poor model, kit and reputation on the server into a well respected sub division of ST which is definitely more popular than shore now. We also created Storm Commandos. Storm Commandos had been planned for a while with older ST command and Bear, however, I did help with speeding up the process and creating all the docs for them (SOP, tryout guide), as well as helping bear with kit choices.

    High Command: Since I have been AHC, I have done lots of things, some of which have had higher direct impact on the server than other things, such as doc reworks and other things document related. Some of the higher impact loggings consist of:

    Bi-Monthly Combat tournament: I hosted and made all documents etc regarding both the first and second ever Battalion-wide tournament. This was created to allow battalions to prove and showcase their most skilled troopers in a tournament for a variety of prizes. We did this to create a sense of unity server wide by everyone communicating with each other, being friendly towards each other after games, and maybe even getting to know other people on the server who they did not know prior. This was done whilst creating a friendly competitive atmosphere which really rejuvenated the server and gave battalions a reason to maintain good PVP skills. This tournament has been VERY successful the two times it has been done, each time allowing for feedback and improving each time like we should as HC members. As our main priority is to improve the server as a whole.

    Imperial Commandos new lore squad: This new squad was made for IC a while ago when they were consistently having 10-15 players daily. This squad was made for players who could not get into Omega squad due to it always being full. At the time, it also brought a refreshing group to IC which has been popular ever since. Obviously with IC's activity dropping off a little after they were stuck with 1 command member for a while, it has dropped off a little, but with time, that will once again go back up.

    Regimental Engineer vehicles: Regimental Engineers were lacking for a while, having no cooler additions that Havoc had. One of the main reasons havoc failed, in my opinion, was that they did not have any vehicles they could use over 40 players. However, we managed to find a AT-ST which caused almost NO lag to the server, even at 90+ players. This was an ideal opportunity to keep RE going as cool vehicles they actually can use is popular amongst the engineers that are on the job daily.

    New large-scale ST sub branch update: I can not go too much into detail about this change, as it is not fully done yet as we are waiting for the new map to drop to release it, however, this job is VERY cool and had a large purpose on the new map, which I feel will bring a lot of people over to ST. Further creating a better image of Stormtroopers throughout the server, which I really want to see.


    Why do you think I should pick you over other applicants?

    I personally feel I should be selected as the new Vader, due to my

    - My great communication skills.
    - My ability to learn from mistakes as proven in other parts of this application.
    - My willingness to give advice to people who need it rather than jumping the gun.
    - My reliability - I feel that I am one of, if not the most reliable members of HC to get things done quickly, and to a high standard.
    - My no-nonsense attitude. - I feel I can easily detect if something is going to be worth spending the time on.

    Please outline some ideas that you could bring to improve the server as Darth Vader:

    I have had a few ideas so far that I would like to bring to the server to improve it. One of the main ones which I am currently working on is changing how SNR CMDRS work and the roles / job surrounding them. With the change, I feel it could be very beneficial to the server as a whole, as battalions who are struggling, will have more help from SNR commanders with the change. Another one would be to incorporate a new job / group consisting of one member from each battalion as a sort of squad to enhance cross-battalion relations. This has not much thought into it as of now, however with the right approach, this could be a super cool addition as a sort of reward for those in each battalion doing great. This would come with a new model / job too.  

    -=Section 3=-


    In your personal experience with being a player, what issues have you come across?

    During my time as a player, one of the main issues I have come across is disrespect between battalions and players. This has been most present in how some people treat ST's and new players. Both the Stormtrooper battalion used to face an increased amount of hate for no real reason. Likewise with new players. People always assume the worse of the two and it does make people leave the server and go to a different one.

    In response to the question above, how would you handle and fix these issues?

    One of the main fixes for the ST side has already been done, with the addition of the Combat tournament, ST have gained many peoples respect as they now have a Special Forces sub branch too. However, the new player issue is still there. One main way to address this, in my opinion, is to get command teams to crank down on their troops. The discrimination on the new players arises in TeamSpeak when someone gets annoyed at a newer player who joins to mess about, then makes a comment on how "newer players are so annoying" this then spreads as people communicate to others. However this should not be the case. The newer players are what makes the server, as myself and everyone who is reading this was once a newer player, all it takes is one nice person to interact with a newer player and they can be a valued member of the community. This, however, begins with command teams setting the right example and hammering down on their troops if they do have a poor mentality.

    Anything else you would like to add?
    I would to say thanks to everyone who has read the full application. I would honestly love to get this rank, and do the best I can to ensure the community grows and enjoys themselves. I commit to being a fun Vader, who is active and only benefits the server long term, as I have no plans on leaving the server either way.

    Hope you all have a fantastic day / night. - Sainty.


  3. On 6/18/2022 at 5:15 AM, 99 dead raccoons said:

    + Support

    These 2 are constant problems who are disrespectful and are only here to cause issues. They are uncooperative and simply just there to cause problems. I have been called to deal with them multiple times and they never seem to learn. 

    I have had to deal with these two many times in the mornings my time, annoying asf

  4. 12 hours ago, Jimmy N00Btron said:

    Starch and I have talked this update through and it should be a pretty easy change to add. The Medica Droid having its Bacta Grenade removed would lessen minging incidents and having it within the fold of the Medical Corps would make people be more serious on the job. This would further be ensured by only allowing Senior NCO+ on the job as well as having no more than 2 job slots. The Droid would be of extensive help in surgery RP and would give extra incentive to perform them.


  5. ST: Snowtrooper update

    F4 Menu change
    OLD: Stormtrooper Gladiator [T1] 
    Current Job slots: 5

    New: ST: Snowtrooper [T1]
    New Job slots: 10

    Reason for the new Job slots:
    As this job will be used at ALL times for troopers on cold planets not on Scout etc, this will require more slots for people in the battalion to play on the model, so for current activity standards, this suits the battalion more than 5 slots.

    Model path: models/nada/SnowTrooper.mdl
    Model Workshop link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2682627489
    (Extract the Snowtrooper model out of the pack.)

    With optimisations made to the model, and once it is extracted from the pack, it will not only be optimised for the server, it will also be a very high quality model that will draw a lot of attention when worn by the ST corps.

    Current Kit:



    300 HP
    150 Armour

    450 HP
    200 Armour

    Reason for this Change?
    The E-11s is a good addition to the class as it matches the purpose of Snowtroopers, It will allow the class to have a longer range weapon to suit all aspects of the stormtrooper corps. It also has the TL-50 so they have a strong primary for CQC. This gun was already on the donor job, and I think it is a solid choice to keep on there. This will allow ST’s to have a strong loadout and a cool job to switch to whilst on colder planets.


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