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Posts posted by SAINTY.

  1. 44 minutes ago, Evan? said:

    So from the evidence shown your reporting me for - supporting your apps? and when i do witch is kind of the whole point of the forums is to get all sides yet you start harassing me about it (Evidence https://gyazo.com/2b9b02cc5b1d4ffae09f9115fe2825ec) and about before when you were asking about joining CCs i was warning you about on how it could be "Considered Spam and Begging" (Evidence shown https://gyazo.com/45eedd4cec519ae031f5d1e915d580d3) and then at that point you went all bonkers (Evidence shown https://gyazo.com/84d50ded29291c02548972ed80cd8881) and im not totally sure why your bringing up my 2 warns that are months old and ban from over 3 months ago. im not entirely sure what your trying to accomplish with this post have a good day though.

    Okay, so ill explain all your points as I thought you would bring these up. First point, the screenshot you posted is nowhere near harassment, this was me asking you what your issue with me was, this is nowhere near classed as harassment when I was trying to get to the bottom about why you feel the need to constantly downvote me on every post I do. If anything you commenting on all my posts is more likely to be classed as that than the screenshot you posted. Second of all, how could 5 posts in 3 days be considered spamming and begging? that also makes no sense and moderators should actually be using their time and effort on people who are actually posting spam etc. Third of all, that was no me going "bonkers" that was me genuinely being curious if you know the definition of all the things you were saying because I feel that a moderator should be up to date with the meanings of these things before falsely accusing someone and screenshotting the 5 posts in 3 days in the discord which is used to help people, rather than a moderator dming you randomly out of the blue with 5 screenshots when I was only asking for help to find a CC I could join to help support the server, having being new to the server too at the time not knowing people who could help me out. I feel that a moderators job is to help support the players and punish at times when they have done wrong, not falsely accuse me of 3 things (spam, begging and now harassment).



    These images show him randomly dming me out of the blue with 5 messages requesting help over a period of 3 days which apparently could be considered spam.

    regards, Sainty.

  2. 1. Your In-game: Sainty


    2. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:417674367


    3. The admin's name in-game: Evan


    4. The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Evan?


    5. What did the admin do: 

    One day after I was asking in the general discord channel for people who owned CCs he PMed me saying I was "spamming and begging" for asking a harmless question 5 times over the span of 3 days. First of all this is not considered spam as spam is something completely different and second of all aren't moderators meant to be helpful to people in the server not complaining in their discord DMs when they have some sort of agenda against them for no reason. Every member of staff has been very helpful to me when I have enquired about CCs, this member of your staff team decided the best course of action was to be rude and message me saying I'm begging. This then started this staff members somewhat feud with me. I am not quite sure what is issue is but when i asked him about it he said "he's seen how I act on the server" yet apart from him everyone has only said positive things such as I'm the "nicest guy in havoc" and I "always take my RP seriously" so I'm not too sure how someone I barely see on the server can constantly vote me down and falsely accuse me of something. Yes I have been banned for MARDM, but I can admit that I was wrong in that situation and have taken a step in the right direction and taken the server much more seriously ever since then and this can be proved by all the positive comments I have received from my peers. Seeing as someone who has 2 warns ARDM and RDA and has been banned before too I'm sure Evan would know that people who have been banned in the past can change for the greater good too. Every post I have made he makes sure to comment negatively about me, which I'm not saying in entirely wrong because that's what the forums are there for but as someone who is meant to be a moderator uses his own bad will on a person to attempt them to not get any position in the RP server is poor. I spoke to a senior moderator about this (red) and he suggested i make a post on the forums about it to get my point across at how he targets my posts to give myself a bad reputation. You will be able to see how on every post of mine he comments negatively, where he is the only person doing so and everyone else only has positive things to say about me. This will be shown in the following screenshots.


    6. Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED):







    7. What do you believe should happen to the admin:

    I think someone needs to have a firm word with him to try to be more professional, whether it is a maturity thing or not, I'm not too sure. Someone should give him a warning before he does this to someone else.


    8. Any extra information:

    When I spoke to him to try to resolve things he shut me down by saying he didn't have a problem with me and when asked what his reasoning was he said "I've seen how you act" which I couldn't tell what he was referring to because if he was talking about my ban he has got two strikes and a ban himself so surely he would realise that that was a mistake and I've moved on where people have consistently praised me since. Someone is a position like he is should not be acting this way. I don't have an issue with anyone on the server and I'm a pretty chilled guy, I just think this constant hate is unnecessary for someone who causes no real issues with anyone on the server.

  3. Steam Name: SAINTY.

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:417674367

    Ingame Name: Sainty / Havoc SGT Sainty

    Ban Length: 5 days

    Admin that Banned you: Billie

    Reason for Ban: ARDM

    Dispute: Hi, first of all sorry if this is posted in the wrong section im kind of new to the forums for gaming light. So what happened is that me and 3 others were RPing that two of us were possessed droids and we were shooting each other etc (This was early morning and server pop was less than 20 - I would never do this if it was higher pop) At the time everyone agreed to be doing this and knew it was a joke rp scenario and the person who then reported both of us drones even admitted that he found it a joke for the first couple times, this situation lasted for around 30ish minutes with no indication that people were then not having fun and wanted to stop, so as we eventually stopped i was then notified that i had been reported for mass ARDM when the same person was killing me and i didn't mind for the sake of the RP, had i have known that the person then didn't want to participate in this by them simply messaging me or any sort of communication i would have stopped immediately. I am someone who takes this server seriously and you could ask anyone in my battalion or that knows me. I thought this was just a bit of harmless fun in TL (we chose this to not interrupt anyone who was playing at this time) where we could do a bit of RP to keep us entertained whilst the server was quiet in the morning. I appreciate you reading this and hope you can understand from my perspective. This will not happen again either way and accept my fault in the situation.

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