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Posts posted by FusionThunder

  1. 4 minutes ago, Shin said:

    I do forget things but now I do remember. But yeah, I believe this person has already been banned earlier than your report so it's insta accept. Considering his steam name is similar to his RP name.

    Yea i looked at the ss it’s definitely same guy. Should i delete post or leave it here?

  2. 14 minutes ago, Shin said:

    About this report, I've already banned him for Racism this morning due to a punishment request of him being racist in the discord.


    And I believe this is his STEAMID I was sent from the punishment request, correct?: STEAM_0:1:56782689 

    So that SteamID in your report might be an incorrect one (Aka someone might be wrongfully banned), might wanna double check on that. Or it might be my fault on my end 

    I did an Rp lookup on his thing and I got this steamid so idk


    You are aware i made that request tho right? You told me you removed him w one month DNT

  3. 3 minutes ago, MexicanGuy said:


    I must say that in certain parts of Latin America the word is used with the same meaning but it is not something so rude, but it does not take away the fact that he said it especially on a US server where it is highly racist.

    Ya i can understand that but the way he brought it up when we questioned him about it made it seem like a last resort and he was lying to my face

  4. Just now, Sia lodato il SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE said:

    Im still +Supporting but to be sure check his nationality 
    Digga in german means bro, he prob said the n word but it's always good to be sure

    He tried to claim he was latino so i mean i have my doubts

  5. Your in game name: Fusion

    Your Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:246681057

    The player's in game name: King (Named himself Security LCPL King)

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:56782689

    Date and Time This Incident Occurred: around 7am

    What did the player do: Racism

    Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/4AJyajQUTeUh1/d1337OE94DVf

    What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn + one week ban

    Any extra information: Claimed to have other jobs to play on after being removed from security

  6. On 10/10/2021 at 6:22 PM, Gyara said:

    Cool and Active dude

    Leaving Nu7 man? Messed up😢

    Aint gonna lie giving it some more thought and idk what branch ima truly leave

  7. 12 minutes ago, Jeffonator said:

    sorry for the shortness of it but I don't know what else to put on it.

    Yes you may get context on that. It was on my second day on the server and I was a LCPL or CPL Riot control and pryingtree as a researcher averted partial and at the time I did not know he was a researcher and he did not void it on time so me and the other officers started shooting the class-d that did not comply and I killed most of them that's about the hole story. ( this is what I was referring to by I wont make the same mistake again). If you have any other questions please ask them.

    Ah well with context changing to +Support

    i do recommend looking at other apps for inspiration. Be sure not to take work directly tho

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