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Posts posted by Darwin


    Darwin's Warn Appeal

    Evan - False Warn Report


    1. Questions


    2. Your In-game name:   Darwin/Darweenie/Darlene


    3. Your SteamID:    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:516736205


    4. The admin's name in-game:  Evan


    5. The admin's steam name (If you know it):  [GL] Evan?


    6. What warning did you receive:  RDM | Player Diss


    7. Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 


    8. Why do you think this warn was false:

    To start off,  Evan was quite literally the start of our altercation. Me, Darby, and Evan were all standing in front of PCP,  when I took out my gun and pointed it at Evan, threatening him as a joke. A couple seconds after I did that, I still had my weapon out when I tabbed out to do something. During my very short amount of time being tabbed out, I had been warned 3 times and shot at by Darby. I hadn't realized this, and started defending myself by instinct. Of course, he killed me, and when I respawned, I told Name, who was in my TeamSpeak, to kill Darby. When I got back to PCP He jokingly punched, and killed Darby. The second time Darby came back, I told Name to kill him again, assuming that since I had no former problems with Darby, he wouldn't care  that we were having some fun. When he was about to kill him I broke his tactical insert, to troll him, and make him walk all the way back. (Reminder, at this time I thought the entire situation was a joke, and we were just messing around with each other.) After this, nothing really happened, until I was talking to Name in TeamSpeak, and I was pulled into a sit. When I tabbed back in to realize I was in a sit, the moderator who took the sit was actually Evan. I thought, "He is quite literally the one who was being protected by Darby during the interaction, and he didn't leave it the entire time, therefore he was actually involved in the conflict." So I asked Name, isn't that against the rules, and he said yes, So he teleported to the sit and asked Evan about that. When he asked Evan, nothing really changed with that question. So I went on to get warned in the sit for something I hadn't been told about. (Player dis) Although, when Darby was killed I tea bagged his body, and said some not very inspirational things to him, It was all just taunting and in good nature on my part.(Yet again I was joking during this entire situation.)  When I was warned for this, I was confused because it wasn't mentioned in the sit. This led me to believe that they had been in kahoots, maybe talking about the sit, before it took place. This is my reasoning for thinking its quite sketchy that he happened to be the one who took the sit. With all this said, this is my reasoning.

    On the other hand, I can't recall ever being verbally warned for something, or warned formally on the server. I don't have the best reputation, but this isn't a good reason for me to have a warn on my account.

    9. Any extra information:

    I don't have any evidence, besides the clips on Darby's Medal, that he privately messaged to Evan, and I have some witnesses, including Darby, Evan, Name, and possibly Julien. 

  2. What is your in-game name? : Darwin/Darweenie/Darlene

    What is your steam name? : [GL] Darwin

    What is your steam ID? : Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51673620

    Do you have any other experience with staffing? : I have been a moderator for 3 different Minecraft servers, and a discord server. 

    What date did you start playing on the community? : I started playing the server almost 2 months ago. (rough estimate)

    What date did you make your forums account? : June 1, 2021.

    Current rank on server : User/Member

    How many warns do you have on the server? : I have no warns.

    Have you donated? I have donated to the server.

    What rank are you applying for? : Trial Moderator

    Have you read the staff guidelines : I have read the staff guidelines.

    Timezone : CDT

    Permission (Admin+ need this) : N/A

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? :

    I believe I deserve Trial Moderator, because I have played on this server for almost 2 months now. Over these two months, I have witnessed a lot of good, and bad things happen. I have seen people enjoy the server when there is no conflict, and people who are not enjoying the server, because of people not following the rules. When these things happen, people often leave, or stop enjoying the server. If I were a trial moderator, I could help bring balance to the server, and enforce the rules to keep everyone on content, and active. This server is what some of the high ranking staff rely on for income, and helping these people keep a active, and healthy server, makes there job a whole lot easier.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? :

    In this situation, the first thing I would do would be respectfully asking the person to stop interrupting and cursing at me. If they do not respect that, I may gag the person. Before I act on anything, I will ask for both sides of the story, to see what the problem is. When the player says they are Mass RDMing, I would first ask if they have a clip for proof. If they don't have any proof, I would check logs to see if this is true. If the logs show they have mass RDMed 4x +, I would contact someone who could potentially ban, or punish this person, further then I could. If it is in the case that the player has only RMDed any where from 2x-3x, I could contact someone who is capable of giving them a formal warning. And in the case It is only a RDM 1x, I could either distribute a verbal warning , or contact someone who is capable of giving them a formal warning, or whatever punishment they see fit.

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