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Posts posted by Leviathannn

  1. + Support



    Strict when necessary 

    Overall a fantastic example of what a Shadow Guard Officer should be

    If/When you get the position PLEASE do your best to make SHG a better sub battalion. Be creative and use your resources to the best of your ability, there are always more minds than just the SHGO, take peoples opinions into account and try your best to utilize them in making SHG better.


  2. Mostly +Support
    The only slight downfall I can see is that you are just a LITTLE careless about your actions in game. You do mess around just a little too much but overall you are a fantastic person and you are definitely capable of doing great things as a SHGO, all I ask is that if you do get the position PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE actually take time out of your day to focus on SHG, be creative, be serious, and try to make SHG a better sub battalion.


    Shy has always been SO SO SO persistent in any path they have tried to follow and to me that is as admirable as anything else that would qualify someone for this position. Not only that, Shy is respectable and a really cool down to earth person overall if you really get to know them. I believe that they ABSOLUTELY have to qualifications to succeed as Shock VCMDR and I hope that one day if not now they will get the chance because I know when that day comes Shy will 100% thrive and do great things for this battalion.

    • Like 1
  4. In-Game Name: Leviathan

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:95364293

    Rank: Senior Moderator

    Reason for leaving: Unexpectedly had to start a new job and won't have the time 

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? I will try

    Do you agree to contact your manager once your 48 hour notice is up? Yes

    • Sad 1
  5. Welp it seems that my time has come, due to unforeseen circumstances I will be stepping down from my position. I hate that I have to do this but I know that I will not be able to put in enough work for RG to be a VCMDR. Moving forward I will still be around every now and then but for now I just need to leave RG in more capable hands. I plan on making a return as soon as my schedule allows it!


    Skylef: I fucking love you, for a long time you were my biggest inspiration in RG and you pushed me to do my best and be my best and for that I deeply appreciate you.

    Bon: You will ALWAYS be #1 HC in my heart, I loved our late night/early morning talks and will always appreciate the time spent talking and interacting with you.

    Red: I appreciate everything you ever did for me, you were my first friend in GL and I couldn't be happier to still call you friend.

    Name: I have enjoyed every hour spent working with you, you helped me in times of need and I enjoyed our friendship throughout my time here.

    Julien: Working you was a pleasure, and I will always remember the fun times had late at night when I couldn't fall asleep.

    Grim, Carson, Jaeger: You smell bad

    Anyone who I may have failed to mention I am so sorry. There are too many people who have made my time here amazing I just can't think off the top of my head every name there is.




  6. On 10/13/2021 at 3:27 PM, CAO Penguin said:

    + Godly Support 

    - This guy dose so much for all troopers 

    - he's respected by all 

    - he's kind 

    - hard working 

    - understand his responsibilities as High command 

    I say Godly Support cause I feel like no one but Bon deserve this position in power.


  7. 12 minutes ago, M A N D O said:


    Although he only recently transferred, the 501st Legion has always been Cloudzz's home. He is dedicated to the unit and is generally an awesome member of this community.

    • Highly active 
    • Has ample experience as a command member 
    • Has loads of current and past 501st leadership experience

    Good luck buddy!


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