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Ya Boi Sawrunner

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Posts posted by Ya Boi Sawrunner

  1. Actually now that you say it, I could see Receive you The Madtype fitting.

    You fuckin' PUNCHED ME in the back of the head while i was gonna go watch funny gamble his life savings away for arrows, of course I was gonna say fuck, it was just unfortunate timing.

    If I am the best person you have met on here, your life on the internet is concerningly awful. Lmfao.

  2. 3 hours ago, Mind Stone said:


    While I see the benefits of the job, it seems… desperate? I know we want people to AFK but adding a job who's only purpose is to sit and contribute nothing is a waste of slots. If people want to sit AFK, they can make a CC with nothing on it.

    thats 80$ not necessarily everyone has to throw at a gmod server

    1 hour ago, CyClone said:


    ruins the benefits of custom classes.

    yknow, besides the unique look, loadout, overall equipment. so on..?

    Whats wrong with people gettin' money too? I have 6 ccs but no monopoly on fuckin' schmoney

  3. image.png.96582d33e6d58c05ecdca2e220f31e10.png

    Sat on top of gate a, made a place, and he flew over and just hung out with me for like an hour and a half. Thats the kinda guy zerk is, a chill fucking chad. RIP to a real one. He will riot and shitpost with the d-bois in blacklist heaven 

  4. Dude its been straight talked about, we gon have a certified discord mod moment, and then someone who is PLAYING that job gets subjected to that. Dude the EXISTING scps already aint safe, some e girl tried to erp with me while i was playing as fucking 1424, i have heard unspeakable things said about 999, i dont even wanna KNOW what mental processes led to that one time someone tried to erp with 066. Look at what happens with 7101, then imagine this VRChat looking motherfucker running around, and its canonically UNDERAGE. This is Gmod, thats a fucking recipe, no, a fuckin' COOKBOOK for disaster.  

    • Laughing 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, Nydekore said:

    This is another thing I’d like to touch on. RIS are combatants. This would make it incredibly unfair for them to be neutralized (heck, worse, forced to work together with) in a roll off by someone that they don’t even know is their enemy. That’d be like letting a stealth op come up behind a CI and roll to see if they’re instantly killed. 

    The only way I’d be even slightly okay with this suggestion is 1. Harsher roll guidelines and 2. Making it like brainwash RP where the RIS must consent to it (because I and many others do not enjoy actively counteracting our own branches because someone rolled well)

    "By someone they dont know is their enemy" to be fair, everybody metagames EOI and Maynard, and they generally make it pretty clear they wanna hack. I used to play HLPR all the time, back when EOI was Sleuth and therefore like, 50x more active. Plus, HLPR bots are also turned into combatants when hacked cause generally speaking 9/10 times they are made into killbots and the 1/10 of escort is literally just "open doors and shoot people". Comparing it to stealth op doing an insta kill roll is like comparing 939 to 682, on paper they sound similarish, but there is so many differences beyond simple surface level shit and how many things follow that surface level interaction that changes everything. Besides, could make it like how maintenance can reset HLPR bots could have research do the same by "reprogramming" or something like that. Admitedly I would think HLPR bots being turned are worse because no one really bats an eye at them, so suddenly the harmless non combatant is now shooting you with an ithaca. Rolling counteracts so many peoples fun anyways. One roll determines whether you get to see in the site til maintenance drags themselves to EZ, one roll determines whether your half hour trying to breach becomes completely irrelevant, one roll determines whether your gambling addiction puts you in even more financial debt than you already were. Its another to a pile, but at least this one is an interestingly interactive one. Besides, why would RIS be safe but HLPR bots arent? CI would figure something out eventually. 

    4 hours ago, Avalon Levi said:


    i have watched ris units hurl themselves into crowds of CI with a golf club and a dream, they are still opposing combatant forces, aint no way in hell they stay out of each others business lmfao

    • Like 1
  6. Yall are playing rule ping pong, just let it slide, technically everyone was right, and shit man, if a d-class of all things shot me in the chest with an ethereal, I would be CRYING laughing, wouldn't be annoyed in the slightest. The dude already has 33 warns, it is NOT that serious, and technically hes got a point. Its a loophole, sure, but there was a hole to loop through in the first place. Situations like this just help plug the motd, like sarkic walking into lower d block. Lets just take it as a learning experience and move on.

  7. +support, with some restrictions.

    I think, as long as there are no researchers who actively need an escort, that is fine, but if researchers need a RIS, so one actively escorting or one being requested can't be fucked with, but all the others are fair game. Since RIS appear to be more advanced than HLPRs and are combatants with better gear though, a harder roll should be implemented if this suggestion goes through. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Yato Sensei said:

    Not gonna mention me + you... you are going on c-c-c-c-console? 🤮

    Jokes aside, you were great to be around with man. Good luck!

    I love console, its nice to pay much less for something running much more lmfao

    3 hours ago, Average Pipebomb enjoyer said:

    Fuck you and your: Broken fridge that works over heaven, king crimson, star platinum over heaven, Dirty deeds done dirt cheap, chariot requiem, alternate universe the world, killer queen, hierophant green and, the hand, The world over heaven with Lvl 1000 ultimate lifeform is better

    On a real note 
    Hit up payday 2 wit me and thin 

    Vampire is better for pve but ultimate life form is better for pvp

  9. Good lord this has been comin for a bit. I just ain't got the time anymore man. It's not like I won't be around at ALL, but it's gonna be rareish. I can't keep takin all the slots I am right now, can't justify it with how fuckin' inactive I am. Between work, college, burnout, being sick, I realize, shit dude, I can't keep up with stuff on outdated technology. I gotta let someone with more time and more drive go for what I have been for now, maybe come back when life is well, less of a whirlwind of tomfuckery. 


    That, and I am gonna get a PS5 soon, and I can FINALLY go back to my console roots. If I could, I would play GMod with a controller, thats a fact. 


    Mentions, because who knows how often imma be around. 



    Thin: I swear to FUCK if you get yourself banned we are gonna have words, I can't get that 350$ back lmfao. Fr tho, keep showing new players how to put the fear of god into gensec, get high command in E11, something. 

    Lucas: Fucking weeb. The World Over Heaven is op and cringe, play anubis like a real chad.

    Fr tho, if you aint high command and DHCS by the time I am back, imma come to the eastern hemisphere and toss a molotov into your living room.

    Shark: Aint even gonna see this, but stop kickin' it with all your hoes and come play something with us man

    Tydrix: Gamma when? 
    Its all about the Mets baby, cant wait to riot with you again.

    Babalowa: Tryhard, but certainly competent. Make a montage already ya fucking nerd. 

    Shad6w: Edgy name, but you are one of the chillest guys I know. Come play Payday 2 or something when you done drowning in latina bitches. 

    Research: (thank yall for being the first and only place I ever hit command in.)

    Moonrose: I want my socks back. And gloves. And crayons. And whatever else you robbed from me back in CI. 
    Jk jk, cant wait to see you get HoR : D

    Glados: Chad. Never finished that damn training vid, I got shot for nothing!

    Light: Something something the O5 council.

    Eyelander: Beat Yakuza 0 damn it

    Adams: Nerd. Play your research CC more before someone steals it

    Salvador: Ra-ra-rasputin, take care of RFA for me ye? First of the new wave of agents, definitely living up to my recommendation. 

    People on the HCMD page:

    Coltable: Hey, general. Put a sniper tower on surface plz.

    Igneous: cheetahs are fucking based

    Enuz: Hey other general. We shouldve got the fortnite models for the CI general job way back when.

    Skela: Chad. Stay on that grindset fam

    Hoovy: Clearly you don't own an air fryer.

    im jokin plz no proton


    Chaos Insurgency:  E4 are Cringe, Bring back C7 Mute

    Deuce: Get high command already!

    Lukemario: And you too, damn it

    Zerk: for the love of christ please dont get banned

    Cecil: traitor. Jk jk, hope you are havin fun over there man.



    Lo Wang: 10-4, the Wang is en route.

    Shinspin: I swear to fuck I blinked when you were an OS and then you were suddenly AHOME, how the FUCK

    Infinity Boot: You are one of the only medical I consistently run into, for some reason. 



    Danny: Trek-50 when?

    Vanny/One: number one the thugshaker

    Azrael/Ominous: What the fuck do we change the Magpul to on Recon Force?

    Blooddragon: Cringe, but based. Come play Payday 2 with the boys

    Charles: Pathfinder gang. Glad to have been the reason CI beat the shit out of thermals binds for every noise with you.

    Riversong: E11 command when? 

    Ignis: I am surprised more and more everyday I see Nu-7 not getting any MGS models in branch updates.

    Nanafrost: Quit worryin so much about everything man, everything is gonna be fiiiiiine. 

    Rome: Haven't seen you since the fuckin' neolithic era, come back man



    Well, I think that we are just about done, ay old friends?

    Catch y'all later,

    - Dboi 1738, 3LT Playboi XOXO, The Femboi with the Fubar, Lord Sicko Mode, Fug, XO B4T LIF3, Average Stool Enjoyer, Daddy D Boi.

    • Gaminglight Love 4
  10. Final score: 80/100

    Must've had to do some digging to find a desert eagle still from before the 2000's. 


    Pros: The format is interesting, font is a bit weird for a test log, but fuck it,  I dig it, and the color palette is easy on the eyes and easy to read, which I appreciate, being halfway across the room from a tv displaying DS screen shape. 

    Adapting scps is something I always like. Scary to think what they can do if they get ahold of something like the ethereal. 


    Cons: Lack of punctuation and stuff like commas makes reading it a bit odd, but nothing too major to just ruin my comprehension.

    Pretty short, would've been nice to see more. Perhaps a follow up document? They use older weapons, try giving them newer variants. They use the SVT-40, a semi auto rifle, let them try an M14 or something similar. 

  11. Final Score: 85/100

    Pretty good work!

    Pros: Interesting theory, and how 999 interacts with other anomalies has always been something of interest ever since he was tested with 682.

    You got the slimes consent ahead of time 😄

    Cons: The actions being put in *'s makes sense, but its a little out of left field. Maybe put it in more of a 

    "words, dialogue, so on"

    Actions, notes, so on

    kind of format, where anything spoken is put in quotes and everything else in normal writing based off context. It looks neater 😄

  12. Instead of -support bombing, I propose an alternative:

    A universal clock in general. During the off hours, there is an XP surge clock and all that, which I often use to measure NLR or other similar events. We could just have a clock like that up in general that you can see whenever, with a global time on it.

  13. On 12/27/2021 at 5:54 PM, islandtoad said:


    Hear me out, I have so many duplicates but there is an issue with a marketplace/trading.

    People with duplicates can just give them out to whoever wants it and then we run into an issue where 300 d-class have perma pistols

    by that same coin, someone could just send people the money randomly to get themselves the perma pistols. Nothing is changing. If someone cares enough to get something for someone else on here, its gonna happen regardless. 

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