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Everything posted by PryingTree

  1. Me and another person (Name disclosed for personal reasons) were working on a huge ass document about this same situation. A lot of this is well said, same with most of the replies. You shouldn't be allowed to buy a whole entire MTF branch. It is a speed run to high command even. There is a thin line of what is overboard on #P2W. Small knifes that do a decent amount of damage is some what fair, yes. The owner has to pay the bills. But CC's that are better than CMD jobs? Why in the hell would you be allowed to make a CC with 200/200, a duel auger, a M1A4, ect. Mostly on jobs like Security. How is that far to D-class? How is D-class CCs fair to security? I have NEVER, EVER, in my year of playing on a server, see a D-class riot with only three d-class without donation weapons win. But when there is 1 CC, 1 mobster, and a D-class with a golf club, then they make a code red. What's next? Are we going to make personalized CC's for SCPs? The models on Nu7 are really similar, what happened to the old white CMD models and the TRT model, ect. There is a rival of GL, their name is CG. Cilvil gamers is a hell of a lot better, many command have resigned from this server to go there. Hell, one of a fellow RnD Command resigned because of them. Their server makes more RP, better rules, better SCPs, better interactable, ect. Cloakers are another big problem. They make no since and add no RP on the server what so ever. Maybe as an SCP like SCP-5000, to research how he can hide in plain sight and stuff. One more thing, WHY THE (Censored word or something) IS THERE ONLY TWO TEENAGE MANAGERS? No (Censored again) wonder the server is going to shit. They say "It is hard to manage the server" and yet there is only two people managing the server.
  2. It was just pinging SMT, I ping SMT all day everyday +support
  3. Thank god, yesterday and the day before all it was, was kill events. Please stop. If you do this again in a span of 1 week, I will make a report. It is annoying when you're trying to rp, to have a "Mysterious knight" come and chop your damn head off. Fat -Support. Just No
  4. I knew Wassabi a little bit, he was nice but just doesn't have a good filter. +support, get good... in the literal sense.
  5. Are we just gonna skip the part where he said "I bet you fuck your granny" idk man seems kinda toxic to me... Although the asphyxiation on 8 pounds of mayo was kinda funny. I can see where it can be like a joke but the "I bet you fuck your granny" throws it a bit off. But you gotta give what the people want ig, +support for the mayo.
  6. Thats where the EOI wardrobe is could add another CC at the end of misc hall
  7. maybe a different model so you can have some diversity but +support
  8. oh well, good luck on other servers though!
  9. +support You took 8 million dollars from me jk, I will miss you And I thought this was a joke Have fun doing, what ever, I guess. R.I.P :((((
  10. (hey mods I am not necroposting yet, one more day and I would be) Why in the world would Zeeptin block places in the world to join?
  11. I gave five reactions today, and now I am reaction limited for the rest of the day, and now I am sad
  12. +support I was his test dummy and even I knew it was fair.
  13. -Support Stay mad Also they are fine in my opinion idk why we need to change that.
  14. +support Use to be like that, I don't know why they changed it...
  15. And if there is no ET/Sen Admin on and it is above 70 players then you can't play it. (Has happened many times on late hours.)
  16. +support Yea seems pretty cool, get dat RP
  17. +support I want rp plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PzP1G2JaQfUZXEopVunD2DQ7jC4pKbh7tji0xle59Fg/edit?usp=sharing OOC test with medical research
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