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About Australium

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  1. o7, Gonna miss you. Just wish I could have gotten on the server more to hang out before you left
  2. Damn, it’s gonna be sad to see you go, really enjoyed my experiences with you on the server, and I definitely feel you about the server not being as fun as it used to be. Hope you feel better in the future
  3. Know this is kinda late, but just wanna say I’m gonna miss you. I loved helping with your events, and you always found a way to make them interesting. I also really enjoyed my time with you in Nu7. Hope we meet again
  4. +Support mtf command good at combat
  5. +Support maintenance command takes RP seriously
  6. +Support active takes RP seriously great person to be around
  7. +Support command in mtf good @ combat
  8. Name: Australium Rank: IA Call Sign: N/A Discord#1234: Maiqque#3759 Suggestions/Complaints/Concerns/Extra: N/A Do you wish to remain apart of R&D: Yes
  9. Damn man, I'm gonna miss you. Hope I still see you around sometime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFpbCuL2O14&t=17s
  10. Love you man. Hope this isn’t the last time I see you
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