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Cuz L0g1c

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Everything posted by Cuz L0g1c

  1. Post name: “General Suggestion - Addition of Quests and Tasks What are you suggesting? - Adding quests and tasks to the server. How would this change better the server? - It would drastically enhance the roleplay of the server. At the moment the server is more of a team death match than a roleplay server. With this addition, branches can participate in different quests or tasks to complete around the site or on surface. Tasks can be different things for different branches. For example, a researcher could have a task that has them take a vial of SCP-682's blood from Medbay to research bunks. Another example would be on site MTF could have a task that has them patrol a section of HCZ. Once the player completes the task, they would be rewarded with a significant amount of in game money and experience. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - The only disadvantage I would see is that it may make the server a little more laggy, however I have seen addons like this on multiple different high populated servers (115+) where it does not lag the server at all or hinder performance. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Literally everyone. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - These are some examples that I have found in a short amount of time. There are multiple addons/services like this available, some servers even have them hardcoded. https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/mac-s-quest-system https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/vms-system Once again these are EXAMPLES! There are numerous addons that are free available, these are some ones that I found looked and performed the best according to their reviews.
  2. As a 2191 player it is really easy to counter if you know the vampire is breached. Large groups with thermals will literally wipe this mf off of the site. Also yes he can take a mag or two to the head, however if u did this thing called spread out and keep you're distance he can very easily be terminated. I'm sorry to say this but you just have to use you're brain to counter this SCP, it is not that difficult to counter. SCP 2191 is a Keter for a reason, just like any other Keter you have to have a strategy to recontain them. - SUPPORT
  3. Can't wait to explosive round raid you're base + SUPPORT
  4. On top of that players that aren't being tested on shouldn't be using SCP-294 to begin with... Why there isn't a rule already against this is beyond me and if there is, no one is enforcing it.
  5. I agree with you, with this change all weapons would need to be looked at. However there is always going to be a meta (F2K, L85, M98B, USAS right now). However with this change of TTK, a lot of the lower tier weapons would be able to compete with the higher tier ones, it would just rely on the players skill and tactical abilities.
  6. I would put the auto timer to 20 minutes because a lot of people go afk after CI raids because we have a 15 minute raid timer. Other than that I think this would be a cool addition.
  7. I can't say for foundation but for Chaos Bios were literal gods back in the day. Military relied on Bios because they could give health AND armor which is very useful when everyone can get killed with half a mag. If anything I see it as more of an opportunity for noncombatants to engage with combative branches as they will be more useful and vital in combat.
  8. In short yes. Basically it is removing the negative damage multiplier that was put on all weapons on the server. All classes have the same HP, its just that time to kill someone will be faster than what it currently is. There used to be no negative damage multiplier, but for some reason the server managers added it and a lot of players have been complaining ever since.
  9. Post name: Global Time to Kill Nerf What are you suggesting? - Removing the negative multiplier on damage for all weapons. (Bring back old TTK) How would this change better the server? - It would improve the current status that combat is in at the moment. For me and many others combat on this server is boring, bland, and just outright annoying. Currently people crouch and jump spam while shooting at their targets, not taking cover unless they are at very low HP, and has no tactical input other than head glitching on rooftops and barricades. Even ambushes with mass amounts of people are ineffective unless you have ~10 people. Within the past 6 months Snipers, LMGs, and DMRs were buffed and showed improvement, however shortly after were nerfed because other classes could not compete. As of right now it takes 2-3 mags to consistently kill regular combative classes in combat. With removing the negative damage multiplier it would "bring back" the old TTK that we used to have and would make the server be more tactical oriented, rather than crouch and jump spamming until the target is dead. I think it would bring back the spice in combat that we have been missing for a very very very long time and would make combat much more enjoyable. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Lower HP jobs like D-Class and some classes in GENSEC would be put at a disadvantage at first, however with proper planning and placement can easily terminate higher HP classes. Who would this change mostly benefit? - This change would benefit all of combative classes. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - These are some clips that I have gathered from our current Time to Kill https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jS6yUZF3HUGgs/d1337es1uq8z?invite=cr-MSxTYjcsMzIzMTA5Myw https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jSrqZEupMzpLJ/d1337jFMRITA?invite=cr-MSx3UXgsMzIzMTA5Myw These are some clips that I have gathered from the old Time to Kill https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jS1aFMrAxkdyO/d1337oRLigoq?invite=cr-MSxVR3AsMzIzMTA5Myw https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/4YpoovSWlEQcW/d1337bwdrPAC?invite=cr-MSxsc08sMzIzMTA5Myw As you can see from the current clips, right now the meta is to jump and crouch spam while shooting. In the old clips you can see that proper placement and tactical input can make a whole difference whether you survive or die. Even when outnumbered on a basic combative class, it is possible to win an uneven fight. Point is I think we should bring back the old TTK as it was much more enjoyable than the current meta and is much more entertaining.
  10. I think it would be a cool addition. Plus now I don't have to estimate how much damage I do to someone. Also if people don't like it they can always toggle it off. + SUPPORT
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