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Posts posted by HolyRyan

  1. In-Game Name: Ryan


    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:164959100


    Rank: Moderator/TGM


    Reason for leaving: Real life issues


    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post?



    Do you agree to contact your manager once your 48 hour notice is up?


  2. This is a post I never would have thought I would have to make. I've been hit hard recently by my work schedule and just family issues as a whole. As I start to lose interest in this server I realized I don't want to hold RG back with my inactivity. I love every single one of you all inside of gaming light. RG has always been the best battalion and will hopefully continue to strive in activity for months to come! This is not the very end as at some point I will try and make my return. Cya all later ❤️ Will miss yall!

    Steel: You know you had to be first baby we still talk daily but you really made gaminglight an amazing experience for me and we came up together. Love you bro.

    Myan: Myan man ever since I first protected you as a cadet I knew I had to be up there one day.

    Raging: Raging you have a long way to go in RG and Gaminglight. Don't give up.

    Greg: Greg man we came up together, you actually joined Shadow Guard before me. I remember the first time you talked infront of me with your mic. Hopefully one day you will take on the reigns of High Inquisitor. I believe in you.

    Pigeon: Pigeon even thought you probably will never read this, when you were Vice Sovereign you were the #1 person who motivated me in RG and kept me going. To this day you are my favorite RG of all time.

    James M: James man MR LEMON MAN I will never forget all the fun we had when you were Sovereign. Will miss you bbg.

    Spice: Spice man I remember when you took me and Steel and Spice Flight Certified us. Fun times.

    Luci: Luci I know I wasnt too close with you but steel always spoke kindly of you and in the little time we got to know each other it was all good and positive times.

    Caps: MR CAPS MAN you keep trollin 😎

    Striker: UwU miss u 😞 

    Leviathan: You got a long road paved for your success!

    Ducks: QUACK

    Landan/Hale: Mannnnnn you were my Shadow Guard Lead, I will always miss you in your prime. You literally indicted FEAR into me and Steel when you wanted to duel us.

    Name: Name you got a long way ahead of you! Keep up your work.

    Red: Red I will miss you man.

    Rev: Rev man you always knew I liked you, you were my favorite SHG besides Greg. Keep it up man!

    James: STINKEERRRRRR james we know eachother out of gaminglight but I will always miss you in gaminglight.

    Joslin: JOSLINNNNNN, man me and Steel saw you on the come up. You were the most promising NCO, you then left for personal issues and around 2 months later came back and now your an officer all over again. You have the most potential. Live it up mr marine! 

    I love and will miss anyone who has ever spoken to me or has been apart of Royal Guard. ❤️

    • Gaminglight Love 1

    - Steel is not only the hardest working individual I have met in my whole life but he is an amazing person overall

    - Throughout me working hand-in-hand with him from the start of RG I have never once seen him show any side of him which would disqualify him for this position.

    - He built a completely DEAD battalion from the ground up and now RG is known as one of the most active and desirable battalions of all Gaminglight

    - Extremely active and just got off a 2 week LOA which people are unaware of and it is for family issues which is more important than Gaminglight. People are jumping to conclusions here and aren't looking at the full side of his story. 

    - People bringing up his CC and minus supporting because of that is just pure ignorance. He purchased that with his own money even when he is on it, follows all server rules and doesn't do anything out of pocket to deem him unfit for High inquisitor. Not only is that helping Gaminglight as a server, people are twisting it into a bad aspect of him but in reality it is good that he is donating to this server via CC creation.

  4. On 6/11/2021 at 8:41 PM, Nacho said:



    • Pretty active if I'm not mistaken.
    • Has been in Havoc for a long time and knows how it works


    • Is the only officer with a strike, let alone multiple in regards to mingey behavior.
    • Application could be a little stronger.


  5. 5 hours ago, JamesBeThuggin said:


    -Extremely Active

    -Very easy to talk to

    -Very knowledgeable

    -Dedicated to Naval

                              The amount of good that Koda does has made even me want to join Naval. I always see him roaming the ISD and participating in events, Whenever I have any questions he happily answers them without hesitation. If I ever were to join Naval he would be the person I would strive to be in Naval. More then deserves the position.


    • Like 1
  6. image.thumb.png.15bce65ac4f0ed442b2cf9843585ef18.png


    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    SHGL LSenior Guard Kir Kanos

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    I am applying for Royal Guard Vice Sovereign.

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    There are many reasons why I would love to become a Vice Sovereign. Throughout my time within the Royal Guard I have developed this very powerful skill-set when it comes to the Royal Guard and taking initiative.

    To be completely honest, I have a multitude of strengths and minimal weaknesses. Some of my strengths include enthusiasm, trustworthiness, creativity, discipline, patience, respectfulness, determination, and dedication. I have developed these strengths over years of hard work. My few weaknesses is that I focus on details too much from time to time and that I have a hard time saying “no”, this does not mean I will not accept the fact I am wrong in certain situations, it is just that I will have a hard time telling you I do. These weaknesses in no way affect how I work, but they do shape me as a person. However, I do not see these as weaknesses, I see them as things I need to improve upon because they are just a part of my personality that people will notice over a long time of being around me. More often than not I will show no weaknesses in any situation and my strengths will be obvious and apparent in just about all of them.

    Ever since I joined this server for the first time, the Royal Guard is the one Battalion that I never had second thoughts about being a part of; for as long as I can remember it has been the battalion that was not so well off and took very bad activity hits a few times every couple months. However, ever since Steel took Vice Sovereign there has been a skyrocket in activity for Royal Guard. My end-goal is to help improve that and help the Royal Guard strive to a standard never seen before. When I was a cadet I had one goal and that was to get into Shadow Guard. I would sit on the dueling mat constantly improving my skill set in dueling and combat strategies for hours at a time trying to just better myself. I never thought I would get so far in Royal Guard as I stated my original goal was to just focus on myself and join Shadow Guard, but here I am as the Shadow Guard Lead. None of this could have happened without Steel, you can contribute all of the success to Royal Guard recently to that one man. Steel trusts me and considers me his right hand man. The following months where James left Sovereign and Pigeon stepped down as well, the Royal Guard saw a huge decrease in activity, some days there would only be a max of 2 RG on. During the first week of that I single handedly trained over 17 cadets to try and make a difference. The activity didn't last long because without any leadership no one was getting promoted and moved up the ranks, a lot of people resigned because of that whole activity drop. I strive to never have that happen again, if I were to be Vice Sovereign next to Caps and under Steel, you would see massive improvements in terms of activity, readiness, and discipline. 

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

     I currently have a little over 3 weeks game time in this server or 532 hours. I have also been a Royal Guard since 2/09/2021. 

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    Vice Commanders have a lot of responsibilities to uphold. As a Vice Commander within a Battalion I know I would be able to correctly carry out any and all duties or tasks assigned to me. Vice Commanders are tasked with Overseeing their battalion and assisting during times of need and questions. Vice Commanders need to be knowledgeable at all times of the current status of your battalion which is something I am really good at. You are required to update the roster whenever people are promoted. I currently check the Royal Guard channels on the TeamSpeak and Discord servers whenever there is a new message sent so checking the roster update channel will be first-hand nature for me. You are expected to enforce all rules in the battalion which as an Officer I already take upon myself to ensure that all rules are being followed and met.

    Promoting individuals on time is probably the most important thing that keeps the battalion up and running. I on multiple occasions have seen times when I was an NCO where Royal Guards who were going above and beyond didn't get promoted at all which lead them to lose motivation and inevitably leave the battalion. I am not saying I will be promoting people who don't deserve it and aren't dedicated, that speaks itself without saying. I am promising to keep people on their feet and if they are doing an exceptional job being a leader and showing extreme dedication that they will be rewarded with a promotion. To be qualified in my personal perspective you must also be hands-on with your battalion, something I am fond of. Whenever a Cadet has a question and needs answering I try to the best of my ability to meet and answer their question accordingly. I want to make sure everyone's complaints and voices are heard within this battalion so that whenever someone has a report or complaint to file on one of my Shadow Guards or a Royal Guard, I am eager to help, hear, and solve the issue as soon as the problem surfaces.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    I feel as if I should be trusted to move up within the Royal Guard so I can help further and better our battalion and cadets as a whole. My outstanding leadership skills and constant monitoring, involvement, and dedication to the battalion creates a perfect fit for someone like me to become a leader. I hope to contribute to a lot of success in my first month, I would love to see the Royal Guard strive. I think my loyalty will come into play here as I am extremely loyal to the Royal Guard as a whole so you can put your best judgment and trust into me for any scenario. I am looked up to surprisingly in this community, many people contribute me to the underlying success and elite feeling of the Royal Guard. I have proved myself in many scenarios, so I feel this is the right move for the future and this is my next step within the Royal Guard. I am an enthusiastic and motivated member and would love to follow my goal of working in the position of Vice Sovereign. I think about my decisions and their consequences. I am very reliable and upright, and I will constantly be around to help in a time of need. I am positive and am full of motivation and determination. I try my hardest and work to my full potential. I can deal with threats and other difficult situations. Achieving this position will improve my responsibility and communication skills. I have learned over time that this community is positive and supportive which is something that would improve my thoughts and actions. I am a helpful person and am able to assist people with any questions or issues they may be having.

    Given my circumstances, I will thrive to provide a more formidable and organized work environment for the people within the Emperor's Royal Guard as well as to accurately sustain the Battalion through assisting in creating documents of any needs that may help make our Battalion more recognizable as well as it being as formal and serious as needed. I do tend to use Google Docs for formatting and writing the documents I have created in the past as it is more suitable and easily accessible for me to use when I do need to do work to specific documents. While on the other hand I plan to raise the activity and efficiency of the Royal Guard, as to hopefully keep order and integrity intact that will last well long enough. That said, I hope to see this Battalion become the backbone for protection on board the ISD, I always foresee the Royal Guard to improve and maintain its current position and status as one of the most active and professional Battalions onboard the ISD.

    I have many qualifications that make me eligible for this position that I am applying for, and that I can be an outstanding leader with high precision, I have an outstanding apprehension during tasks or scenarios, and I have experienced substantial difficulties before which makes me prepared to deal with hard scenarios which I feel will be a daily thing in such a position. I am outgoing and my leadership shines in the face of difficulty in which I rise above and conquer. I feel as if I have a place in this position and can help the battalion rise to its full potential if accepted. I also feel I can work with other high command and officers to ensure a great work environment. With that I feel as if I would be capable of holding this position. I can assure you one thing, I will work as hard as I can to prove I was hired for a purpose and that purpose was to help, work hard and help the Royal Guard for the better. If I get this position I will work harder than I ever have in life to make my place here and to make this part of my family. I can confidently say I am extremely dedicated.


    7. How often can you be Online? :

    You will normally see me on everyday for 4-9 hours active on the server. I am extremely dedicated to this battalion. If for some reason I can't be in the game I am in the TeamSpeak answering people's questions. I am always on discord and am reachable all hours of the day.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    I do not have any warnings on this server or any other server.



  7. On 5/28/2021 at 11:06 AM, Jaeger. said:

    Massive +Support
    -Dedicated to IF
    -Chill Guy
    -Fun be around
    -Has past Experience 
    -Would be perfect for the position

    Good Luck KEV!!!


  8. On 5/22/2021 at 5:01 PM, Seaman 1995 said:

    + Large Support
    + Friendly and knowledgeable which making her easy to talk to (understands the role)
    + Dedicated to the server and battalion shown through activity
    + Good application
    + Very fit for the position


  9. 9 hours ago, StrikerHD said:


    - First off this man is the most dedicated RG member I have ever seen and does his job so well.

    - He literally gives me the motivation to do better in dueling and in leading.

    - He is one if not the most chill person to have a chat with, just don't anger the guy. 😂 

    - Has tons of experience with RG so far so I honestly don't see a better candidate for the position.

    - He is super serious when he needs to be.

    - He takes the time out of his day to assist with any issues.

    { There is honestly so much I could say about this man, that's how much he's done for RG but I will cut it a bit short so there isn't so much.}




  10. On 4/20/2021 at 5:02 AM, Dragonrage661 said:

    MASSIVE +Support

    +Very helpful to all other GMs/always willing to help
    +Very very active
    +hosts very good events
    +been a long time friend before GL and can say she is one of the nicest people I've ever met

    Get to know da lore tho bruh


  11. 20 hours ago, Stevie said:

    + Support

    -Has good events

    -From what I've seen, usually does at least one event a day



    Multiple times I have went to Ugs for either help doing an event or just some common question. He would make a great SGM that would be a great role model for newer GM's!



  12. image.thumb.png.ad2a8a9449c3914b8ba440a958231da2.png


    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    My in-game name is SHGL Senior Honor Guard Ryan.

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    I am applying for Royal Guard Vice Sovereign.

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    There are various reasons why I would love to become a Vice Sovereign. Throughout my time within the Royal Guard I have developed this very powerful skill-set when it comes to the Royal Guard and taking initiative. From my previous experience within the this server, the Royal Guard is the one Battalion that I never had second thoughts about being a part of; for as long as I can remember it has been battalion that was not so well off and took very bad activity hits a few times every couple months, ever since Steel took Vice Sovereign there has been a skyrocket in activity for Royal Guard. My end-goal is to help improve that and help the Royal Guard strive to a standard never seen before. When I was a cadet I had one goal and that was to get in Shadow Guard, I would sit on the dueling mat constantly improving my skill set for hours at a time trying to just better myself, I never thought I would get so far in Royal Guard, as I stated my original goal was to just focus on myself and join Shadow Guard, but here I am as the Shadow Guard Lead. None of this could have happened without Steel, you can contribute all of the success to Royal Guard recently to that one man. Steel trusts me and considers me his right hand man. The following weeks where James left Sovereign and Pigeon stepped down as well Royal Guard saw a huge decrease in activity, some days there would only be a max of 2 RG on. During the first week of that I single handedly trained over 17 cadets to try and make a difference. The activity didn't last long because without any leadership no one was getting promoted and moved up the ranks, a lot of people resigned because of that whole activity drop. I strive to never have that happen again, if I were to be Vice Sovereign next to Steel, you would see massive improvements in terms of activity, readiness, and discipline.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    I am on the brim of 3 weeks playtime but currently it says 2 weeks. I also have been a Royal Guard since 2/09/2021.

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    As a Vice Commander within a Battalion you have a various set of different responsibilities you must uphold, all of which I can contribute to. Vice Commanders are tasked with Overseeing their battalion and assisting during times of need and questions. As a Vice Commander you must be knowledgeable on how your battalion is doing and what needs to be improved on. You are required to update the roster whenever people are promoted, I currently check the Royal Guard channels whenever there is a new message sent so checking the roster update channel will be first-hand nature for me. You are expected to enforce all rules in the battalion which as an Officer I already take it upon myself to do so. Promoting individuals on time is probably the most important thing that keeps the battalion up and running, I on multiple counts have seen times when I was an NCO where Royal Guards who were going above and beyond didn't get promoted at all which lead them to lose motivation and leave. I am not saying I will be promoting people who don't deserve it and aren't dedicated, that speaks itself without saying. I am promising to keep people on their feet and if they are doing an exceptional job being a leader and showing extreme dedication they will be rewarded with a promotion. To be qualified in my eyes you must also be hands-on with your battalion, something I am very known for. Whenever a Cadet has a question and needs answering I hop off my feet and try and better that individual and answer their question accordingly. I want to make sure everyone's complaints and voices are heard within this battalion, whenever someone has a report on one of my Shadow Guards I am eager to help hear them out and see what the problem is so I can get to the bottom of it and fix it.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    I feel as if I should be trusted to move up within the Royal Guard so I can help further and better our battalion and cadets as a whole. My outstanding leadership skills and constant undeniable activity and dedication create a perfect fit for someone like me to become a leader. I hope to contribute to a lot of success in my first month, I would love to see the Royal Guard strive. I think my loyalty will come into play here as I am extremely loyal to the Royal Guard as a whole so you can put your best judgment and trust into me for any scenario. I am looked up to surprisingly in this community, many people contribute me to the underlying success and elite feeling of the Royal Guard. I have proved myself in many scenarios, so I feel this is the right move for the future and this is my next step within the Royal Guard. I am an enthusiastic and motivated member and would love to follow my goal of working in the position of Vice Sovereign. I think about my decisions and their consequences. I am very reliable and upright, and I will constantly be around to help in a time of need. I am positive and am full of motivation and determination. I try my hardest and work to my full potential. I can deal with threats and other difficult situations. Achieving this position will improve my responsibility and communication skills. I have learned over time that this community is positive and supportive which is something that would improve my thoughts and actions. I am a helpful person and am able to assist people with any questions or issues they may be having. I have many qualifications that make me eligible for any job or position I want, and that I can be an outstanding leader with more precision than others, I have outstanding apprehension at things than others, and I have experienced substantial difficulties before which makes me prepared to deal with hard scenarios again. I am outgoing and my leadership shines in the face of difficulty in which I rise above and conquer. I feel as if I have a place in this position and can help the battalion rise to its full potential if accepted, I also feel I can work with other high command and officers to ensure a great work environment. With that I feel as if I would be most capable with holding this position. I can assure you one thing, I will work as hard as I can to prove I was hired for a purpose and that purpose was to help, work hard and help the Royal Guard for the better. If I get this position I will work harder than I ever have in life to make my place here and to make this part of my family. I can confidently say I am more dedicated than other prospects. That’s what is really going to set me apart from the others.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    You will normally see me on everyday for 6-14 hours active on the server. I am extremely dedicated to this battalion. If for some reason I can't be in game I am in the TeamSpeak answering peoples questions. I am always on discord and am reachable all hours of the day.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
    Nope, I currently have no warnings on the server. 🙂


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