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Everything posted by Manio

  1. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Steve 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Starfighter Corps 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? Starfighter Corps is a branch in which I have invested quite a lot of time since I came back from my break, which I initially started in 2021/2022. I was never interested in it back when I played, but I realized I have slept on what is potentially the most fun you can have on the server, which is why it pains me to see SF in such a disarray. I like flying like many others (when the server isn't experiencing a lag) and destroying enemy ships feels more satisfying than shooting the NPCs. But I feel like that's not enough for Starfighters and part of what made the branch so popular back in the day was the community within it. I aim to bring something SF lost a long time ago — it's purpose. I love this branch, I love the people in it. I want all of them to have fun and I want more of players to join us so we can enjoy the server together. There's so many things that can be done to improve SF and make it a battalion everyone will think about joining. Having purpose is quite important, people without purpose just end up feeling like they are out of place and eventually leave to seek something better. Every person in SF should have a purpose. Otherwise, what are we even doing here? Being promoted is meaningless, you get no new responsibilities, and all you have is a new rank that you can show to others. There's barely any difference between CO and NCO or NCO and Enlisted. Everyone feels the same. Everyone just exists. This is a huge issue that stretches outside of SF, but it's an issue I am capable of handling only in SF. The point being — SF has major issues, and I have a plan to resolve majority of them. Of course, I'm not perfect, I won't be able to tackle all of them on my own, but I promise you that I will give my best and I will aim for the highest results. I do have a rework plan that is currently being discussed with relevant parties, even if I don't get the position of Vice Marshall I will continue to push through and hopefully make SF great again. Part of the rework consists of giving every rank and every position a purpose, a meaning, something that makes that rank stand out from the others. A promotion wouldn't be just a "level up", a promotion would entail new responsibilities and new things to do. There's of course more in the works like new squadrons that hopefully get a green light in the future, but for now, I'll have to be as vague as possible because the last thing I'd want to do is to get people's hopes up and then disappoint them whenever one of the suggestions gets denied. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? Over 4 weeks + Undocumented hours before the wipe. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The commander dictates how the branch is functioning. Arguably the most important position you can have on the server. For example, you can have one bad officer, but there are two others who aren't as bad and with whom you can get things done. In contrast, there is only one commander, and if it's a bad commander, well, your branch is destined to fail miserably. We've seen it happen back in the day, it's not a mystery to anyone. But, the Commander is essentially the soul of the unit. You can't have a functioning battalion without one. As Commander you are tasked with ensuring that the battalion is running without issues, and if there are any issues, you are there to handle them. You can do much more than a standard officer and you will be doing much more. SOP reworks, Model changes, Adding new sub-branches, and writing new SOPs. All that power is there for you to utilize for the betterment of the battalion. Normally Commanders should be more of an administrative position while officers are the boots on the ground to manage a unit, but having a bond with your subordinates is crucial for them to feel in your unit like at home. You don't want to be alien to the people you command, you don't want to make them feel like they don't belong there. You want to spend as much time as you can with them so you can understand them and make them work. You are their leader, they look up to you, work for their respect and they will help you out whenever you need it the most. An additional role of the Commander is to train promising members of the unit they command. You can't be there forever and you won't be there forever, so it's best to try and find your successor and train him/her to take over the steering wheel after you're gone. This step is so important because an incompetent successor can destroy all the hard-earned progress you've made in the span of weeks. You want to think ahead, how will the change you implement work out long-term? This is a position that cannot afford to be short-sighted and a position that needs to be occupied by competent and mature people. You want to be seen as reliable, someone that people can depend upon. Someone they can approach and get their issues solved. Someone who will reward people for good behavior and punish those who cross the line way too far. Someone that is fair, someone that people can come to without fear of being torn apart the second something negative happens. This is what being a leader means and here it's no different. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : As of right now, I think I did make a name for myself on the server. A lot of people know me, some people like me, others hate my guts. At the end of the day I seek no enemies here and having petty dramas is something I'd love to avoid. I came back to SF as soon as the ISB restriction was lifted and I planned to become Vice Marshall from the beginning so I can save the unit. I want to believe I'm the best choice for the job primarily because there aren't many other choices and because I have been working hard on the SF reform and my ideas have been viewed positively so far. I have a plan, a good plan I think, and I want to implement it to bring SF to its previous player count from 2021. It's a tall order, some people would say an impossible task, but I don't plan to settle on anything less. I hope that people know that I have SF's best interest in mind and that you will give me a chance to prove myself. SF needs work, and it happens that I have all the tools ready. I could talk about my past and current positions but I don't think it matters. I do not have experience of being a vice commander on GL specifically (although SGM is close enough), but it's nothing alien to me either. 7. How often can you be Online? : Almost every day. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : None whatsoever.
  2. +Support Get a mic. Overall no issues with this person right here. He did his job very well and I never saw him being complained about. He could get a mic for easier communication or if he does have it - he could use it a little bit more often. But other than that, it's a solid pick.
  3. +Support He's a competent and cool guy who hasn't been really given a chance to take any of the command spots from what I can tell. I believe he should be given a chance since in his entire time in DT he didn't mess up at anything and did his job perfectly. There are two VCDR apps right now, but two of these candidates are very very solid picks for the position, can't go wrong with either of them.
  4. +Support He's a competent person who had my back while I was in DT. He has the experience and knowledge to be able to lead the battalion. He also has the motivation to do so, but from what I remember he did have some issues with time. However, that shouldn't be a huge issue considering all the other pros.
  5. Manio

    Steve's CO App

    What is your name?: Steve What is your rank?: Operations Pilot How long have you been a NCO?: A week (and then some over a month ago) What rank are you applying for?: Aviation Officer How many strikes do you have? If yes, for what?: None Who granted you permission to apply for officer rank? The Emperor Himself Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?: I was trusted with a Captain rank a little over a month ago and sadly transferred out. I'm currently an ISB:IA Major so I believe that in terms of being serious and responsible, I can be fully trusted. Also, my reason to rejoin the CO ranks hasn't changed since I rejoined SF. My leaving was a major mistake that I want to fix because now everything has fallen apart and I want to pull SF back together. I have proven myself to be reliable in the past, I am ready to prove myself yet again. All I ask is for another chance. What can you do to assist command with this rank?: I did my duty as an NCO, I racked up 27 tryouts last week and plan on doing tryouts often and getting new talent into SF. However, an officer rank would let me manage the battalion in a way I cannot right now. That means promoting SF members who excel at their duties, managing NCOs, striking those who misbehave, and working on the official documents (not as 2lt but I'll get there). My end goal is to revive SF, officer rank is just a milestone on that long road. I do have a lot of plans that are being developed as time goes by, some plans I cannot talk about openly on this application. But I will do anything to help our temporary marshall and I think in many ways I already did. What is the point of been a officer?: The point is... To be able to manage a unit. There. How about we ask a different kind of question? What's the purpose of a Commissioned Officer? What's the purpose of you becoming a CO? Now we can write a whole paragraph explaining everything everyone already knows. Of course, being a CO comes with many responsibilities. As I said before in my NCO app, Officers plan for things to happen, and NCOs make things happen. That's how standard military works, but here it's a little bit different. Being an NCO feels like a training ground for CO. It's a period where you can show your superiors whether or not you are capable of doing their work. I'd like to believe I smashed that period with flying colors, although I made some minor mistakes here and there (like that flagup). But, whatever you were doing as an NCO, you will be doing as a CO, just more professionally and with more responsibilities. That includes recruiting people, managing people, managing internal affairs of the unit, hosting training/sims, beating people with sticks for being goofy, etc. But this time around, you have more power to reward or punish behaviors, unlike previously where all you could do was to call shock and hope that some officer will get on soon to help you deal with the rascal. Officers ultimately are what gives a unit "soul", arguably the most important role. And yes, there's paperwork too. Steadily increasing amount of paperwork. What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him?: I'll assume that officer is a higher rank than I am because it makes the scenario more interesting. Otherwise, I'd just tell him to stop, and if he didn't listen - call shock to arrest him for insubordination. But this time around, me telling him to stop might not be enough as he is my superior. I'd focus on encouraging NCOs to not follow orders of that officer as it will most definitely get them in trouble. If the officer wants to f around and find out, that's purely on him, but he shouldn't be dragging more people down with him. Once NCOs understand that there will be serious consequences for following dumb orders, that would leave the officer to deal with. Of course, I'd start with collecting evidence and immediately notifying our senior COs currently available (although preferably marshalls). They'd decide on how to proceed with the trouble maker and I'd follow that decision to a letter. Also, there's shock I can call in case the officer in question starts breaking imperial law as well. Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last NCO rank?: I do.
  6. In-game name: Steve SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114478871 Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: ISB:IA Captain, SF Sergeant How long have you been Gamemaster: I've been a gamemaster for over 2 months now. Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if applicable): That I did. A long, long time ago (1 month) it was a lovely morning for the people of GL on ImperialRP when Steve decided to host a fun flight sim. That morning, one of the AI ships had a nefarious plan. A plan to bug out in the teleporter and crash the server. The day after, Steve has been given a strike. What a sad day it was. How much time do you have on the server?: 3 weeks of playtime and more given the fact that playtime has been wiped at one point and I used to play in the 2021-2022 era. How well do you know the LORE? I know it well enough to tell that the lore of this server is pretty inconsistent to the point of nobody knowing what year we are in. It'd be nice to get someone to finally straighten things up so we GMs can do lore events that accurately represent the timeline we are in. One thing is known, however, we are in the timeline before the battle of Yavin. For the Star Wars lore, I know some of the legends, the majority of the official cannon, and a lot of things from the Old Republic timeline. Why do you WANT to become a Senior Gamemaster?: Senior Gamemasters have access to tools that normal GMs must request authorization. And getting authorization for these every single time is pretty tiresome when you have a scheduled event to run in a couple of minutes. That and the freedom to produce quality over quantity when it comes to events. Events that are big and memorable instead of your good ol' "we are attacking your base". Additionally, I wouldn't mind helping out HGMs in terms of some administrative work within the GMs like doc work or just keeping tabs on what other GMs are doing. I think I'd like the job like this, but the main reason I want to be a GM is to be able to throw large events on a whim. Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Game Master?: Look, I know, I did crash the server that one time, but at the same time the LFS is buggy as it is and it was out of my control. However, I haven't received a single other strike for abusing my powers or stepping out of line where I shouldn't. I've been in the community for a solid few months and I think I've proven myself to not be a minge or someone with ill intentions. Although I cannot prove that I'd be a great SGM without actually getting the role and being tested, I did host a lot of events that I consider to be pretty good myself and the quality of them should speak more than what I can tell you with words here. A lot of people said I'd be great for the role and I'm here to take them up on that word and apply for the position. I saw that it hasn't been filled for a while and I was planning on applying after hosting my campaign, but then I realized it'd be better for me to apply beforehand so I have as little creative restrictions as possible to make my campaign very enjoyable. Another thing is that I already have some important positions on the server. I still am in the ISB:IA and I don't plan on leaving any time soon so that should speak for my ability to restrain myself from doing stupid things. I was an officer in SF before transferring an an officer in DT before resigning. Either way, I was trusted enough to lead in those battalions so I think leading in GMs won't be any different. I realize it's an important position that I'm applying for, but I also do realize I meet the criteria. So, I'd be very grateful to be given a chance to prove myself. Have you mastered ULX?: Well, we are using SAM instead of ULX but these are close enough. Yes, I did figure out every single command a GM has under his/her disposal so I'm pretty confident in my knowledge of them. Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?: To be fair I haven't "officially" hosted a mega event, but all of my events aim to be as rich in content as possible and some would consider them mega. I didn't host an official mega event because the approval process can take a while and by the time it gets approved, I already have a better idea for something even cooler. All of my events follow a logical story, some are intertwined and the next series of events I'm working on will be a part of a fully-fledged campaign that I've been planning for a month or so. Planning a mega event isn't hard since all you have to do is write a pipeline of events that will occur while you host your stuff. Give an example of a mega event: STAGE 1 During a peaceful day on planet Anaxes, a faint sound of engines can be heard from a distance. The local populous started reporting sightings of aircraft they had never seen before. What mattered was that the aircraft wasn't Imperial. The Scout Troopers were notified and promptly sent out on recon to try and locate those ships if possible, identify them, and report back to command for further instructions. But all they'd hear from the scout troopers would be calls for backup. An attack unit would be composed of many troopers of varying skills. That attack unit would be sent out on a mission to figure out what happened to the scout patrol. STAGE 2 Upon the journey deeper into the Anaxes, a pack of hostile wildlife would harass the troopers on the ground. Because the heavy vehicle's engines were loud, it disrupted the local ecosystem and alerted every aggressive creature nearby. The troopers would have to fend off hordes of aggressive beasts until they finally managed to get to their pre-planned camp position and set up the FOB. STAGE 3 Troopers would finally arrive at the last known location of the scout troopers. They'd only find their speeder bikes that had been sabotaged. Not far away, a cave would be found. Found by following a trail of blood leading straight to it. A cave too small to fit an entire tank in there. Tank troopers would be task with defending the entrance while the rest of the troops would follow in. Inside, they'd encounter some native fauna that would try to eat them alive. However, further down the cave, lights could be seen. With a few flashbangs, the troopers would make their way inside one of the cave chambers just to be met with a sight of a few Clone Commandos already in the position to gun down any individual ready to breach their perimeter. These people already made up their minds. They were ready to kill the Imperials and no one knew why. Flashbangs did little against their high-tech helmets and any trooper that entered after them would be shot at. STAGE 4 After the last Commando has been dealt with, an alert would ring out from the base. It seems like the tough expedition has been an elaborate plan to weaken the forces stationed at the Base while enemy forces attack it. Troopers would again have to move through the hard terrain as soon as possible and deal with any local fauna along the way. After arriving at the base, they'd find it taken over by enemies that had to be killed. STAGE 5 After clearing the base, everyone realized that the base commander had gone missing. It didn't take long to add 2 and 2 together so an attack unit was swiftly sent out to board one of the vessels in the low orbit. Rebels were preparing their hyperdrive to jump out of the sector, but due to our excellent Gunnery Officers, a well-aimed shot took out their drive. Upon boarding the vessel, troopers would have to fight their way to the bridge where they'd be met with the final and most difficult encounter - A squad of elite commandos. Upon successfully defeating them, the base commander would be rescued. However, the enemy leader would escape, using the chaos of battle to his advantage. How active can you be: I've been on the server almost every day since I returned so very.
  7. Manio

    Steve's NCO App

    What is your name?: Steve What is your rank?: Senior Aviator How long have you been an Enlisted?: This would be 2nd day What rank are you applying for?: Pilot How many strikes do you have? And why do you have the strikes if you do?: None Why should we trust you with a NCO rank?: I've been entrusted with a role of an officer a little more than a month ago. I did transfer out to ISB:IA where I am currently the rank equivalent of a captain. I'm also an active GM so trust shouldn't be an issue here since I have already proven my competency. I know what to do in this rank and I will strive to execute my duties to the letter. What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?: Currently, SF needs members more than anything. I want to get the rank so I can immediately start hosting tryouts and get the new members in. It is very vital for SF's "health" to get the recruitment process up and running as soon as possible due to the current state of this unit. What is the main purpose of an NCO?: Generally speaking, NCOs are the backbone of any unit, holding everything together from falling apart like a house of cards. Their responsibilities lie with babysitting the enlisted personnel, which includes guiding them through their journey in SF; making them soak with all the information and necessary training so one day they can become the best versions of themselves. NCOs are also a translation tool between the brass and your common grunts. COs plan for things to happen, NCOs and Enlisted make things happen. General responsibilities would include training pilots, recruiting new pilots, maintaining order in the unit which also includes ensuring that the SOP is being abided by, being a guide for new members, handling tasks given by COs or authorized personnel, maintaining a positive image of SF, serving as eyes and ears for COs - since NCOs are the ones dealing with Enlisted the most, the amount of information they can gather on how the unit functions is pretty sizeable, and the feedback they can provide invaluable. Last but not least - resolving internal conflicts between their subordinates. If you were to see multiple Enlisted messing around on the job and trying to get others to join them what would you do?: Many tools at my disposal allow me to deal with this situation. First and foremost, I'd try to talk to that person to determine whether we can end it with a verbal reprimand and/or a PT or if we will have to escalate it further. I'd call Shock to deal with the problematic trooper in case of further insubordination and breaking imperial laws. Depending on the severity of the infractions, informing COs may be in order for them to escalate the situation and possibly issue a strike if they deem fit. Throughout this entire interaction, I'd try to figure out where the unacceptable behavior is coming from. It'd help me figure out whether this person even cares for his position in the SF or if he changes outfits like socks the second he feels fire under his a... Bottom. With that figured out, it'd be easier for everyone to determine the final solution that would close this case shut. Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last Enlisted rank?: Yes, I do.
  8. + Support Willow is a dedicated member of SF, sure, Willow was minging back in the day and has an attitude that leaves much to desire, but I believe that with proper guidance and oversight, Willow would make a good addition to the command team. I see the reasons not to give Willow this position, but I also think that SF is in dire need of command members and Willow could be a person to stabilize the battalion for the time being. I also I know that if Willow is chosen, I'd be there to offer all the help needed. Additionally, from personal experience, Willow cares about this battalion and has no ill intentions so I think she means well. +/- Support After careful deliberation, I believe that Willow isn't fit for the position yet. I believe it's too early and that she lacks the necessary training or experience to handle leading a whole battalion. She did show inexperience on multiple occasions, situations that were handled roughly and improperly that could've been otherwise resolved in a peaceful manner. I still believe she wants the best for SF and that she's committed, but that isn't enough for this battalion. She can be trained for the position, or at least that's what I want to believe, but SF needs a fully qualified and competent leader to take over and get things done, and I fail to see her as the person for the job. With that being said, my current position stands as follows - Willow can't compose SF command team entirely by herself.
  9. Didn't have any negative encounters with this person and heard only good things about him. He also seems enthusiastic about putting in a lot of work in 501st so I see him as a good pick. +Support
  10. +Support for the lower TTK Having to shoot someone that runs like the A-train is tedious enough, them having nearly 2k health on top is just too much to deal with. I'm not sure why people -support this due to "too much work", every suggestion requires some sort of work so let the actual devs worry about it. As far as I'm concerned all it takes is opening a lua file and changing ply:SetMaxHealth value for every job (would take an entire afternoon since there are a lot of jobs). An easier way would be removing the health skill tree from WOS lightsabers which could take an hour if the spaghetti code is giving some issues. Or if touching health itself is a big no-no, increase weapon damage (arguably this would take more time than lowering the default health of jobs themselves, but it would prevent people owning CCs from complaining about their health being reduced). Final note - regarding CCs, lowering health globally by the same amount would mean it's fair for everyone.
  11. +Support for the model change -Support for the models proposed (and kama) I looked at the addon and optimized it even further, fixing some clipping issues in the process (although I can't figure out weight pains on the pauldron). In total, the entire pack went down from 411 MBs to 176 MBs without any loss in quality. Given the current pack we have is larger than what I managed to cook up (on top of the separate seeker model) I believe we could overhaul all models, making them look better than ever while also saving on some space, and keeping everything in one addon for convenience. So, while the base idea of the suggestion is valid (current models are ugly and bloated), I disagree with how it could be handled. Also kama does not fit the battalion at all. I think if we are to overhaul models for a battalion (a rare occurrence) we better do it right so there is no room for regrets since we won't be getting that chance again any time soon. Link to the edit [WIP] - [Click]
  12. Hell yeah And not because you +supported me. Bro had my back since day 0 and he puts 110% every time he can play. Despite not being able to stay on 24/7, he outperformed a lot of people with tryouts. He's also alright when it comes to leadership and clearly has previous experience. Hope you will make it!
  13. Hell yeah When I think of ISB, I think of this man right here, he's been pretty much solo-carrying the whole faction. He's alright, level-headed, and would make a good fit for the position.
  14. In-game name: Steve/S42 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114478871 Rank: First Sergeant How long have you been in your current rank?: Five days, nearing six at the time of writing this application. What experiences in leadership do you have?: The experience you can verify would be leading a few events as a ground command, leading our DT tournament team to victory, and being a captain in Starfighters. Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum) Death Troopers was the first battalion on the server where I felt at home. It has almost everything I'd want to ever do on the server, so I wish to dedicate myself to it. Keep it running smoothly and stable while offering my aid whenever needed to improve DT even further. I believe that there is work to be done and things to change and rewrite. As a junior CO, I wouldn't be able to accomplish any of that, but given enough time, I do hope to leave a mark on this battalion. For now, however, I'd focus on providing aid in managing the battalion while the command figures out what DT needs and finds a way to get it. Becoming a DT officer was the goal I set myself back in 2021. I have failed it and now wish to have yet another go at it. This time with new perspectives, ideas, and approach. This battalion doesn't make me feel that I'm out of place. With almost everything else, there is always something lacking, something wrong that keeps on bugging me, something I'd love to change, but know that said change would never see a green light. Here, almost everything is how I expected it to be and how I like it to be. This feeling is what keeps me here and what makes me want to stay here for the near (and hopefully far) future. What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum) I did plan on overdelivering from day one to prove myself a valuable addition to the DTs. It began with quadruple quotas at the end of the week and very high activity, then the tournament came and I did my best to achieve victory. The entire DT team deserves recognition for their amazing work and I'm honored I've been voted MVP and that I could be a captain of that team. I try and keep myself on my toes when it comes to difficult situations where good knowledge of tiny details in SOP makes all the difference. And then there's PVP where I try to excel every occasion I get. I always try to go above and beyond and I hope that my actions in the past can easily prove that. Additionally, I have a lot of experience being in a leadership position. I played Gmod since before 2015 and have been playing Planetside 2, Squad, and Hell Let Loose. Leading squads/teams was pretty common for me to do and I enjoyed doing it every minute. Additionally, handling internal fights and resolving conflicts is something I also did. Some moderation work here and there, some work in customer service, all that adds up to knowing how to logically approach a problem and deal with it without two parties jumping at each other's throats. I like to think that my skill set is pretty sizable, and I hope you will find use for it in DT. Which 2 Maj+ Gave Permission: Diabeto & Jpackis Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position? Yes, I do. Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion? Yes.
  15. What is your in-game name?: Steve / S42 What is your steam name?: Manio What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:114478871 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Few years of staffing on text-based serious RP server and staffing on dark rp / military rp here and there. Been playing this game since 2015 so there's little I haven't done. What date did you start playing on the community? Uh 2021 I think, I left few months after that and came back a month ago. What date did you make your forums account? February 12, 2021 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Gamemaster How many warns do you have on the server? Zero Have you donated? I do have an apprentice donation rank. What rank are you applying for? Trial Mod Have you read the staff guidelines at You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: GMT+02:00 Permission (Admin+ need this): None Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length): I want to primarily focus on doing GM stuff, being a part of staff would help immensely with that task. I've done a great job so far I'd say so I believe I've proven my worth when it comes to GM'ing. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Ideally I'd still try to talk to that person and figure out what caused that behavior. If I were to deal with an unreasonable person then I'd gag him/her. After that, I'd call Admin+ to issue the punishment.
  16. What do you want to see?: I want to add 9 additional tools for GMs to utilize while building and running events to make event making even easier. Why should we add it?: I believe that it is important for GMs to have quality-of-life tools available to them when preparing an event. It reduces the time it takes us to build event locations and makes it so we can do it even better than we normally could without some of these tools. Making event set-up easier and quicker will lead to more events being hosted since it takes less time to prep something up. But that's not everything. These tools can also be used to make events more immersive because of their capabilities. What are the advantages of having this?: Normal players wouldn't notice anything except for improved quality of events. For GMs, it saves hours of work and lets us make builds even more impressive. ◂ Easy Bodygroup Tool Lets us change bodygroups of players with a toolgun. Useful for setting up event characters because right now you cannot change bodygroups after using !setmodel command. ◂ Smart Weld Lets us weld props together more effectively. Also contains area-weld that speeds up the welding process immensely. Useful when we want to make sure we don't accidentally move a prop out of its place and ruin the whole build in the process since welding prevents a prop from being moved unless the object it is welded to is also unfrozen. Trust me, that happens way too often, especially when building on 200 ping. ◂ Sub Material Tool Renders traditional material tool obsolete and provides ability to change individual materials of an object. Want a different texture for eyeballs? Sub Material Tool lets you do that! ◂ Model Manipulator Lets you replace object's model with another. You can swap models of NPCs for something that wasn't made an NPC like some models in the content pack. Basically !setmodel but in a toolgun. ◂ Ladder Tool Lets you spawn functional ladders with a toolgun. Ladders can be of any height. ◂ Prop Shadow Remover Sometimes props bug out, causing them to be unusually darker. This tool fixes that. ◂ No Collide Everything Lets you no collide anything with everything. Useful when moving large objects around with a physgun. I'd say second most useful addon on this list. ◂ Extended Spawnmenu Lets you browse sounds and materials in the spawnmenu. Crucial for sub material tool since with this addon you can grab materials' paths. ◂ Smart Snap Basically an advanced precision move. It snaps an object on a grid to another object for extreme precision building. Also saves a lot of time while making your builds clean-looking. Most useful addon on the list imo. Who is it mainly for?: GMs and JMTs / SMTs Links to any content: Easy Bodygroup Tool [Click] Smart Weld [Click] Sub Material Tool [Click] Model Manipulator [Click] Ladder Tool [Click] Prop Shadow Remover [Click] No Collide Everything [Click] Extended Spawnmenu [Click] Smart Snap [Click]
  17. Hell yeah You better stalk talking when accepted tho
  18. Manio

    Steve's CO App

    Thanks Bonez for giving me your endorsement to post this! What is your name?: Steve What is your rank?: Elite Pilot How long have you been a NCO an NCO ?: Over a week What rank are you applying for?: Aviation Officer How many strikes do you have? If yes, for what?: Zero Why should we trust you with an Officer rank?: I may be able to come up with 1000 reasons, but they wouldn't matter since the only thing that matters is the track record. I'm not known for minging or being a nuisance on the server. So far people found me to be reliable if anything. In the previous app, I said I used to be a GM, but I recovered the position by the way. I've been entrusted with serious responsibilities in the past and I haven't f'd up in that regard, I'm sure that this will won't be an exception. So, when it comes to trust, I think I've got all the bases covered. What can you do to assist command the command staff with this rank?: Oh, plenty of things! Like fixing grammar in documents or just making them richer in content. The number one thing in SF is the state of documents, they need a rework and I'm all in for that. Another thing as an officer I'd be able to do is to properly manage SF in a way an NCO cannot. That'd be dealing with promotions, spotting rising talent, managing NCOs, resolving internal issues... By the way, the bottom question kind of asks the same thing as this one since I'll just say all the things I could do as an officer here and will have to repeat that stuff down there. See? Even the app format could use a retouch. But yeah, my main quality is to actively search for things to improve and try to get them improved, hopefully, that's a thing you guys need over there. I can do the standard managing stuff too and threaten everyone with PTs if they don't listen (kidding). Also being able to do a flagup on Discord. Yeah Coolnic I'm going to do it again. And again. You won't stop me. I'd also say sims but I already do those as an NCO so not much would change in that regard. What is the point of been being a officer an officer?: The point is... To be able to manage a unit. There. How about we ask a different kind of question? What's the purpose of a Commissioned Officer? What's the purpose of you becoming a CO? Now we can write a whole paragraph explaining everything everyone already knows. Of course, being a CO comes with many responsibilities. As I said before in my NCO app, Officers plan for things to happen, and NCOs make things happen. That's how standard military works, but here it's a little bit different. Being an NCO feels like a training ground for CO. It's a period where you can show your superiors whether or not you are capable of doing their work. I'd like to believe I smashed that period with flying colors, although I made some minor mistakes here and there (like that flagup). But, whatever you were doing as an NCO, you will be doing as a CO, just more professionally and with more responsibilities. That includes recruiting people, managing people, managing internal affairs of the unit, hosting training/sims, beating people with sticks for being goofy, etc. But this time around, you have more power to reward or punish behaviors, unlike previously where all you could do was to call shock and hope that some officer will get on soon to help you deal with the rascal. Officers ultimately are what gives a unit "soul", arguably the most important role. And yes, there's paperwork too. Steadily increasing amount of paperwork. What would happen if you see a fellow officer messing around and then commanding NCOs to mess around with him?: I'll assume that officer is a higher rank than I am because it makes the scenario more interesting. Otherwise, I'd just tell him to stop, and if he didn't listen - call shock to arrest him for insubordination. But this time around, me telling him to stop might not be enough as he is my superior. I'd focus on encouraging NCOs to not follow orders of that officer as it will most definitely get them in trouble. If the officer wants to f around and find out, that's purely on him, but he shouldn't be dragging more people down with him. Once NCOs understand that there will be serious consequences for following dumb orders, that would leave the officer to deal with. Of course, I'd start with collecting evidence and immediately notifying our senior COs currently available (although preferably marshalls). They'd decide on how to proceed with the trouble maker and I'd follow that decision to a letter. Also, there's shock I can call in case the officer in question starts breaking imperial law as well. Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last NCO rank?: Yessir Additional notes There isn't that much I can put in here that I didn't put in my NCO app. At the end of the day, it's all up to the current command team to decide whether or not I'm fit for this position, and I think my actions on the server speak more loudly than this app ever could. With that said, I'll leave this thing hanging around until the day arrives.
  19. Manio

    Steve's NCO App

    What is your name?: Steve What is your rank?: Senior Aviator How long have you been an Enlisted?: Three days What rank are you applying for?: Pilot How many strikes do you have? And why do you have the strikes if you do?: Zero Why should we trust you with a NCO rank?: I used to be SO / DT NCO / GM so in terms of being entrusted with elevated responsibilities I think I'm a safe pick. I put a lot of work into maintaining a friendly approach to people and ensuring the position I hold is being represented appropriately. I do have a lot of experience with managing people, especially in the field. Most of it comes from a lot of hours spent in games like Squad/HLL so when it comes to the leadership aspect of it I feel confident in my abilities. SF is my primary life now so I want to help the unit regrow to its former glory from a few years ago. I could do it through the enlisted rank, but the privileges of an NCO would make this job much easier. Also, I'm Steve. What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?: There's no worse feeling than having no help in managing a big group of people. I'd offer my aid in that department as well as make sure SF members are not getting rusty by hosting flight sims. The hosting tryouts part doesn't need to be mentioned as it's more of a requirement rather than something I could offer. I also explain the responsibilities I'd attend to in the question below. What is the main purpose of an NCO?: Generally speaking, NCOs are the backbone of any unit, holding everything together from falling apart like a house of cards. Their responsibilities lie with babysitting the enlisted personnel, which includes guiding them through their journey in SF; making them soak with all the information and necessary training so one day they can become the best versions of themselves. NCOs are also a translation tool between the brass and your common grunts. COs plan for things to happen, NCOs and Enlisted make things happen. General responsibilities would include training pilots, recruiting new pilots, maintaining order in the unit which also includes ensuring that the SOP is being abided by, being a guide for new members, handling tasks given by COs or authorized personnel, maintaining a positive image of SF, serving as eyes and ears for COs - since NCOs are the ones dealing with Enlisted the most, the amount of information they can gather on how the unit functions is pretty sizeable, and the feedback they can provide invaluable. Last but not least - resolving internal conflicts between their subordinates. Question, what would happen if you see a enlisted not following orders and they are messing around?: Many tools at my disposal allow me to deal with this situation. First and foremost, I'd try to talk to that person to determine whether we can end it with a verbal reprimand and/or a PT or if we will have to escalate it further. I'd call Shock to deal with the problematic trooper in case of further insubordination and breaking imperial laws. Depending on the severity of the infractions, informing COs may be in order for them to escalate the situation and possibly issue a strike if they deem fit. Throughout this entire interaction, I'd try to figure out where the unacceptable behavior is coming from. It'd help me figure out whether this person even cares for his position in the SF or if he changes outfits like socks the second he feels fire under his a... Bottom. With that figured out, it'd be easier for everyone to determine the final solution that would close this case shut. Do you agree that if you are struck within the first week you will be put back down to your last Enlisted rank?: I do. Chapter 2: Yapping I dedicate this part to Bonez who loves reading. The universe we live in is a fascinating place. A place filled with laws we thought we understood until the early 1900s when physicists constructed a first block towards a groundbreaking discovery - an old quantum theory. It served as a tool to correct errors that were conflicting with the current at the time laws of physics. From there, we continued to learn more and more about the unpredictable nature of our universe, and phenomenons that were going to flip the general relativity theory upside down. With the introduction of quantum mechanics, we also were led to believe yet another fascinating theory, a multiverse theory that tells us that there are multiple universes existing outside our own. An idea that was deemed to be probable even by Stephen Hawkings. Imagine, an infinite amount of universes with every possible scenario playing out. And, most importantly, an infinite amount of universes in which I'm the NCO in SF.
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-Game Name: Dimitrij / DF6 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:114478871 Naval Rank: Midshipman What speciality are you applying for?: Security Officer What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being responsible for two branches means quite a lot of work, although the main goal is to ensure an easy co-operation between myself and the people leading said branches. I imagine that the Security Officer role relies heavily on communication between members of the battalions I'm overseeing and their respective commanders and officers. Improvement comes from productive co-operations and providing innovative ideas on how the battalions such function, but that doesn't necessairly mean that there is a need for heavy changes because if something functions correctly, it shouldn't be touched. Now, my main role would be finding anything that needs an improvement by looking for it myself or discussing it with the members of the regiment. Now, Shock from time to time tends to be less active when they are needed. They also become hyper active so there is no stable playercount in that regiment. I remember my time being an NCO in Shock and I noticed couple of issues with Training doc, activity of COs and a mild unorganization that some people pointed out before me, this is exactly what I would work on to fix. Sitting down with the members of the battalion and talking about the changes that should be implemented and then giving the final reform draft to the man in charge (currently Marv) is what would happen if I were to receive the Rank. I also have experience with Death Troopers since I'm an NCO there as well. I know how they function and how they are supposed to function, hence I know what should be changed, what needs improving and what should be added or removed. Now, the current problem would be a tryout document that could be revised, lack of anything to do while there is no VIPs and people getting bored quickly whenever they join. Also, the lack of enlisted because of the pass/fail ratio DT is famous for calls for more tryouts per day so people can learn from their mistakes and eventually get the tryout right. Now, in DT, there is little oversight over the troopers since they know what to do and when to do it. DT is organized in terms of documents and information, although it definitely needs some kick provided by often SIMs and missions while also making them look appealing for people to go ahead and try to get in because new cadets is what DT needs the most. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do you want this rank? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My first two battalions were quite literally DT and Shock. I know them, I like them, I want to help them however I can. Shock and Navy have a crucial job of keeping the ship under control as they are the people that often deal with minging before staff gets involved. The activity on that part needs to be high because of that, else the server can get overrun. DTs need more numbers as well, they are an elite and should be dealt with as such, although most of the people in DT already managed to reach the NCO rank before any cadet got recruited so the most common problem I've been seeing was enlisted>nco>co ratio. I don't apply for the Rank, I apply for the Role. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why should you be trusted with this rank? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently I have some good hours on my belt with the server so I know how things are being ran. I recently became a staff member (GM) which puts me in a position of being trusted with commands that (if given to the wrong hands) could do serious damage. But commands have nothing to do with it as SO and GM are both differen things requiring different sets of minds. While both require being creative, SO needs competent people that know what they are doing. Wrong man in the position such as this can cause a lot of problems. Now, I have no documented warns nor any bans on my account and I consider myself able to be mature and serious when situation requires it. I also don't minge nor I'm not hostile towards anyone. I keep my head cool and try to stay open-minded no matter how much one side can annoy me. This job is about being able to listen to people while also maintaining professionalism and cool whenever dealing with issues. It's what I've been doing for a long time and I think it will suit me perfectly. There is also another thing that is important about the SO. People will come to you with questions you need to answer correctly. They will come to you with situations and problems they expect you to have expertise in and handle them properly. When something happens while you were overseeing stuff, you are the first one to blame. Such things put pressure on a single person and unless they know what they are doing, they break and do mistakes. Experience is what matters and I can gladly claim that I have some experience with me. I'm not saying that I'm the guru that knows everything, but I know what situations DT and Shock deal with daily and I know how to handle them; I've been trained for it before and I haven't forgotten. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes, I do. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is your purpose within your assigned branch? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My purpose is plain and clear - I'm here to improve and help out the battalions however I can. I'm not here to force my will down on the people leading the regiments, I'm here to give them advices and work with them so we can together improve the state of things greatly. Providing ideas, making sure people behave as they are supposed to, host tryouts to recruit fresh blood, working with the COs and people leading the branches on things that could improve them and also gathering feedback from the members of the branches I work with to utilize it in ideas that may help the regiment grow stronger.
  21. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In-game name: DT 1SG DF6 / Senior Agent Dima May IF22 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114478871 Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: Senior Agent in IF and First Sergeant in DT Have you donated to the server?: No, I haven't. Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No, I haven't. Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: No warnings on !warns. How much time do you have on the server?: Over 1 week playtime. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How well do you know the LORE? Explain: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starwars lore is large and in-depth so I would lie if I said I know all of it or majority. There are things that I may not know about, especially legends, however, my experience comes from reading comics, watching lore videos, playing on servers such as this and watching all the movies (with an exception of episode IX, I couldn't bring myself to watch that). Starwars was with me since childhood and I'm a big fan when it comes to talking about it. The knowledge I gathered over the years should also be sufficient to run some events as a GM since imperial era of the starwars is definitely not unknown to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been a Gamemaster on several servers before so I know the job and what it requires of me. I simply like to spice up the general experience players get on roleplay servers by conducting pleasant and fun events for them. The joy of making a successful event that most of the people enjoyed is a sufficient reward for me. I have many hours in GMOD (9k) so I believe that my experience and knowledge of the game and also how to work with it would prove useful when it comes to making the server more fun and engaging. You see, my way of doing events is actually providing players with some way of challange that is something more than "Shoot this guy that has 10k HP". Some people will eventually get tired of shooting things and will want some lore behind the entire event, that feeling of hunger for some story is what I am left when most of the events are conducted. I think I'm not the only one that experiences such feelings, therefore I wish to apply for the position so I can satisfy that part of playerbase who wish to engage in events more and get some character development out of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entrusting people with administrative powers is always a hard decision because you never know if there are here just to cause some damage. I believe that me spending that amount of time on the server while also being engaged in the regiments I'm in is enough proof that I'm not here to go in and mess things up, else I would just be wasting my time. I still consider myself someone that is not in a spotlight (which is what I enjoy) so some of you may not know me. I don't like standing out because I never had a need of being recognizable by many, although those that interacted with me on daily basis know what type of person I am. I never minged on the server, I never did anything harmful or something malicious and I never intend on doing such things. I wouldn't be writting this application if the state of things would be different. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes, I am. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: Yes, I am. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On-ship: A distress signal has been picked up by the Imperial Star Destroyer that appears to be two parsecs away from the current position. The ISD command decides to investigate and hyperspaces into unknown co-ordinates that have been provided within the signal. It appears that there is yet another, smaller vessel of imperial origin floating in the space. No lights are on, no sign of life, only dead silence that the crew is supposed to investigate. After sending a small ship towards the vessel, the crew on-board of the ship loses signal with the ISD. The ship itself proceeds to return to the ISD, although they don't respond to call-outs. After an order to shoot-down the ship is given, it rapidly speeds up and flies towards the side hangar bay before crashing in it. Those that survived the crash run out terrified, confused and somehow hypnotized. Medical is tasked with stabilizing the survivors, both physically and mentally. When that is successful (and if), IF would be able to question the survivor about what he has seen on the vessel. "At first, there was blackness and complete silence, except for occasional metal scratching, but we discarded that because the vessel appeared to be heavily damaged so we thought it was just wreckage doing... You know, wreckage noises. Although, after we proceeded to move forward towards the Bridge, we saw something move briefly. It was hard to figure out what exactly it was, but we knew we weren't alone. One of us proceeded to call out for survivors, I thought it was a bad idea to do that. We made our way to the Bridge eventually... It was filled with stench that bypassed our air filters somehow. 0547 almost puked inside his helmet. We got the data and blackboxes before proceeding to extract. That thing though... That thing didn't want us to leave with the stuff we took. First it got 4417, it grabbed him and dragged away. We saw some blaster bolts and heard screams before those ceased eventually. This is when we ran. I was somewhere in the middle and the team got reduced in numbers faster than I could say watch out. Me and three others made it to the ship. We sealed the door off and tried to take off, though we got slammed by something. I think that damaged our communication module. We heard the transmissions, but couldn't reply. This is why we crashed into the side hangar bay, to avoid being shot-down." The trooper would then reach for his datapad before giving it to the ISB personnel or the highest ranking near him. If non-ISB would get the file and check it, he would experience some disturbing information. Anyhow, the ISB at the end gets ahold of the data and examines it before giving out an instruction to light up the entire vessel distress signal came from. "One of those is crossed out, several remaining. The baits in the darkness, luring people towards them just to sustain. These things are darker than the dark side of the force itself, I can't imagine how many have been lost within those... Entities... Kill them... The survivors... Kill them before the corruption spreads. We don't want to become one of those vessels... I would rather be force-choked for several hours." Off-ship: "It is my great honor to represent your ISD in this mission. Know this, troopers - The empire will thrive if we succeed, people shall cherish you." The ISB personnel has successfuly arrived on the Star Destroyer. Their presence, as usual, meant something will happen soon. Those people almost never arrive without any purpose or mission. The ISB went to seek for the highest rank within the Army and Navy for mission briefing. They had something big planned, something that has been waiting for approval for several years, yet now they got the green light. "Good day, gentlemen. You have been gathered here because of a serious issue we have been tasked with resolving. As you may know, after each victory we achieve, resistance always manages to rebuild itself and learn from their past mistakes. They often adapt to our tactics - meaning that we lose more troops than the Imperial Command would wish to. This is where you come in. The task is plain and simple, and I expect no mistakes when executing it. You are to travel to these co-ordinates undetected which means that you will have to come out from the hyperspace away from the planet. Send your best men on the ground, because we will be dealing with veterans. Yes, you heard well. The command has decided to launch a massive invasion on several resistance bases. This one, however, hosts the most experienced resistance command along with bootcamps. If we crush them, the future resistance recruits won't even know how to properly hold a blaster. Organize your men and be ready for invasion." The troops gather within the debrief room once more, a speech is given by the Army Command along with the ISB personnel before being mobilized and deployed to the planet. It is cold, though not freezing. There is no life on it except for the one troops are supposed to extinguish. A planet that holds no values or interest, yet provides a great camouflage for one of the biggest recruitment centers resistance has ever created. Silence before the storm, two armies are soon to clash. Each men has been trained from the young age. Most if not all of them survived several conflicts. All of them ready to spill the blood for their leaders. For now, only infiltration units battle with one-another over information that can decide the winner of this battle. However, resistance seems to have ace up their sleeve, something that special forces need to take care of before the battle begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !give ^ tfa_m4 - Gives a tfa_m4 to myself. Now, there are couple of keywords you can use when utilizing ulx command. ^ - Targets yourself * - Targets everyone @ - Targets the person you are looking at ![shortcut] - Putting ! before keyword like !^ will result in the targetting being reversed. If you do !hp !^ 200, everyone but you will be set to 200 hp. If you do !hp !#admin 200, everyone but admins will be set to 200 hp. $[ID] - This will target the steam_id or ip of a user. For example - !hp $STEAM_0:0:0 200 will set said steam_id to 200 hp. #[Group] - This will target a certain ulx group. For example, if you do !armor #Gamemaster 200, it will give every gamemaster on server 200 armor. %[Group] - This will target everyone that is that group and can target that group. For example !hp %admin 100 will grant admin and superadmin 100 hp. Utilizing those shortcuts, if I wanted to give every gamemaster on the server a camera, I could do !give #gamemaster gmod_camera ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !model ^ models/file/file/model.mdl - This command will model me to model.mdl Also, it's best to check if the model has /player/ in its path because if it's not a playermodel, the person will be t-posing. (Also you can utilize the shortcuts listed in the question above.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes, I have. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. In-Game name: DT 1SG DF6 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114478871 Rank: 1SG How long have you been in your current rank?: 1 day, ik ik. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What experiences in leadership do you have?: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, to explain this briefly: My experience comes from military servers, IRL training along with other games. I've been a fan of military RP for quite some time now, hence the direction I'm taking. Now, I've been an NCO in DT for quite some time too so I gained an important insight into how the DT runs in day-to-day tasks and how it should be running in order to upkeep the regiment's reputation and performance. My leadership skills were developed over the course of years and one thing I learned that every leader should know - If you expect much out of your men, you should also give them a lot from yourself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Being a CO is one way for me to further support the regiment as I'm really into helping DT grow and prosper in the future. Joining the ranks of officers is one way to help the commanders manage the entire regiment and improve it daily so it becomes one of the best things you can become a part of. I showed my activity after receiving Sergeant; proving that I'm a man of my word. You see, Officer is essential for the Regiment's functioning because if there are no officers active - there won't be also any NCOs and Enlisted active too. The quality of the Regiment can go downhill from that point, hitting the rock bottom. Another thing is that COs are here to provide a peak example into what an enlisted or NCOs should shape themselves into, someone to look up to and seek answers that they need to have in order to function properly, someone that they can trust without having second thoughts. The quality of COs determines the quality of an entire regiment, making this role extremely important. Now, why would you trust me with such position? Now, during my entire career in DTs, I really didn't mess up big time even once. I respect the rules and I also respect the reason behind them. Even the rules I disagree with, but I know that without them the regiment wouldn't function as it does. Some things are necessary for the smooth functioning and I don't and won't argue on that. I can adapt to any set of rules or any way of carrying out my duties, although if I see something is being done wrong, I will mention it. Another reason of me wanting to become one of the COs is that we heavily lack COs in European timezones. As a matter of a fact, I only know one and it's River. Hopefully (if the application gets accepted) I could help with that activity and be around whenever needed since I get on almost everyday. Now, the last thing you need is a hotheaded CO and I assure you, I keep my emotions in check when it comes to situations that require an exemplary behavior no matter how much of a deep hole you find yourself in. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Again, as I said in my NCO application. This question cannot be answered because it's not something I should determine. Standing out is something I don't often aim into doing. I'm not pursuing anything, I'm not here to show everyone I'm the best and you all should bow to me. I'm here to have fun and help the regiment, following orders while also giving them out, having good relationship with other troopers, being friendly and being someone people can talk to with comfort. Being a leader is one of the things that not everyone can exactly do properly, either it's because they lack proper knowledge or maybe they just don't understand how other people will react to his or her behavior. Most of the people decide that being a leader is having a steel hand, being ruthless. Others think that it's about having a good plan all the time which you are confident it will work. Others think that it's just about giving out orders. Of course, not everyone thinks that, but from my experience - most of the people do that. Now, what exactly does it mean to be a good leader? You see, you can't really have an organized crew under your command if you don't know them nor want to know them. If you rule with steel hand or by fear, you won't be able to make your crew trust in your decisions, they will just follow your orders because they are afraid. If you give out orders without giving something back to your crew, your relations with them will be non-existant, making your crew doubt in your leadership more and more. So, what I like to do is to get to know well my team, if they make an error - correct them. If they do something wrong, nudge them towards doing it properly. If they mess up - don't punish them, show them what they did wrong and how they can improve. Spending most of your time with your team and helping them improve will make them do things like you do, think like you do, fight like you do and make decisions like you would. If you can achieve that, you will see that micro-managing your unit won't be necessary because everyone will know their place and they will be able to do correct decision autonomously. They will also follow you not because you outrank them; they will follow you because you showed them that they can put trust in your decisions and do them without having second thoughts. Shaping your unit into better men is what a good leader should do. Hopefully me explaining my way of leadership will let you determine if I'm ready for the position or not. I believe that you should know how a person thinks before granting them with such important position as CO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I do. Here's some piece of art to decorate my app.
  23. In-Game name: DT CPL DF6 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114478871 Rank: Corporal How long have you been in your current rank?: Currently one day so this application can be reviewed in 2 days. What experiences in leadership do you have?: The experience I possess comes from some of the Military RP I've played on along with SWRP and other servers alike with paramilitary/military aspects to it. Throughought the time of me being a part of those servers I've learned how to be a proper leader or at least basis of it, the rest comes from my personality. On this server I've been Shock NCO (Dimitrij) for some time before resigning so some people can recognize me from that character and some people experienced my skills in planning and leading in the field and I haven't received any complaints so far. Why do you want to be a non-commissioned officer?(100+ Word minimum) The NCO role is essential to each regiment as they are often tasked with leading their troops in combat situations and recruiting others while COs are not present. Leaders of various battalions rely heavily on properly functioning NCOs which is why I wish to become one. I understand that it's an important role and I see that by having it I can contribute the most to the Death Troopers. Although my motivation can be described in one sentence, I would like to fill-up the answer with "why do I bother?". DTs recently became one of the main regiments I play on whenever I join the server and I really like how they are being handled so far, hence why the need for a contribution towards my end. I know that people get burned out quite often and to prevent them from burning out completely they have someone to help them out so the working payload is decreased. COs right now don't have to do tryouts almost ever because NCOs are doing the job well, although not even NCOs can uphold the quota due to the numbers. I believe that some fresh blood in the ranks could be more than welcome in order to bring some ease to the burden by me taking a chunk of it on myself. What makes you stand out amongst the others?(110+Word minimum) I really can't answer this question without glorifying myself which is something I don't like to do, therefore I'll keep this straight and simple. I really can't tell if there are other people less or more worthy of the position than me. No one can ever know really. You see, I like to think that being competent in the Death Troopers would make the COs notice it and think to themselves "Huh, he's not an idiot". Most of the time I don't care if someone is superior because I never work towards being better than others; I work towards being better than yesterday me. Now, that doesn't mean I don't look up to people that show a very good proficiency at the job they are tasked with. It's good to have some kind of example you would like to follow, but at one point you have to cut yourself off from that person and develop your own path to make yourself unique and reach the goals you yearned for. That's what I do most of the time and I hope I'm doing it well. Now, what I like to do often is to take any constructive criticism and work with it to not make mistakes in the future which is a part of developing yourself into being one of the best people for the job. Now, I'll do something here. To show you if I'm a proper fit for the position I would like to explain the leadership idea in my eyes. Going through my experience I've learned that leadership is not only giving out orders left and right to try and assume your dominance. It's also not being extremely strict with the protocols and punishing everyone that went out of their way even a little bit. Good and efficient leadership is often based on the ability to think outside of the box, to be flexible, and to be able to raise the morale of the units you command. Good leadership is about uniting yourself with your fellow troops so you are one body because only then you can achieve amazing success. Being that kind of leader will make troops follow your orders, not because of your rank, but because they know they can depend on you in any situation. Being a good leader is also being strict and decisive when the situation requires it, not because you want to show that you are above someone and they can't do anything to you. In short words, leadership comes from you, not the book. Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an NCO you can be removed from your position? Yes, I do.
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