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Posts posted by Bulborb

  1. On 5/13/2022 at 2:17 PM, I like doughnuts said:

    + support

    countless times I’ve played this SCP only to be killed by another scp, which I could careless but will drive other players away from playing this particular SCP. This suggestion will not only improve game quality while playing on this SCP but will cut down majorly on the amount of sits for “I was playing on 8286 and got teleported by 106 or killed by 610” and this would also work out in the favor of gensec or whatever combat oriented jobs because If you see 8286 disguised as someone and the SCPs are ignoring them that would be a major red flag going “hey something is up with that guy bring him into Interrogation”

    over all major + support for this suggestion to be implemented in game. 


  2. 2 hours ago, sl33p said:



    already caused issues with other people and branches, plus you went out of your way to mass promote a guy who is community blacklisted. just told somebody to kill themselves because they disagree with the appeal. unfit for any branch, imo. 


  3. I assume they are allowed to fight. I think dog and Enoch can't fight because they are both SCPs while the mech isn't a SCP but thats probably a Savagery question.

  4. 2 hours ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:


    C'mon man, this shouldn't even had happened.. Y'all think every little thing is considered "toxicity" now, the server ain't even fun anymore man. You can't make a normal taunt without getting reported for toxicity. Remember when people were reporting for t-bagging? Y'all seriously wanna go back to that? 


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