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Everything posted by Rice

  1. 1. What is your current IGN? (In-Game Name) Agent Del Meeko IF3 / Rice / Mob 2. What rank are you applying for? Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax 3. Why do you want to become the position of Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax I wish to become Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax as I feel I can help bring positive change into Navy. One of the changes I feel I can bring to Navy is activity, I will achieve this by hosting regular missions, Sims, and training for all navy battalions. To incentivize turning up to these activities I will provide rewards and prizes to top performers and winners. I wish to help battalions complete their day-to-day activities by providing reinforcing their duties and ensuring they are educated and get priority in their work. For example, I will ensure that SF gets to fly frequently, DT have someone to guard and special objectives thought their time, Naval is provided with passive RP during the time there are no events or missions and finally, IF get the chance to go behind enemy lines and perform covert operations like Target extraction and on the field interrogations. Another way I will encourage activity is by showing up to battalion meetings and missions to allow people to get noticed for their hard work and activity. Another positive change I wish to make by receiving this position is allowing the navy low command team to have a larger network of people to assist them. I feel like this will help out all navy battalions by giving them more of a chance to communicate with High command as there are more options to turn to. The final reason I wish to become Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax is because of my Time zone, Unfortunately, all Navy High Command members are all on later at night for people in European / British time zones which makes people wonder about the positions and what they are. I also feel this helps with player relations to navy High Command as there will be more overall activity. Not only do I hope for the position to make a positive change to Navy battalions as a whole I also feel this will be a perfect opportunity to gain experience of High command and further my knowledge and skills within the community. I feel by gaining this experience will not only benefit the command team but every player through my time with Gaming light as I will be able to pass on my experience to newer players. 4. How much in-game time do you have on the server? 746 hours on battle metrics and 4 weeks on the TAB menu 5. How active can you be on the server? I can spare between 5 to 12 hours a day depending on work and college 6. What is the main purpose of being a Fleet Admiral I feel like the main purpose of the Fleet Admiral position is to assist the command teams of all navy battalions in any way, shape, or form. This can be done by hosting regular missions, SIMs, and pieces of training as well as simple things like taking meeting notes for them or even reporting back to them on their battalions activities and achievements. I also feel like the Fleet Admiral position is to learn how High Command works and functions on a day-to-day basis. This allows the Fleet Admiral to gain skills and experience for further positions as well as learn how every navy battalion functions. All in all, I feel it is designed to help low command as well as learn new skills! 7. Why should we trust you with this Position? One reason I feel I should be trusted is I hold the rank of Admin in-game this shows that I am trusted by the staff team and SMT as well as have a good reputation throughout the community. Another reason why I feel I should be trusted is that I hold the rank of GMX, I have earned this position by being an active member of the community hosting regular events to increase the player count, and providing entertainment. The final reason I feel I should be trusted in this position is that I hold the rank of VCMDR within IF which shows that I have been trusted with the responsibility of assisting the day to day operations of running a battalion, I feel this is the biggest reason I should be trusted as it is a prime example of how I conduct myself on a day to day basis and my interactions with other players.
  2. +Rep +Active member +Helpful member of shock +Knows how to act and assists peers frequently +Past experience -Just Transferred -Could have a bit more detail
  3. + support Small changes that make shock a better experience Changes make sense
  4. -support just make a Post in the general section asking about other people’s binds
  5. +/- while your an amazing game master I feel your very confrontational which can leave a bad taste in people’s mouths. I’ve witnessed it a few times and have heard others mention this, this shows a lack of composure which is on key thing for GMs. On the bright side you know how to tell a story through events as-well as making them entertaining. You also have a natural skill in voice acting.
  6. +support -Very active -helpful to all players -easy to get on with please sort them colours out though, my eyes hurt after reading that!
  7. Would like to see a bit longer of an app
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