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Posts posted by B0B

  1. In-game name: BOB

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37997235

    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: None

    Have you donated to the server?: Yes

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?: Yes

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: I have received 1 warning for MRDM that was way back in 2021 when I first joined the server I had no idea what i was doing.

    How much time do you have on the server?: 2.5k hours https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/901259323

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I know lore a decent amount, however this knowledge could improve more with time being a GM. Watched most of the movies so I know all the basic stuff.

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I would like to be a GM because in the past I was already a GM but I resigned due to personal reasons now that I'm back I would like to rejoin the GM team and use my experience and knowledge to grow the GM team and the server. I really enjoy building dupes, hosting sims and lastly hosting events.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I should be trusted as a GM as Im a Former High Ranking GM + Staff Member before I resigned due to personal reasons, Im pretty sure i would say I have a good reputation in the community as well

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes I have over 3000+ hours on GMOD so id say i have plenty of experience

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: Yes alot of experience

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: 

    [Host: BOB] [Type: On-Ship Combat]

    "The Abandoned ISD"

    The radars of ISD-Consilio have detected a new ISD. Despite this, the new ISD has not been logged in the imperial ship catalog as it is just a floating spaceship that does not belong to the imperial naval fleet. Thus, we need to hyperspace this location immediately to investigate this strange ISD.


    [Combat] [Off-Ship] [Host: BOB]

    "The Imperial Scrap Yard"

    ISB Agent BOB recieved intel that some Rebels have created some kind of super weapon that have eliminated 2 of our ISDs in the Hoth System it's almost like it has become a scrapyard we need everyone deployed down there immediately to retrieve and investigate what kind of super weapon may have caused that.

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): Yes | !give "Name" "Weapon" | !give @ "Weapon"

    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): Yes |  !setmodel "Name" "Model" | !setmodel @ "Model" 

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes

  2. 14 hours ago, Biggus Diggus said:


    Quite clearly knows his shit

    Has good plans for GM, could potentially get the GM team as active and full as it was when I was here

    Seems very helpful

    Active, high playtime

    Has plans to actively help and inspire GMs

    Doesn't half arse things

    Good app, covers all the stuff it needs to

    Clearly very good at planning events and executing them as shown in the application

    "The greatest comment that I've received is that regardless of rank or achievements, I still act the same as I did before. The only difference is that now I can change more things and do way more stuff. Which is exactly how I feel. As a grown man, I have other things that I could flex on, but it doesn't matter in this scenario. What does matter is having fun and creating fun in a productive way that doesn't ruin others' fun :)."


    Not mentioning any names  but this is the kind of people we need not just on the GM team but on the whole ass server 👀



    I Agree 😄

  3. 23 hours ago, Baja said:


    I'm not an expert with the staff rules but I believe you can't hold someone hostage on the server when they have to get off and they aren't in a sit. From what I'm aware of there was not a formal sit made and Mork who was involved in the incident warned and banned them himself which you shouldn't do because of bias.


  4. On 4/11/2023 at 4:24 AM, Sauce Chef said:

    + Huge Support

    SF could use some changes, and I believe these are some of the changes they need most of all. 

    - It would assist in balancing the ships so lower ranks don't have access to certain ships they should not

    - Ever since the Naval / SF merger we've been looking for ways to increase our connections and relations and I believe giving them a Naval Suit to use to assist in certain roleplay aspects would be a huge help in creating those roleplay situations, while keeping them separate with their own suit models.

    - I am not one for combat on the server but from the way it has been described to me is that the health, and armor changes would decrease over all it would make sense in the terms of the server for roleplay and highlight SF's job in the air.


  5. In-Game Name: BOB
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37997235
    Rank: Senior Admin / AHGM
    Reason for leaving: School is to overwhelming
    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes
    Do you agree to contact your Head Admin+ once your 48 hour notice is up? Yes

    Bye Bye Everyone ;D

  6. On 2/7/2023 at 8:03 PM, SnowSpartan7 said:

    King is one of if not the most active shock Officer.
    - He has an unconditional loyalty to shock and it's members.
    Overall king is a loyal, honest and heartwarming person.
    - Always the levelheaded leader that shock will always need because shock can be stressful.
    - Plenty of experience with shock and being a leader.  
    Overall, I don't think there is a better option for vice commander then king, he has my Full support. I can say without a doubt that he will do his job not only to perfection, but I know he will go above and beyond the roll of vice commander and do everything within his power to make the shock battalion as good as it can be.
    I wish I saw his application sooner.
    I wish you the best of luck king and I only have confidence in your ability to perform better then any other before you.


  7. - Support

    - No Effort Put Into The Application

    - Only Reaching Hardly 3 Hours On The Server Daily

    - Personally I Have Barely Seen You On The Server 


    You are a nice guy but you need to work on your activity as well as making your application longer and more detailed.

  8. 23 hours ago, Joint said:

    understands the requirements for being command and has the experience in IQ 
    very active 
    some will argue this application is on the shorter side but its bout the same size as my accepted ninth sis app, quality>quanitity


  9. On 1/2/2023 at 2:34 AM, Joint said:

    +massive support
    -Theta is by far one of the most caring members of this community
    -truly helps anyone in anyway he can to better themselves, their battalion, or the server 
    -has the knowledge and experience to handle anything that comes his way (in both command and staff)
    -very professional when it comes down to it, yet still knows how to have fun 
    -dedicated to the gaminglight grind (he gave me my first warn on the server back in 2021 lmao)
    ->actually communicates with others about improvements that could be made<-
    100% deserving of JMT 


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  10. 16 hours ago, Hi Joel said:

    You seem to have a good heart, as for the actual content of your application. I can see that you want the position, but as for actually taking the steps, I'm not quite sure.

    Keep in mind, I do not say these things to discourage you; only to inspire you and show your weaknesses. I want you to be successful, but if I pretended like these were not issues, you would not improve. TI-23 is elite, and you have to treat it like it is. If I don't see the effort, I can't support you getting the position.

    Good luck,


  11. 16 hours ago, Hi Joel said:


    You are a very active member in DT as so far I have seen, and it would be amazing to see you reach different heights. Brine the application is fine, even if it may be short. You get straight to the point and its not over extended. I think you would make a great L21. Good Luck.


  12. 35 minutes ago, TehcMan sups.gg said:


    Fat +support

    It's clear you've put TONS of effort into this application and it shows! I've seen you being very active within DT and trying to interact with as many people as possible and just making the best of the time you can on the job, partaking in SIMs, Missions, all the above, and I believe you have 110% earned being a NCO within DT! Best of luck mate and good luck with the future journeys of DT!

    • Gaminglight Love 1
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