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Your Campaign Manager

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Everything posted by Your Campaign Manager

  1. Questions 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Full: SF GC GSVL SV Oak 0713 Short: Oak 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Starfighter Corps 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I wish to be a Vice Marshall of this branch because I have been in SF for a while now and I have never regretted joining it for a moment. I also want to apply for the position because I would like to lead the battalion to the best of my ability and lead them to constant victory if my leadership is good enough. But in short, I want to be able to make sure this battalion performs the best it can and have a good time doing it. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? Not including the time I used to play on the server before joining back, I would give a rough guess of 1-3 months 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a Commander is to lead their soldiers/pilots to victory in almost every battle. A Commander's main purpose is to help their soldiers if they are experiencing trouble or are confused. The main purpose of a Commander is to care for their battalion in every way they can. But most importantly, a Commander's main purpose is to be with their soldiers and their battalion every step of the way. They should be able to not only impress those below them, but be able to impress those above them as well. And this is all what I intend to do. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I have been in SF for long enough for people to trust me with a leadership role. I have taken control of SF's flight patterns and orders during events. I have been a [almost] excellent role model for soldiers/pilots below me. I have brought several good soldiers into our battalion. Heck, I have even impressed a high command member on a couple occasions. And of course I have gained a little bit of a reputation. I admit, I have my flaws, but no one is perfect. There will almost always be someone better than you, but you should never let that discourage you, so it won't discourage me. If I get this role, I will lead SF to my best ability or fail trying. 7. How often can you be Online? : I am able to be online for almost full days all week, but in the near future, that will be down graded to about 2-3 hours a day, but all week nonetheless 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : No, I have never been warned and never been brought into a sit except for the time I was brought for firing a blaster as a droid.
  2. When everyone here wants to marry Matrix, and on his birthday too
  3. File Corruption Unable To Be Undone Full File Recovery Impossible Providing All Available Information SF Captain Oak is a rather strange case. We haven't been able to dig up all of his origins. We do know however at least some of his backstory, including his association with the [REDACTED] incident with the disappearance of ISD [REDACTED]. What we know is that Oak appears to have grown up aboard the forest moon Endor, supposedly being raised by the main native species on the planet, referred to as Ewoks. At about the age of 10, Oak viciously slaughtered all residents of the village, leaving nothing but blood and the heads of multiple residents of the village on poles. The villages coordinates on the planet are 417@9227238694(&@!(*3409*^%, but it is heavily discouraged to visit if one has a light stomach. About 10 minutes after Oak's massacre, a distress signal was received from a nearby Imperial shipping depot. After a task force was sent, all that was found was ^@*&^(%&@)*$&@()&%@))))@$@)*&%*(&8085802398&)(@&*($%#&(@. The said task force all resigned from active duty shortly after the expedition. One ship was found to be missing though. It was also suspected that Oak had a brother, but this theory as been put to re*@&&($(@^$#@ PrOVeN. [REDACTED] years after the incident, strange activity was reported on another side of Endor, opposite from where the incident took place. When the reported area was investigated, a secret rebel depot was discovered, but while entering, the task force noticed that the inside of the depot was in shambles and nothing was found except for blood, which was splattered around almost every single room of the depot. Light traces of Oak were found but it has been confirmed that he was not the one who originally attacked, but rather *$^@&#*@#^&8518. Shortly afterward, an Imperial Recruitment Station located on a bustling trading outpost received an application from a man who seemed, as reported, a little mentally unstable. Though, the application was accepted. Shortly after their recruitment however, they immediately joined SF, passing tryouts flawlessly. During their time in SF however, many reports have been received of harvesting of bodies of deceased troopers, no matter the fac^#$(@^%, along with the use of human blood for fueling their TIE. It has also been reported that Oak has recently begun doing, according to him, "human testing". [REDACTED] Stormtroopers have gone missing ever since this was revealed. His "experiments" have caused the extinction of the entire population of 5 separate planets, estimating at a death toll of approximately 391153127602642456690699271741010807321. After being found guilty of the planet exterminations, Oak was shipped off to go to prison, only for video feeds to be sent in of every single ship in the convoy being destroyed 1 by 1 except for one. Oak then returned with the remaining transport, where 10 dead bodies were found. On a side note, Oak has only been seen without his helmet a single time while stationed on board the ISD, appears to be very efficient on hiding what's under that helmet. Appears to owe 50 credits to the Grim Reaper, the reason why is unclear It has now been confirmed that Oak appears to have many genetic/mechanical modifications and injuries, including but not limited too: mechanical arms and legs, replacement of several internal organs with unknown mechanical augmentations, respirator due to heavy lung damage, half of brain mechanically modified for unknown reason, eyes replaced with strange devices with a constant, pure red glow, and burn marks over many areas of the body. Update: It would appear that Oak's respirator is directly connected to his helmet. Appears to be almost unable to breath when the helmet is removed. Possible explanation for why Oak is so determined to not take off that helmet. Update: During a regimental check-up, a medical was successfully able to persuade Oak to take off his helmet after threat of arrest from Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax, appeared to have extreme trouble breathing throughout the check-up. Update: It has become apparent that because of Oak's many augmentations and replacements, he is unable to consume food or liquids of any sort, leading to the theory that Oak does not require sustenance of any kind. Oak appears to be in possession of a strange, red crystal, and this crystal appears to be able to turn blood from any creature into a crystal like substance directly matching the original crystal. Final Update: It would appear that Oak has disappeared from the ISD without a trace. We cannot find any information as to his current wearabouts or status. Personnel file closed. 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