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Posts posted by Vito CSGOFLY

  1. What you want to see? - Removing things like emp granades

    Why should we add it? - Becouse it makes basing impossible for people that didint pay any money

    What are the advantages of having this? - Kids with their mums credit cards cant just throw a single granade down and ruin all fading doors

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone cause fuck pay-to-win

    Links to any content -  N/A

  2. Lore Name:Vito

    Question / Idea: Make a class D personel member taste scp-999
    Background Research: SCP-999 Object Class Safe. SCP-999 appears to be a large, amorphous, gelatinous mass of translucent orange slime, weighing about 54 kg (120 lbs) with a consistency similar to that of peanut butter. Subject’s size and shape is easily malleable and can change shape at will, though when at rest, SCP-999 becomes a rounded, oblate dome roughly 2 meters wide and 1 meter in height. The surface of SCP-999 consists of a thin, transparent membrane similar to that of an animal cell roughly .5 cm thick, and is highly elastic, allowing SCP-999 to flatten portions of its body up to 2 cm thin. This surface is also hydrophobic, although SCP-999 can willfully absorb liquids (see Addendum SCP-999-A). The rest of SCP-999's body is filled with a viscous orange substance of unknown chemical makeup, though it is capable of digesting organic materials with ease.
    Hypothesis: The class D personel will get happy

    Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-999 seemed confused but did not show any signs of pain or anger. The class D personel member  described the taste as fruity and sweet. also ths substance seems adictive.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: None

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-999 taste test was a succes i will continue researching about SCP-999
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes the class D personel felt great and even happy.

  3. Lore Name:Vito

    Question / Idea: Make a class D personel member sing something out of 1025
    Background Research: SCP-1025 Class Safe. SCP-1025 is a hardcover book, approximately 1,500 pages long. The front cover and spine feature the title "The Encyclopedia of Common Diseases." The publisher's page indicates the book was printed in 19██ by █████ Press. No other copies of a book with that title and publisher have been found, and no record of the publisher exists.
    Hypothesis: It will cause some kind of harm to the class D personel member

    Observations (What Happened During Test): After trying to sing the first word class D personels voice started fading. Then he started coughing out blood. The class D personel member died off drowning in its own blood. 

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli:None

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I do not yet know what could cause this incident. But what i do know is that waht ever SCP-1025 is hiding in its content he does not whant any humans to know about.

  4. Lore Name:Vito

    Question / Idea: Try to rip out a piece of paper out of 1025
    Background Research: SCP-1025 Class Safe. SCP-1025 is a hardcover book, approximately 1,500 pages long. The front cover and spine feature the title "The Encyclopedia of Common Diseases." The publisher's page indicates the book was printed in 19██ by █████ Press. No other copies of a book with that title and publisher have been found, and no record of the publisher exists.
    Hypothesis: It will cause some kind of harm to the class D personel member

    Observations (What Happened During Test): When the class d member ripped out a piece of paper, it changed in to origami knifes. The knifes would stab and slash the Class D members body and he would get terminated.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli:None

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-1025 could of got mad becouse his paper was ripped out. Simmillar to incident 066-2.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes it was as Class D got terminated by SCP-1025

  5. Lore Name: Vito
    Rank: JR
    SCP: 294

    Question / Idea: Type the names of popular sodas in 294

    Background Research: SCP-294 Class:Safe.  Item SCP-294 appears to be a standard coffee vending machine, the only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English QWERTY keyboard. Upon depositing fifty cents US currency into the coin slot, the user is prompted to enter the name of any liquid using the touchpad. Upon doing so, a standard 12-ounce paper drinking cup is placed and the liquid indicated is poured. Ninety-seven initial test runs were performed (including requests for water, coffee, beer, and soda, non-consumable liquids such as sulfuric acid, wiper fluid, and motor oil, as well as substances that do not usually exist in liquid state, such as nitrogen, iron and glass) and each one returned a success. Test runs with solid materials such as diamond have failed, however, as it appears that SCP-294 can only deliver substances that can exist in liquid state.

    Hypothesis: The drink will cure depression

    Observations (What Happened During Test): After trying multiple sodas SCP-294 did not respond
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli:None

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Nothing happen SCP-294 did not respond

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No it wasen't

  6. Lore Name: Vito
    Rank: JR
    SCP: 066

    Question / Idea: Check what will happen when a class D personel member answers to 066 that he is Eric
    Background Research: SCP-066 Class: Euclid-impetus. SCP-066 is to be kept in a tungsten carbide box in Site 21’s high-value item storage facility. Once every month, this box must be manually inspected for damage to the interior;1 if damage is present, SCP-066 must be moved to a new box. This task is performed via a robotic arm capable of performing the task in under three seconds.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-066 emited high pitched sounds that damaged the hearing of the class d member permanently.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: None

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): When the class D personel member said that his name is Eric SCP-066 reacted agressivly twords him.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes it was

  7. Lore Name: Vito
    Rank: JR
    SCP: 294

    Question / Idea: Cure depression with SCP-249

    Background Research: SCP-294 Class:Safe.  Item SCP-294 appears to be a standard coffee vending machine, the only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English QWERTY keyboard. Upon depositing fifty cents US currency into the coin slot, the user is prompted to enter the name of any liquid using the touchpad. Upon doing so, a standard 12-ounce paper drinking cup is placed and the liquid indicated is poured. Ninety-seven initial test runs were performed (including requests for water, coffee, beer, and soda, non-consumable liquids such as sulfuric acid, wiper fluid, and motor oil, as well as substances that do not usually exist in liquid state, such as nitrogen, iron and glass) and each one returned a success. Test runs with solid materials such as diamond have failed, however, as it appears that SCP-294 can only deliver substances that can exist in liquid state.

    Hypothesis: The drink will cure depression

    Observations (What Happened During Test): After a class D member inputed a random number and had a sip of the drink, he expierienced: Nausea,Blindness,Dizziness. After around 3 minutes, when transported to medbay the class D personel collapsed and lost all vital signs of life. When a autopsy was made it showed disturbance in the nervous system (mainly the brain). 
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli:None

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The member of the Class D personel expierienced: Nausea,Blindness,Dizziness and lost all vital signs of life after around 3 minutes. I will continue research of the SCP-294 "healing" abilities

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No it was not as the class D personel got terminated by SCP-294

  8. Lore Name: Vito
    Rank: JR
    SCP: 500

    Question / Idea: Make a class D eat a pill from SCP-500
    Background Research: SCP-500 Class: Safe. SCP-500 is a small plastic can which at the time of writing contains forty-seven (47) red pills. One pill, when taken orally, effectively cures the subject of all diseases within two hours, exact time depending on the severity and amount of the subject's conditions. Despite extensive trials, all attempts at synthesizing more of what is thought to be the active ingredient of the pills have been unsuccessful.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): We wherent able to complete the test as a diferent Class D member killed the security guard that was escorting me. I bearly fleed with my life.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: None

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):The test was interupted by a Class D member.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: I never was able to complete my test.

  9. Lore Name: Vito

    Rank: JR
    SCP: 249 (vending mashine)

    Question / Idea: Make  a class D punch SCP-249
    Background Research: SCP-249 class Safe. Item SCP-294 appears to be a standard coffee vending machine, the only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English QWERTY keyboard. Upon depositing fifty cents US currency into the coin slot, the user is prompted to enter the name of any liquid using the touchpad. Upon doing so, a standard 12-ounce paper drinking cup is placed and the liquid indicated is poured. Ninety-seven initial test runs were performed (including requests for water, coffee, beer, and soda, non-consumable liquids such as sulfuric acid, wiper fluid, and motor oil, as well as substances that do not usually exist in liquid state, such as nitrogen, iron and glass) and each one returned a success. Test runs with solid materials such as diamond have failed, however, as it appears that SCP-294 can only deliver substances that can exist in liquid state.

    Hypothesis: SCP-249 will produce a liquid after getting ounched

    Observations (What Happened During Test): D class punched SCP-249 the object did not respond in any way. After inspecting the D class nothing special showed up and the Class D returned to the D block.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): After SCP-249 was punched it did not respond in any shape or form.  The reason behind this is unknown.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: My hypothesis was not correct as nothing hapenned.

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