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Everything posted by milford

  1. I agree. The app could use work but he is a dedicated player and has previous experience.
  2. +Support - Decent app - Previous staffing experience - Motivated to work hard I'd say give him a chance since he has previous experience and is willing to put in the work.
  3. He 100% should be punished. It's very clear that troopers shouldn't revolt. As it's stated in the MOTD. Lucifer should know better. Just because medical does an experiment doesn't give you the right to break rules.
  4. +Support - Very active - Does his job as Versio (would do his job as Fleet Admiral) - Amazing with RP situations As a GM I've done countless missions with IF for Versio, every time he does an amazing job and directs me to make a mission exactly in his image. Overall Excited to see him apply for Fleet Admiral. Best of luck Pigeon!
  5. You were banned by a moderator, that moderator can only ban for a maximum of 1 day. Yet the punishment for Racism is 5 days, which is why yours was extended by a higher up staff member. This will most likely be denied since the ban is valid.
  6. -Support - Extremely mingey - Was removed and hasn't changed much since - Previous events weren't fun (IMO) Honestly, I think you should try to clean up your act a bit in game. Every time I see you it's usually not good. I don't think you're fit to be GM.
  7. +Support - Active - Dedicated - Good player - Few grammar/spelling errors. I'd say give him the chance to staff. He has shown he wants it. Best of luck!
  8. I agree. But would be helpful if another GM was staff. Good luck!
  9. Honestly it all depends on who is doing it, there are people I think have potential to do this idea but I don't really think there's a target audience other than the players who join the server.
  10. Massive +Support Would help to balance out/add more spots for future members.
  11. Honestly there is no point in him entering a sit. That's the whole point of staff chat. Under no circumstance should you interrupt another staff members sit plus what he had to say wasn't important and could've easily waited until after the sit was over.
  12. A little short, could've put some more effort into the app. Overall a decent player; - Active - Dedicated - No warns If the Wesss really wants it, I don't see why they shouldn't be given the chance.
  13. HUGE +Support - Very active -Already TMod -Would be nice for another GM
  14. +Support - Dedicated - Extremely active - Knows how to take leadership roles - Eager for position
  15. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 501st VCMDR milford 1700 2. What Regiment are you applying for? 501st Legion 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to become commander for a multitude of reasons. Firstly I feel I am fit for the position. I know about everything that goes on within the battalion since I'm active every single day for hours on end. My activity has reflected on the 501st and increased activity immensely overall leading us to have more troopers than I've ever seen. With these numbers comes a common problem of minging which ultimately leads to a negative overall view on a battalion. My plan is to fill out our Officers with competent and deserving troopers of which I trust to better the 501st. Another key reason I believe I am ready for the position is due to my experience with leading. As an Ex 501st Commander on a CWRP server which led me to become Anakin Skywalker, I know how to straighten out a battalion, I already have big plans for the 501st which hopefully will help push us into the right direction. Finally I believe my overall dedication and commitment to the 501st should prove that I'm capable of filling this position. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 3 weeks but I believe I'm closer to 4. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of a Commander is to deal with everything that gets passed up through COC. They not only deal with internal issues that need to be fixed but the straightening out of everyone below them. A battalion without direction can quickly crumble. In my eyes a Commander should be the bridge between their battalion and others. There should be no bad blood or disputes between battalions. We all work together to server the same purpose, might as well get along in the process. With my experience on other servers, Commanders should know what's in the best interest for the battalion, which would include making sure that every single document/form should be fully updated, as well as maintaining the roster. As an organized battalion is a successful battalion. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I believe I am trustworthy since I already know what it means to be in the position. I have dedicated a lot of my time trying to better the 501st. Whenever there is an issue, I do everything in my power to resolve that situation while listening to both sides, making sure each party feels safe and respected. I feel as since I'm already VCMDR I am a trusted member of the community and show that I have what it entails to be commander. I'm always active and in TS3 listening to those below me making efforts to better the 501st for the better. Whenever there is an issue directly with me, I make sure to hear the problem out and fix my ways, bettering myself. I believe that if you want a position, you should act as if you already have it. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 7. How often can you be Online? : I am active every single day for a minimum of 5+ hours. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : No warnings.
  16. milford

    Wesss GM app

    +Support - Active - Familiar with lore I saw give him a chance Best of luck!
  17. +/- Support - Active I've also seen this as well
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