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Everything posted by milford

  1. Did you go to your respective command and get this approved by them?
  2. If you're going to make a suggestion, I'd recommend following the format as you have suggested pretty much nothing.
  3. DENIED We do not find you as a sutiable candidate for our GM team at this time. Please wait 2 weeks before reapplying.
  4. DENIED We do not find you as a sutiable candidate for our GM team at this time. Please wait 2 weeks before reapplying.
  5. -Support Last night I believe you made over 3 reports requesting for Luci to scale you. Honestly just wasting their time. You have to realize that it's not allowed to be scaled irregularly. So by begging and begging to be scaled is not the smartest move by you. Next time find him in game ask once or twice, begging will not get results.
  6. ACCEPTED Congratulations! Come speak to a Gamemaster V+ in TeamSpeak to receive GM training!
  7. Accepted! Please contact a GM V+ in order to get trained If you have any questions you can contact me on discord (milford#1700)
  8. ACCEPTED Congratulations! Come speak to a Gamemaster V+ in TeamSpeak to receive GM training!
  9. Accepted! Please contact a GM V+ in order to get trained If you have any questions you can contact me on discord (milford#1700)
  10. Hey, so in order for us to really get an idea of what happened you need to follow the format: You must fill out this form in order to be considered for a unban. 1. Steam Name: 2. Ingame Name: 3. SteamID: 4. Ban Length: 5. Admin that Banned you: 6. Reason for Ban: 7. Dispute:
  11. -Support - Never seen you - Fairly weak app - No forums activity - No poll Just based off the app it should be declined since there is no poll.
  12. +Support - Competent - Decent app - Knows what it takes to be staff - Amazing Officer Best of luck!
  13. To be fair I understand where he's coming from. Rosa had been mic spamming all night, on radio, in proximity chat. Every time avoiding an arrest. She had been gagged multiple times so Popmolly made a sit. Quicky on the other hand is good friends with Rosa so I think the problem here is that he felt that Quicky had been biased towards Rosa which I can honestly agree is most likely how that went down. Should he have warned you for disrespect, no. I would've given you a verbal warning to not make assumptions and given both you and Rosa a verbal warning to stop.
  14. -Support We have GMs for that, if you're bored make a sit and try to get a GM to assist you. If there are none on then you just gotta wait. Plus Rebel ships spawning constantly doesn't make sense for RP. We usually only have conflict when Rebel forces are actually in our airspace, it's not just a constant thing.
  15. -Support - From what I've seen you mainly minge on your CC and fuck around - Don't really know how you'd act as staff - Decent app Honestly just don't think you're fit for staff, but that's my opinion.
  16. There can only be 3 in command. Usually it's a CMDR and two VCMDRs . When someone gets promoted to Senior Commander that means a VCMDR can move up. Making a SNR CMDR, CMDR, and VCMDR. They're allowed to apply, it's not taken.
  17. All you need to do is do /report in game and request for an Admin+ to set your spawn point.
  18. This problem happens to me as well as others, mainly on high playercounts <90 It's not a huge deal, if when you first load in just wait idle a minute or two it usually loads in faster.
  19. -Support As I was the admin who told Manjini to pull the trigger and ban you. Please note that our community does NOT tolerate racism in any shape, way, or form. You might not have though your callsign was racist but "NG6A" is just way too close. Yes, the situation should've been handled better and Manjini still has things he needs to work on in that area. But the ban is valid. Admins are the middle ground between players, I believe that in this situation you weren't heard out at all. Just labeled as a "racist" which upset you. I understand that. However you have to take a step back as well and see that your callsign is problematic. I'll be talking with Manjini myself on how to handle situations better and remain neutral even in heated moments. You should not have been labeled as a racist more as told that your callsign did racism. All in all it's only a week ban. When you come back change your callsign to something more appropriate. So this doesn't happen in the future. Best of luck.
  20. Great improvements, can't wait to see where the map will be in a few months.
  21. Accepted! Please contact a GM V+ in order to get trained If you have any questions you can contact me on discord (milford#1700)
  22. Accepted! Please contact a GM V+ in order to get trained If you have any questions you can contact me on discord (milford#1700)
  23. -Support - Admitted to shooting people - Even if your game is laggy that doesn't excuse you from MRDM If what Emily said is right it looks pretty bad on you, if it was during her Event then you should know better than to be shooting troopers. IMO ban seems valid.
  24. I'm going to wait for Emily's response before giving my full opinion. @Novah
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