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Posts posted by DemiTheDuck

  1. +/- Support Leaning a lot more towards +
    -Lead Researcher
    -All 4 of his Research documents are of high quality
    -Not a Minge

    -Personally I dont see him active but could be due to my timezone

    -RRH Analyst Tango 5

    Note: Not taking what people are saying above due to me not being there and I don't believe he would do that.


  2. On 5/24/2021 at 5:43 PM, recon said:


    - Only a JR

    - Only 2 test logs, both are of not very high quality.

    - Your reason for why you should be accepted is very redundant and rushed it seems.

    - Overall I just think you need more time on the server

    ~ RRH Analyst Delta 19


  3. On 5/25/2021 at 12:35 PM, Wagner said:


    Format: Your format is amazing! I love the clearance level stuff on the beginning on your google document! Also the colors you use work very well together and make it easy to read. BUT it seems a little crowded and the text for the most part was only a single color, and I definitely think some stuff should have been [REDACTED] but not like that. Like this [REDACTED]

    Test question/Idea: I loved your idea! It's original and something that could genuinely be used to help eliminate SCP-682 or at least contain it. Also I think it's something you could make a mini series about if you wanted to!

    Test Length: Great length, a bit on the short side, BUT it still answers your question fully and has all the needed information there. Secondly great job including the videos, it's always nice to see what your test was in server and how you were conducting it.

    Overall: A SUPER AWESOME TEST LOG!!, Demi I've seen your tests improve greatly over the past months and you're so close to a 100 and I can't wait to see your next log!! Keep up the good work man!

    Thanks a lot man. I will make a series about this.

  4. +Support

    -Really Friendly


    -Professional when needed

    -Only has 1 warn

    -3 of His test logs are good with 1 of them (Scp-3008) I really like

    -A Lead Researcher

    -I see a good amount of activity logs from him

    Overall I think He would be a good fit

    • Like 2
  5. Your In-game: DemiTheDuck


    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:109456933


    The admin's name in-game: Noah Lee


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): Dont know


    What did the admin do: Took my sit and without bothering to look at the clip I was gonna provide he said "no not body block" and ended it. He took the sit and without letting me say anything , said not body block. 


    Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): Noah Lee: https://medal.tv/clips/50759721/d1337Enje5gi. Clip I was going to provide: https://medal.tv/clips/50759329/d1337RmHtdqt


    What do you believe should happen to the admin: I do not know.


    Any extra information: 

  6. 12 minutes ago, lUCI said:


    - Nicely Sized

    - Havent seen a 008 immunity test only cures

    - Writing was Decent

    - My eyes are bleeding from that formatting

    - Grammar needs improvement

    - Writing is not really  hooking to the reader

    - Being Descriptive is good but you have to make it nicely embedded into the text

    - Sentences cutting off in the middle


    Do NOT use Neon Colors and try to link sentences together more.

    Thank you.

  7. On 4/8/2021 at 10:51 AM, royalderg said:


    I've used a radio like this before that worked decently. I feel like that radio was free however on the workshop. But having radios would be pretty good even if its not this radio specifically.


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